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10 Ways To Transmute Pain Into Power


This year marks the second year of the National Day For Truth and Reconciliation. We are acknowledging the first step towards taking accountability. For those left picking up the pieces, your journey towards healing is a long one. Step by step, here are 10 ways to transmute pain into power.

If you are struggling getting motivated to do anything, these are some ways to get back to your normal self. It is the first step to helping us all become self-sufficient, healthy and wealthy.

9 Ways To Transmute Pain Into Power

This is easier said than done. Much time will be spent to transmute pain into power to heal now that you are left picking up the pieces. It may take a lifetime to recover from what happened.

Start to change the way you deal with your enemies. It is impossible to change others. Your enemies are master fighters. They have uncontrollable irritants like envy, competition and jealousy turned into ammunition against you. 

The goal is to keep you stagnant and blocked.

When you level up you will develop. (Devil up). They do not know how to handle you anymore. 

What Are The 10 Ways To Transmute Pain Into Power?

These 10 transmuters are for all victims of violence and abuse.

1. Boundaries

Do not give others access to your energy. If they come to you, they better come correct. You do not need to give your time to that which has no value for you. 

9 Ways To Transmute Pain Into Power

Just as countries have boundaries so that lines are not crossed, you must have the same walls set up for your enemies. Your opposition comes to you. They need you more than you need them. Their goal is to get you to become dependent on them. Cut that off. 

The enemy crosses boundaries all the time. It is how they syphon your energy. If this means you will live a lonely and isolated life, do it. In your isolation you will start to heal because you put the focus on yourself.

One common mistake a victim commits is on ourselves. We allow people to cross our boundaries and get us to lose our footing. If the attack starts young and lingers on, it takes a lot of effort to reverse it. Most children of abuse are not taught boundaries. This is so that they never build any walls up to keep hurtful people out.

An example of how your enemy comes after you is with bullying, gaslighting, isolating and undermining everything about you. According to your haters there is nothing right about you. All your good qualities irritate them. Therefore, set up boundaries. Make your enemies watch you from a distance.

2. Adequate Sleep

For a short time sleep as much as you can to transmute the pain through dreaming. Make sure not to get caught in the cycle of over sleeping as this is making you lose out on your precious human life on earth. Your enemies will be very happy that you are sleepy all the time and never alert.

9 Ways To Transmute Pain Into Power


10 Ways To Transmute Pain Into Power

Or that you cannot fall asleep at night and are tired all day the next day. They are happy when you are tired and exhausted to pick up the pieces and heal. Sleep well, but live well too as this is your birthright. Children should feel safe and protected while they sleep. Have a quiet room for them to rest properly.

3. Walking

Walk for one hour 3-4 times a week. Walking will keep your body in motion and your mind in the present moment. Going for walks with family, friends or on your own will build up your stamina. Create a schedule around your commitment to walk. It will uplift your children’s energy and help them release stagnancy by moving.

Children need to run around a lot more than going for an hour walk. They need a safe place to be outside and play games and some sports. However, when trauma sets in, the desire to do anything deteriorates.

Therefore if children are not moving around go for a walk with them. Since the winters are so cold and going out is not fun for at least four months of the year, invest in a treadmill. 

In the spring, summer and fall, have them outside as much as possible. This will help you get in the present moment.

4. Clean Water

Invest in clean water for yourself. Berkey water filters are rising in price, but it will last a long while. Therefore it is a good option for you to buy one. Perhaps you know how to build a water well on your land.

If you can get someone to install a water filtration system next to your kitchen sink, this is also a good idea. Children need to drink clean water.

9 Ways To Transmute Pain Into Power

5. Lose Weight

Most victims of abuse have been sabotaged with food. This is an easy covert way to sabotage the enemy. You have to retrain your mind to eat better and to eat less.

This sabotage can begin at a young age. Weight gain is a sign that a child is not being cared for properly. They gravitate to junk food for comfort. There are several factors that lead to weight gain at a young age. The most common triggers are lack of attention and guidance. If the child is being targeted in the home and school, expect the effects of weight gain to be worse.

Getting sabotaged with food at a young age is going to directly affect your child’s health as they grow older. We are not born heavy, we are made heavy. The enemy carries heavy energy within them and they will transfer it on to their victim.

Your adversary gets to you on all levels. It is psychological, emotional, intellectual, physical, mental, social, economical and everything else in between. It is an all encompassing fight. No doubt it is exhausting, but as long as you are in your lane, just keep moving.

Also, this is not based only on race, colour, gender, status, relationship etc. It is an energetic attack. Food is an energy transfer that we are taking in. When we are in pain and become stagnant, ingesting more energy than we are exerting, we are blocking our energetic flow. It prevents us from moving further.

Losing weight is going to transmute your energy. Your enemy knows this. Feeding people comfort food is a form of heavy energy transfer. 

6. Grow A Garden

If you have some land that gets plenty of sunshine, start to grow vegetables. Get children interested in gardening at a young age so that they become knowledgeable when they are older. 

In a time when the economy and scarcity is affecting many low income and middle class homes, gardening is a great investment. This also helps children stay outside a little longer and get their hands in the dirt. 

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They are planting seeds for healthy fresh foods that they will consume. The nourishment will help elevate their mental capacity and clear their mind. Grow as much food as possible and enjoy an abundance of healthy meals available to flourish. This is going to help transmute the negative energy lingering in the body to a more positive charge.

7. Eat Well

Everyone around the world can see what is happening with the foods we are consuming. As developed as we are, somehow we cannot seem to make healthier and more abundant food. Instead, most of the items available are junk food that is low vibrational.

9 Ways To Transmute Pain Into Power

People will sabotage others with unhealthy food. This is a trap. Eat junk food in moderation. Not only is it addictive, it can lead you down a heavy road that will require many miles to reach your destination back to a normal weight.


10 Ways To Transmute Pain Into Power

Do not fall for eating unhealthy food everyday. Instead of buying pastries or cakes from outside, make them at home. Substitute the ingredients with healthier options. I have recipes you can try your hand at to help. 


10 Ways To Transmute Pain Into Power

8. Manage Your Time

Your time means everything to your enemy. The enemy will get you to waste your whole life wallowing over all the wrongs and beatings they put on you. It is a deliberate attack to stunt your development, evolution and growth. The enemy is a time thief. This is also not taught to children. 

Spend time on yourself to get better, healthier, more productive and creative.

9 Ways To Transmute Pain Into Power

Put the focus and attention on yourself, family, community, whoever are loyal and loving, even if it is only you. Keep yourself busy. Do something with your time because you are here on Earth for a reason. Focus on your destiny and keep it moving.

9. Independence

Please tell me, how has being dependent on others helped you in your life? Did these people help you or side track you further down? Did your life get better or worse around them? Whenever something good happened in your life, who has been there to support you and celebrate your wins? Maybe a handful if you are lucky. The unfortunate part of being human is that you will meet people who cannot see you happy and successful. Your happiness irritates the enemies.

Be okay with it and keep moving. Others will have envy, jealousy and talk bad about you, but this is not your problem. Your job is to be the best version of yourself. Stay in your frequency and keep it going.

10. Intelligence

The adversary sees you with little to no intelligence. You will be attacked on this front 100%. Especially if you are innocent and naive in nature, you will not know it. Your intelligence will be hijacked and used against you. They know that you are lacking from intelligence because you are hanging around them.

Sometimes the ones we look up to and respect could very well be the ones undermining us. 

In Summary-10 Ways To Transmute Pain Into Power

Following the 10 ways to transmute pain into power is the first step to recovery. As you get better the enemy will come up with new ways to break you down. 

Life is not easy, but we can find ways to make it as easy and stress free as possible. There are those who find pleasure seeing you in pain. Do not let them get to you because if they do they win. This is funny to them. You cannot change them, but you can change yourself.

Hopefully these 10 ways to transmute pain into power help you in the right direction towards healing.

Check my other blogs on 2020 and beyond for more information on manifesting and creating a better life for yourself.

September 30, 2022

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