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8 Reasons To Be Thankful For The Food We Eat

Why Should I Be Thankful For The Food I Eat?

8 Reasons To Be Thankful

As the United States approaches the Thanksgiving holiday, it is time to extend our gratitude for the food we eat. We are very fortunate in North America to be able to eat three square meals a day and not go hungry. By growing our own vegetable garden we can enjoy the fruits of our labour

The following facts are 8 reasons to be thankful for the food we eat.

What Are 8 Reasons To Be Thankful?

1. We Get To Eat

Gratitude Is A Great Attitude

For the ones with not enough to eat, starvation is an ongoing problem. On the flip side others have plenty of food on our table.

Be very thankful that we get to eat abundantly. You can have the nicest house on the street but at the end of the day we all need to eat. Rich or poor, we cannot survive without food.

Wasting food causes an imbalance for the rest of the world. What we throw away is enough to feed someone else, maybe more than just one person.

Wasting Meals

Each meal we waste is valuable to the ones who go without it.

A grown man once approached me to make food for him while he was working in a wealthy establishment because he was hungry. It showed how imbalanced we are as a society. Not that this is something I am not aware of, but to be directly asked to make a sandwich for an older man who is likely a provider for others is not a nice feeling.

Doing hard labour and not having food to sustain yourself to do the job is a difficult way to live life.

As technology keeps improving, feeding people remains an ongoing problem serving only band-aid solutions.

This is mainly why I wrote an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook available for sale on Amazon.ca  My book provides meals that are simple, easy to make, low in cost, high in value for our health and for the everyday simple common person. Please purchase my cookbook

Update: My second cookbook is also available on Amazon.ca called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook Volume 2. floors, soybean, soy-1331667.jpg

Please purchase both books and l be set for life making delicious homemade vegetarian meals that will not leave anyone hungry. Thank you for your support. 


A Hungry Body And Agitated Mind

Hunger leads to anger and frustration. Imagine going without food for 40 hours or more. How will our body and mind be able to handle it? People in poorer countries are faced with a lot of stress. Lack of food is a big part of the problem. When they finally get to eat, the meals are bland, simple, minimal and not that enjoyable. They just have to eat it in order to sustain themselves, not because they like it. Part of our human experience is enjoying delicious foods. They do not get this luxury.

How Does Food Affect My Lifestyle?

2. Quality Of Life And Availability

Eating good food improves the quality of our life. The better we eat, the more satisfied, level headed and balanced we are in our minds. When we eat nourishing meals we can function properly. Over indulgence does not do us any good equally as much as going hungry. A fine balance of eating wholesome, filling and quality dishes makes us feel at our optimum level. Be happy that we can experience this way of life.

It Mirrors Our Abundance

Based on the quality of food we can choose whatever we want. Our life is much better simply because we have a lot of food and a variety of it available at our fingertips.

Eating Dark Green Vegetables

Dark leafy green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds provide high quality nutrition for our bodies. To be able to have them available is something to be so thankful for. These foods are natural medicines that help nourish us.

What Does Food Give?

8 Reasons To Be Thankful For The Food We Eat

3. Offering

Food is an offering for us. Whatever we eat is energy to help keep us going in life. Something is giving itself up in order for us to be nourished. Many foods are grown for us to eat. For example, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Growing Naturally From The Ground Up

That is their purpose because they grow naturally from the earth without any harm. This is the earth gifting to us to enjoy its food and be satisfied with it. The more we eat what the earth gives to us naturally, the more we help our planet flourish. Our thanks by eating what she gives makes her keep on giving. Be very thankful that the earth has the ability to do this for us without us eating each other alive in order to survive.

How Does Food Help Us Make Money?

4. Farming And Big Healthy Food Business

For the ones who work in the food industry, you deserve a round of applause every Thanksgiving. Growing food is their bread and butter. Not only is it something they must consume to survive, but food is their daily income and lifestyle.

Farmers work hard to take care of their crops and animals. Without farmers doing what they do, we city people are a lost cause. Grocery stores cannot survive without a produce, dairy and meat section.

Farmers are at the heart of the food industry and they help build big businesses and commerce as a result.

Without farmers, our daily lives are just not the same. They are as important to us as their work is for them in order to survive and thrive.

Thank you to all the farmers around the world feeding others. Your efforts are not going unnoticed.

5. One Vegetable Many Seeds

With just one vegetable we receive many seeds in return. That is abundance within abundance and it goes on and on. The growth is endless. Open just one green bell pepper and there are at least 30 seeds waiting for you to plant them.

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Get them sprouted and grown to be served in the future. It is remarkable how much we can consume with just one vegetable carrying seeds. Certainly this is one reason to be thankful for the food we eat. This is what unlimited abundance looks like. You are literally looking at a gold mine right here. Be thankful for the abundance right before your very eyes.

Nature gives it to us and somehow we do not know how to maximize it. It is the reason why the logic behind hunger in third world counties makes no sense. How is it possible that we are talking about hunger in the 21st century, with immense wealth on one side and next to nothing on the other end?

The imbalance is at such extremes. Poorer countries have to become independent by growing their own food and flourishing just as well as other countries. Start with the seeds in your fruits and vegetables and see what happens when you plant those seeds in your ground.

What You Can Grow With The Seeds You Sow?

We are fortunate to have seeds patiently waiting to be planted only to grow more again. That is what they are there for. Be thankful that just one fruit or vegetable has seeds that will give ten fold in return.

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In North America many produce items are no longer carrying seeds. Our cucumbers have no seeds. Grocery stores are selling us seedless oranges, grapes and other produce items. Our food is genetically engineered in North America to be seedless. Why? It is because our seeds are our intelligence and therefore extremely important for our bodies. We want our organic seeds back.

Fake Foods And Real Foods

How is it that North America is so rich and yet the people are offered so many fake foods to buy? Are the bananas, strawberries and watermelon we eat real food? It does not seem so.

Reclaim Organic Seeds Back To The Owners

We need our original organic seeds back to grow real food and not placed in the hands of technocrats manufacturing fake foods in labs. The real natural seeds are for everyone and not for a select few.

Therefore be thankful for the seeds in your produce because we know they are valuable to the elite. If they were not, why would they hoard them and not give us organic seeds? You now know the truth about the value of the seeds from your produce and are hopefully willing to stand up for getting them back.

6. Social Life Connector

Most cultures’ social lives revolve around food. This is how many of us spend good times together. We spend time together by going out to eat or visit each others homes. Food is more than likely the central theme regarding any social gathering.

People like talking about food. When everyone eats together they often comment on the food and how good it tastes. Food is nostalgic and memorable. We remember when we ate good food at a restaurant and when we did not. Food is a social life connector.

This is often the main topic of conversation at large gatherings or big events. People connect with food. No one will attend your wedding if you do not feed them. No one will want to go to a BBQ party without food. Do not expect others to sit with you and watch a sports game without enjoying some food. It is the one thing that brings people together to socialize and have a good time.

Be thankful you have the fortune to enjoy these kinds of occasions with others because there are others who do not. This is not to make anyone feel guilty, but just one of 8 reasons to be thankful for the food we eat. On Thanksgiving day most of you will hopefully be eating with others and that is something to be grateful for.

7. A Creative Outlet

Not only is food a profession for many, it is also a creative outlet. As a result of people’s passion for food, creative outlets surrounding food have expanded around the world. There are street chefs that are amazing at their craft of cooking as well as high end restaurant chefs who are also making their mark.

Enjoy What You Make

Many of us receive a lot of gratification from making meals that look and taste delicious. Without my partner, an interest in cooking would probably not have sparked, but it has and hence here I am. For many of us, we get to eat everyday and have an opportunity to be creative. This is something to appreciate. It is just a matter of whether we take on that creativity or not that makes a difference.

8. Keeps Our Health And Money In Check

Based on the quality of foods we eat and the lifestyle we have, it keeps our health and money in check. When we are fortunate to walk into the grocery store and choose what we want to buy for ourselves it is something to be grateful for. We can choose healthy, good quality items for us and be able to pay for that. That is a really good feeling.

How much we eat three times a day makes a huge difference in how much money we spend. The quality food we buy changes how we feel. If we cannot purchase a jug of orange juice and a loaf of bread for example, which is around $10, that is unfortunate. Having the money to buy what you can without having to ask someone else for money or food is something to be thankful for.

Summary — 8 Reasons To Be Thankful For The Food We Eat

Canada recently had their Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is coming soon in the United States. Now is the time to appreciate the food on your table and those who helped make it possible. Without the food and the people who helped make it grow we cannot survive. There is always something to be grateful for in life. Food is one of the most obvious ones we can appreciate and feel happy.

Hopefully these 8 reasons to be thankful for the food we eat helps us reflect on how good we have it. Thanksgiving is a good day to pray for the ones who do not have the same abundance as others. May none of us have to face the stress of going without food.

It will be a good day on earth when no one ever has to go hungry.

Stories About Sandy

When I was a little kid I had a book called Stories About Sandy. There was a section in it on Thanksgiving with a prayer I remember till today. It read:

Thank you for the food we eat, thank you for the world so sweet, thank you for the birds that sing, thank you God for everything.

Please purchase my Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook, available on Amazon. Thank you for your support.

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

**Original post on November 23, 2022-mcinthehouse.com**

**Newly Updated on November 15, 2023**

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