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Some Food For Thought About Food

April – Food for Thought: Mental Health & Nutrition | Safety Services


Some Food For Thought About Food

As the economy shifts consumers are budgeting their finances differently giving them, among other things, some food for thought about food. To keep up with the changes, our food choice selections are getting affected. Buyers opt out of eating salads, less vegetables and fruits because of the higher cost of food prices. However, eating unhealthy takes a toll on our health and energy levels. We cannot ignore the most important asset, us. Therefore eating healthy is important, especially during stressful times.

What Are Some Ways To Eat Better Considering Some Food For Thought About Food?

6 Smarter Ways To Eat Today

1. Pre-plan your meals

2. See colour on your plate

3. Make your own food

4. The body feels good after eating it

5. Exercise your mouth, chewing on food

6. Eat Simple

Food On Our Minds

Everyone at one point in the day thinks about food. We all eat and it is understandable that our minds take us there. Little do we realize that the quality of food and its vibration is connected to how we are vibrating.

Some Food For Thought About Food

What Is Mindful Eating?

Think About What You Are About To Consume

Mindful eating means to eat with intent and to literally give you some food for thought about food. It is becoming fully aware of your connection the food you are going to consume. When you purchase, prepare, serve and consume it you are connecting with what you are about to ingest. That energy determines how your body and mind feels.

Everyone is in a different situation when it comes to the quality of foods we eat. We all eat though and need to eat. However, for some of us it is not so healthy, which means we may need to make more changes with our relationship with food and be more kind with what we take in.

Watch Your Emotions

When we feel down and out, stressed going through trauma, poverty, abuse, grief or pain in any way, it affects our food choices. It is possible that in these situations we struggle to reflect on the emotions we are experiencing and do not allow them to process naturally. This ends up leading to a habit of eating comfort foods to fill those voids.

Gaining Weight Without Processing Pain

I have watched several shows related to morbid obesity. The one common factor that put the patients in the position they were in was largely a result of abuse and childhood trauma. Neglect and abuse is a result of several disruptive behaviours that causes a child to make choices that are not in their highest interests. It carries the pain into adulthood, especially if the abuse is still happening, which it is in most cases.

No one plans to be overweight or obese. It boils down to pain that is barely ever addressed and processed. Hurt and pain can cause a person to check out, disconnect and isolate themselves as a result. With nowhere to go and no one to turn to, the easiest place to go to is food. Most people at some point, want and need help. Often times, even with 8 billion people on the planet, many people receive no help at all and have to figure life out for themselves. That is a painful feeling. 

The Power Of Compassion

Compassion is at an all time low. Only band-aid solutions are offered, which means that the problem will more than likely not go away. If we do not dig into the root of the matter, we cannot take it out. Fast foods are not going anywhere, unless everyone stops giving them their money. This means that the rate of obesity and morbid obesity is going to continue to rise and cause problems in the near future.

When we are morbidly obese we cannot help anyone, not even ourselves. So if you are in a position where you can barely move and are unmotivated to move, start small and simple by changing some of your food choices first. Take control of what you will allow in your mouth. Incorporate more green in your foods and you will start to feel better in your mind and body. 

How Can I Eat Better Everyday?

Some Food For Thought About Food

The following suggestions are 6 ways to build your health up without much effort and incorporate some food for thought about food into your life:

1. Pre-Plan Your Meals

The easiest way to help yourself eat better to feel better is by pre-planning your meals. If we are hungry and do not have any food prepared we will choose items that are not for our highest good. By preplanning your meals, there is nothing to worry about. When you are hungry, it is ready and there is no stress.

How Can We Be Smarter With Our Eating? Consistency Will Help In The Long Run

Make the pre-planned fixed meals. The foods you plan should be between 350–450 calories for an average adult female, (depending on height), per meal and for a male between 500–700 (maybe more depending on height and build), calories per square meal.

When you repeat the same healthy foods each day it helps with your digestion. For example, eating oatmeal for breakfast every morning helps maintain regularity.

2. See Colour On Your Plate

If we lose colour in our life, we may also be losing colour in our food. Make your food plate colourful. Your body loves colour. See green, red, orange, yellow, purple on your plate instead of just white and brown. The more colour there is on your plate, the better chance of your food being healthier for your body.

What Is The Healthiest Way Of Eating? A Variety Of Options Available

There is so much healthy green foods out there and our bodies need it. Fill your plate with multi-colour foods and avoid eating so much white foods. Once in a while it is okay and many white foods are delicious, but eat them within reason.

3. Make/Cook Your Own Food

If you do not make your own food someone else will make it for you. This is not always a good thing. Not all people will put as much love in your food as you will when you make it for yourself and your family.

Love does not mean extra butters, salts, fats and unhealthy items. It means making foods that are abundant with vegetables and fruits that you know your body needs and will appreciate. If you are gravitating toward junk foods, make them yourself. This way you have more control of what you can put in there.

For example, make your own home style fries. The picture below are a plate of thinly cut spaghetti fries. They are made thin on purpose to help curb portion control. The fries are also baked with 1/2 a teaspoon of olive oil. Overall they are filling and tasty and not as bad for you compared fast food French fries. The plate below is one full potato.

4. It Feels Good After Eating It

Eating smart means choosing a healthy diet that includes whole nutritious foods from all of the food groups. They include lean protein (vegetarians eat lentils, beans, nuts and seeds), healthy fats, whole grains, fruit, and vegetables. A healthy diet should also avoid foods with trans fats, extra salt, and sugar.

Not only should the food taste good while you are eating it, it should make your body feel good afterwards. One of my favourite easy to make meals are garden vegetable cold rolls

The recipe is in my book, an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook, available on Amazon to purchase. Thank you for your support. 

The cold rolls are light in weight, filled with vegetables, low in carbs, fresh in taste and will fill you up. After you eat them you feel awake and alert, not weak or sleepy and tired.

5. Exercise Your Mouth

As much as we need to exercise our body and mind, we need to exercise our mouth. Eating foods that take time breaking down in your mouth are good for you. Celery takes a long time to eat because you have to chew it. This is also the case with carrots and hearty leafy green vegetables. Try the 32 chews per bite method and your face will get tired of eating, for some time at least.

Plus it is good exercise for your mouth. The more you chew on your food and break it down, the easier it is for your body to digest. Foods that you have to munch on for a long time are packed with nutrients that the body needs so you are doing your body good by incorporating them in your meals.

6. Eat Simple

If you focus on eating simple meals, at least 5 times a week, you will do your body a favour. Our bodies need time in between to rest and digest food, especially if you are eating heavy meals. Lighter foods are easy to break down and are simple.

Oatmeal is a simple breakfast meal and yet it is so powerful for our digestion. This is a great breakfast choice for your morning. For lunch a salad sandwich or wrap will fill you up and for dinner, soup or salad is enough. This is simple and effective.

In Summary-Some Food For Thought About Food

Problems in our lives may not go away. However, there are solutions for us if we try to find them. Hopefully giving some food for thought about food encourages us all to eat better while saving money. Simple vegetarian foods are the lowest in cost and highest in nutritional value. 

To get started on eating low-cost effective, healthy meals, purchase my Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. It is available to buy on Amazon. 

Thank you for your support. 

April 13, 2022

***This Blog is recently Updated On August 2, 2023***

Check out more blogs on Gardening, Home Reno’s, Recipes and 2020 and Beyond for cost effective ideas for your home, garden and the future.

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