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7 Steps To Start Your Indoor Garden 

If you live in an area that supports the growth for food just for a couple of months, here are 7 steps to start an indoor garden. The purpose of and indoor garden is to help extend your growing season.

Within a few weeks we will start planting seeds in our home eventually to take  outdoors in the Spring once the grow strong roots. This helps save a little time from the limited time we have growing some plants outdoors. In order to do this, there is a little preparation involved. The suggestions below are easy to do and low in cost. The following are 7 steps to start your indoor garden.

Step 1-What Kind Of Soil Should I Use For Indoor Garden Planting?

The Best Kind Of Soil

In order to plant any seeds, we need soil. For an indoor garden one bag of soil is more than enough. Depending on how large your space is, the majority of us will not have that much room to plant inside. Nevertheless soil is needed to hold the seeds and help them grow. A bag of soil is anywhere between $3.00-$7.00. 

Indoor Garden

Extend Your Growing Season With An Indoor Garden

Most gardeners will recommend using a potting mix for indoor plants and this is a great option. However, a potting mix is mainly for indoor house plants that are not growing food. Since you will be growing food and do not need this kind of soil, the kind to use is what is used for the garden outside. 

In the winter, our homes are dry due to the heat running inside. When you plant your seeds, the soil may not be as dry to start, but it can dry up quickly. Once you plant the seeds and cover it with soil, water the seed and check up on it once a day.

You will not need to water that often in the beginning except for when the soil is dry. Then add a little water to keep it hydrated. The soil needs to be semi-moist at all times. Avoid drying out the plants because it will not help them thrive.

Gardening Soil

Gardening soil for outside plants can be used to make an indoor plant however it is not the same the other way around. Indoor potting mix for house plants cannot be used outside. Potting mix is designed to be used on its own without being mixed and is specifically for house plants.

7 Steps To Start Your Indoor Garden


7 Steps To Start Your Indoor Garden

The soil used for house plants already has what it needs in order for them to grow and survive. The soil used for outdoor gardening is spread out throughout the garden. Garden soil is mixed in with the dirt and compost and adds value to the garden by improving plant growth. Since our plants will eventually go in our garden, it is a good idea to use outside soil. 

Step 2- Individual Plant Pods Or Containers?

Plant Pods

In the beginning I started using mini pods to plant seeds. Placing 4-5 seeds in these tiny pods will bring very thin stems. It is better to place only one seed per mini pod so that the one seed can grow into a strong seedling. Or save your plastic containers, which are slightly bigger and plant your seeds in them.

7 Steps to start your indoor garden


They can be yogurt or cottage cheese plastic containers. These will fair out better than mini pods because they have more space for the seed to grow. By the time we are in early May, these seeds will be strong plants ready to be placed in the ground.

Step 3-What Are The Best Seeds? 

Heirloom Seeds

Whether you use store bought seeds or ones taken from the produce purchased from the grocery store, have some in your home to start an indoor garden. Research the seeds you plan on using and check to see how long it takes for them to sprout and grow stems that will eventually become small plants. 

If it takes between 3-4 weeks for plants to come out, schedule a date on when to plant that seed. When you plant seeds they may not all mature at the same time because of this factor. Some seeds grow faster and others not as much. 

7 Steps To Start Your Indoor Garden 

Store Bought Seeds

If you have seeds collected from the previous year, use them in 2023 instead of buying new seeds. Old seeds will produce a yield and will blossom as long as they are cared for properly. 

Step 4-Why Use Light Rain Water?

Sprinkle Water Gently On Indoor Plants

This may not seem as an important component with indoor planting but it is. Using water from a cup when the seeds are just put in soil is not recommended. The intensity of the water going into the pods/containers is too strong and can easily kill what you are trying to grow. 

The best way to water your plants is by pouring light gentle water around the seed and not on top. The water will reach the seed soon. To do this, all you need to do take a water bottle and poke some holes in the cap.

7 Steps To Start Your Indoor Garden 

Fill the bottle with water, close the cap on it and tilt it slightly over the soil to water. The water will come out much softer for the seeds to handle. The larger and stronger they grow the less of a requirement to use light rain water on your plants. 

That is not all. It is also a good time to start collecting rain water. After all if it is raining and it is wet outside, we can collect some water from a bucket and use that instead of using tap water. If we do not drink tap water, why give that to the crops, especially if fresh rain water is available. 

Step 5- Will Miracle Grow Help?

The Product Miracle Grow For Plants

It is not necessary to use Miracle Grow but if the plants are not growing, perhaps help with some Miracle Grow is a good idea. Using this product will make a difference with your indoor vegetable garden. However, before you use it, wait first to see how your plants are growing. Are they looking strong or do they need a boost?

7 Steps To Start Your Indoor Garden 

Assess how the plants are fairing out and wait for a few weeks before using it. For example, if you start planting indoors in the beginning of February, give some time and wait until mid-March or the first week of April to consider this as an option for help. Use Miracle grow only if you notice that the seeds you planted are not getting strong enough. 

Step 6 -Will Coffee Grinds Help?

The Benefits of Keeping Your Coffee Grinds

Although I have repeated this a few times in other posts, coffee grinds are excellent to use for planting indoor and outdoor vegetables. Not only is coffee good to taste, nothing gets wasted. The coffee grinds have good benefits for the plants. They are a good substitute for peat moss because they provide the same results.

Coffee grinds are enriched with magnesium, potassium, nitrogen and calcium which is really good for the soil. This is one of the easiest ways to fertilize your plants while at the same time it helps reduce household waste. 

Step 7-How Much Sunlight Do Plants Need?

Without It We Cannot Survive

Everybody needs a little sunlight, especially our indoor plants. Once the seeds begin to sprout and the stems are showing, it is time for them to bask in the sun. Many people do not receive adequate sunlight in their home. This can be tricky. Without the sun, we cannot plant a garden or have indoor house plants, so sun is a huge factor in growing a successful indoor garden.

Depending on where you live and how much sunlight you receive, either gardening indoors will work in your favour or it will not. The sun is moving throughout the day so if the sunlight comes in your home take advantage of that time while you can. Fortunately after December 21, the amount of light we receive is a little more with each day.

7 Steps To Start Your Indoor Garden 

By the time we are planting and seeds have sprouted it will be around the third week in February-mid March. In the winter, most days are gloomy and cloudy, but the days when there is sun, make sure to give your plants as much sunlight as possible. Anywhere from 3-6 hours will help your plants grow.

In Summary

With these 7 steps to start your indoor garden you can start the process. Not so fast though because as of now, in January, we are still a little early to plant just yet. Give it another 2-3 weeks to begin. By the time you reach the first week of May you will hopefully have a strong foundation to start your outdoor garden. Good luck.

January 19, 2023

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