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Make Your Own Rosemary Infused Oil

Why Should I Make My Own Infused Oil?

Easy To Make And Useful To Own

Nowadays beauty products are not necessarily what they seem. To avoid figuring out whether you are buying something genuine or not, one solution is to make your own homemade infused oils. There are so many oils that we use on a regular basis that are good for us. When you make your own oil you know what is going in it. Each individual oil is amazing on its own. Combine the oil with some herbs or other scented florals and receive an infused oil loaded with benefits. Make your own rosemary oil at home and take advantage of their great properties for your hair and skin.

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Great For Hair And Skin

This is not an infused oil to add in your food for consumption. However you can certainly lather some rosemary oil on your skin or massage your head with some infused oil. Like most consumers, people like to buy really nice products for their hair and skin. Although that is lovely if you can afford it, you really do not need to spend that much money.

Some of the best oils are under $20.00. If you buy the oil of your liking and grow your own florals and herbs in your own garden, you can make your own oils and save a lot of money as well as have nice beautiful skin. This is not to say I have nice skin because with age come spots and other factors not worth mentioning, but it helps.

How To Make Your Own Rosemary Oil

The best way to have an abundant amount of rosemary is by growing your own herbs indoors or in your backyard. They will end up growing nice and strong. The stems of the rosemary are firm and the leaves are semi-long and thin that smell fresh and minty. 

Once you start growing some in your own space cut a few stems off. The more you cut, the better. I cut about 5 large sprigs of rosemary leaves for this infusion. 

Make Your Own Rosemary Infused Oil

Cut the stems off and then wash them thoroughly. Place them on a tray to dry. Let them dry to the point where the leaves become semi-brown, but not too brown. This is to dry them up and get them slightly brittle. They are going to be infused in the oil so you want the oil to soak itself into the dry rosemary.

The oil used to infuse the rosemary for this mix is coconut oil. Coconut oil has several benefits for the body as well as your hair. Coconut oil is a must have product every person should have in their home. 

It is the best moisturizer, especially in the winter. For the infusion, the coconut oil should be in a liquid form before pouring it into your mason jar.

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When you pour the coconut oil in the jar have the liquid oil about 2-4 inches above the herbs. Have the rosemary in the jar for up to 8 hours. Then transfer the oil into another mason jar, taking out the rosemary leaves and squeeze the oil out of the leaves.

Keep it in the jar at room temperature and use it on your hair to massage the day before you shower. Let it sit in your hair for up to 10 hours. Wash it out the next day.

Other Benefits

Rosemary is said to repel bugs so now is a great time to have some on when you go outside. Instead of going out to buy some bug repellent, try using this infused oil to see if it helps first.

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This oil also helps relieve pain in our joints as well as remove inflammation in our joints, ease stress and is good to use for your hair because it helps limit grey hair.

Make Your Own Rosemary Infused Oil

I am not sure how often you have to do this for grey hair prevention as my greys are out full swing. Nevertheless, it it said to help with premature grey hair. It also helps promote thick hair, helping to speed up the process of cell turnover and hair growth.

Make Your Own Rosemary Infused Oil

The herb rosemary is an excellent investment for everyone to own. Even if it does not save your hair colour, it will make your skin feel smooth and smell nice. Plus, you can always use rosemary in your cooking as it tastes great in meals.

Consider making your own homemade infused oils. This way you know what is going inside the products you are applying on your hair and skin while at the same time saving money.

May 29, 2023

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