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A Glitch In The Matrix

I am a glitch in the matrix. This is not my fault but the fault of the system that failed at keeping me stuck in illusions and delusions. The Matrix is the Ma Tricks. The word matrix means “Womb”.

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Google Says:

Matrix, related to the Latin word for “mother,” originally meant “pregnant animal” or “breeding female” and was later generalized to mean “womb.”

Google also answers the following question

What Is Matrix In Medical Terms?

Google’s Answer:

When asked to define a matrix in Biology, one can explain that it is the ground substance or medium in which cells or cell components are embedded. In medicine, matrix is defined as the intercellular substance of any biological tissue, whether it be solid like bone or cartilage or liquid, such as blood.

Not only does the word “Matrix” mean womb but our reality is centred around the mother. There is heavy emphasis on procreation in our reality. 

It is the “womb”an’s pains that runs through her child’s veins. It is also her ma tricks that is controlling the Matrix. This is why there is such an attack on the “womb”(an). She is a natural creator with immense potential. This is powerful. 

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What Is Happening To Mothers After The Movie The Matrix?

Getting Rid Of Natural Child Births

On March 31, 1999 the movie The Matrix was released.  March is the 3rd month on the 31st day, 1999. The numbers together are: 3311999. Two are double digits of 1’s, 3’s and there are three 9’s. This date is one day before April Fools’ Day. April is the 4th month, 1st day in the year 1999. April Fools’ Day in 1999 was 4.1.1999, which are the numbers: 411 and 999

The numbers 411 in North America are the White Pages. The numbers 999 is the upside down numbers 666 . Also, the number to dial in the event of an emergency in the UK is 999. In the movie, The Matrix, anytime there was an emergency and they needed to escape they picked up the phone.


What does this mean? If 411 is the white pages with all of our addresses and phone numbers and the 666 is the number of the beast then something is afoot. After The Matrix movie was released we have been living in a passive aggressive consistent emergency. Throughout the movie The Matrix, anytime they have to make it out they must pick up the phone. Only through picking up the phone can they make it out of The Matrix. The phone is the PH One. No one can reach the other side without picking up the PH One.

What Is The PH Level?

Balancing The Scales

Answer from Google: 

“PH” stands for potential of hydrogen; a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution equal to the common logarithm of the reciprocal of the concentration of hydrogen ions in moles per cubic decimetre of solution. Pure water has a pH of 7, acid solutions have a pH less than 7, and alkaline solutions a pH greater than 7.

A Glitch In The Matrix


A woman’s body PH levels are becoming less and less balanced and she is the one  to balance The Matrix. The Womb(an) is a phone, a connector to the other side. The Womb(an) is the PH One. She is the one who needs Neo. It is through her that the story of the Ma tricks unfolds. Through her we live on. Every single woman on earth is a phone, a portal and has a calling. Whether a woman has children or does not have children it does not matter. By the time she is an adult, she is a voice of reason and is a portal because she has an active womb and an active mind.

The mind part is discussed in the dark side of the moon. She helps bring in new  creation. Her calling for the PH level balanced One Neo is to help bring in the right seeds into The Matrix (Ma Tricks) and thrive.

Hollywood Ma Tricks

So when there are things going wrong in this world it means that there is something going wrong with the women in this world. Women are being misdirected and deluded into believing they have girl power but clearly this is shifting. Real women have no power in this superficial Hollywood style fabricated Matrix. That is part of the ma tricks in the system we are experiencing. Women are being used as a shield to cover up a whole new other agenda of Ma tricks that was created decades before the release of the movie The Matrix. We have been watching it unfold through movies and media.

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What Are Women Standing For?

Question This Matrix of Ma Tricks

Women are taking themselves out by protecting and supporting anything superficial and inorganic and against them. Anything that is plastics, metals, insertions of foreign liquids in the body to create something is not God’s natural way for women in general is being accepted. 

The over the top superficiality in women is a next level Phenomenon (Men On Phone-anagram). Women did not create this false narrative because it goes against the fibre of her being. They just fell for it. All extreme superficiality was pushed on to them as “normal” by people who are very jealous of women. 

Yes, for women who are insecure and gossip about each other behind each others backs, you have loads and loads of people jealous of you. Instead of wasting time destroying your own “sisters” focus on protecting yourself and them.

A Glitch In The Matrix

A Glitch In The Matrix

Breaking Women Down To Shoes

A real woman does not need anything on her to make her look more attractive. Yes, it makes her look nicer but it is an accessory that comes off eventually anyway. All that remains when the accessories are gone is her. Women are naturally beautiful, maybe not all, but there are some. The obsession with looking beautiful through unnatural means is sending all women a message on planet earth that they are ugly and that they have no value but to be a showpiece. She is only worthy when she looks like a plastic Barbie doll. Now she can be valued as something worthy to pay attention to.

Women are brainwashed to believe that there is something wrong with her she and needs something from the outside world to make her look better. It is a lie designed for women to hate themselves and each other.

Checking Out With Shopping-A Glitch In The Matrix

They call it the check-out counters to pay for our things, things and more things because we as a society are checked out. Most women have checked out and simply do not and cannot face reality. Neither can a lot of men.

Women would rather live in the fantasy lifestyle of playing a fictional character off of Sex In The City and make it into their reality. They will own five thousand pairs of dress shoes for $1000 a pair, go to a party and gossip and complain about other women with women or complain about their men. Okay, a bit exaggerated, but you know what I mean. 

The obsession with things, things and things is simply never enough. All this greed, vanity and false narrative is devaluing humanity. Real women are getting sucked in a storyline that is all about them feeling worthless about themselves and then turning themselves fake to fit in a fake reality.

Shopping - A Glitch In The Matrix

A Glitch In The Matrix

Then they go shopping for things they cannot afford, or can but still makes them miserable afterwards and are calling it “Girl Power”. They are just sizing each other up, digging up information about them and then cursing them behind their back. It is all fake. The relationships are fake, conversations are fake and it is all worthless because people fell for a false narratives full of ma tricks. All the conversations through the telephone, a.k.a. Tell a PH One, are conversations of mindless, endless, draining chatter.

It’s Been A Hard Days Night And I’ve Been Working Like A Dog- The Beatles

Women wanted girl power and the men said “Okay, go to work, be a slave and call it girl power”. Women are now viewed as a 9 digit long employee number and a human resource at their job. They took themselves from being the queen of their home and domain to a human resource, very important busy worker bee. They went off leaving children alone while they slave away in a 40 hour work week and are still in debt. All of this harshness has negative side effects on the mother, her  sons and daughters.

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Learn to balance the scales. This false Matrix we are living in is just the tip of the iceberg. It is the reason why the PH levels of a woman is going haywire. After the year 2020 the world is at a cross roads about what we want. Do we want to destroy the true role of the Mother and turn her into an inorganic Godless being who serves a system that does not even believe that God exists but wants his power to take total control over her and her womb? Or bring her PH levels back in alignment so that she can continue to be the one to bring babies on planet earth naturally?

2020 Vision And Beyond

The movie The Matrix is an awakening for us to decide what world we want to live in now. The babies entering planet earth are more susceptible to an inorganic way of life. After all, that is how many of them are coming here. We are living in a new reality and one that we are not going back from. This agenda to change a woman’s purpose in life is turning into mindless and heartless living. It is not a good sign for any nature based organic woman or man. Men are going through the same shift in the abuse for power.

What About Men?

They Are Affected By Their Mothers

Although this blog is not focusing on men right now, men are directly affected by this. If you want to understand how, watch the movie A Few Good Men. Back in 1992 the military was well aware that there are only a few good men left in this world. Men’s roles in society are being shifted downwards as a result of their blind obedience to authority figures who are corrupt. It is the reason why we are left with A Few Good Men.

A Glitch In The Matrix

What Are The 4 Codes In The Marines In A Few Good Men?

Unit, Corps, God, Country. 

Release Date:

The release date of the movie A Few Good Men was on December 9, 1992. The month December is the 12th month on the 9th day in 1992. The numbers together look like 1291992. This is a 6666 date. The three 9s are 666 upside down and 1+2+1+2=6. That is four 6s on the date this movie A Few Good Men was released.


In this movie, Tom Cruise walks around with a BAT to think. This movie came out almost 7 years before the first Matrix movie was released. These are alleged fictional movies though.

In our so called reality, the reason why our world went into lockdown in 2020 was because of a BAT situation. These storylines in movies that are manifesting into our reality and showing up in various codes are all connected.

The BAT used in the movie A Few Good Men is connected to the Batman movie The Dark Night Rises and The Joker. 

What are the odds that in the so called fictional movie A Few Good Men the BAT is so important for him to think and now in our reality after 2020 our lives are affected because of a BAT? Just a coincidence?


All the movies we are watching are a crescendo of the reality that is unfolding before our very eyes. This is what it feels like to be a frog in boiling water and not know you are in it until it is too late. After 2020 and beyond, more people can see the glitches in our Matrix. Our reality is simply not real and the storylines we are living is not real but manifested. What is all this lying and manipulation for?

The New Reality

It is for a new Matrix to take over the role of the real woman, a mother. In the years that follow, more and more unnatural births will happen. More and more people who are natural, real, authentic and genuine will be outcasted, unless people want to grow up and face our reality for what it is. We are being substituted by A.I. technology and unnatural births. Meanwhile, women are playing a lot of Ma Tricks when the tricks are on “womb”en.

Pods To Grow Babies In Your Home

Very soon babies are going to be growing in PODS in people’s homes for 9 months. When the “baby” is ready, the pod will open up and the baby is birthed. This is not a conspiracy theory but facts. This information has been out in the open for at least 10 years.

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Our reality is non-fiction Science and it is a matrix that organic human beings are supporting. We are allowing artificiality to take over our reality and turn fake into the new real. It is not natural what is happening to humanity. We are being attacked by foreign alien entities in our own home. The Aliens are here. These are not just liens on your house but aliens in high positions in power who are ready to take over your vessel and wipe you out. If I am wrong ask yourself, why are human beings under constant scrutiny and under attack? All hue (shades of colours), man beings are targeted and this false Ma tricks is changing our future in negative ways.

Check out the following video on YouTube called: EctoLife: The World’s First Artificial Womb Facility

Check out The Aliens Are Here to read more about the Lien in the word alien. The word “alien” also has the word lie in it. We are sold a pack of lies and are living them in our lives as the truth.

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Where Is The Girl Power? 

Little Girls Are Powerless

The new race of humans are inorganic and can be anything the new matrix wants them to be. They represent the new girl power. Again, these new babies will have no power but they too will be controlled. Recently a large convention was held in China on newly advanced human looking robots. Humans are looking at artificial intelligence as the way of the future and as that happens a real woman is becoming obsolete. Organic woman no longer have a natural position in the new age of inorganic women and babies.

Real women are systematically getting taken out. Getting plastic surgery and metals inserted in our bodies is changing our DNA. Get a robotic new arm, leg, anything electronic inside the body is part of the agenda as well. Men and women fell for lies. Now they are jealous of each other when women have been the power all along. In order for all this to happen the system had to steal a “womb”an’s power and destroy her inner sense of self. While women foolishly commit disturbing acts of envy, jealousy, vanity, greed, pride, theft, gossip, lies, slander, character assassination of other women and more, they are surrounded by those who feel the same way about them. They are all playing Ma tricks while being deceived in The Matrix in the process.

Women Are Not Watching Each Others Backs

A lot of other beings want to be a real natural woman and simply cannot. The system is doing EVERYTHING possible to hold the one major power a woman has, to give natural births and be the vessel for children of God to come through them. The whole Godless system is attacking all real organic nature based women instead. God owns a woman’s womb and the industry we live in plans to take that away. Every single woman is a target because she has a womb which is a portal for God’s organic children to enter. God is the only way to true liberation and the system does not want humanity to be liberated.

Therefore a real natural woman is now the equivalent to an animal who is soon turning into an endangered species just like A Few Good Men. Our Idiocracy (watch the movie) society is falling apart due to insecurities and false narratives about real women. So much in our world is changing quickly because the jealous envious manipulators on our planet cannot stand the power of hue mans.

Now their twisted sister Ma tricks games is glitching The Matrix. Perhaps it was designed for it to be this way but the curtain is falling.


In Summary – A Glitch In The Matrix

I am a glitch in the matrix because this reality is fake and abusive. Even though I blog about manifesting and creating your life path, it is not always possible. Many things, especially people and the corrupt system we live under, get in our way to not make anything high in value happen for us. It is the reason why many women are suffering and are not free.

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In The Matrix of our lives there are tons of agent Smiths. I have met many agents Smiths in this lifetime. These agents Smiths do not want anyone to elevate, to do better and be better. That is why you need to do better and be better because they want you to fail and never prosper.

You Are The One-Neo PH One

Neo’s character was flawless. His level of mastery in the art of combat was exact, perfect and precise. He was calm, in tune, grounded, level headed, sharp and smooth in his delivery. His PH levels were balanced and that is when more agent Smiths came after him. Neo was being fine tuned from start to finish. Trinity already mastered all of this. She was simply waiting for him to come into alignment to her balanced PH levels.

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This is why we all need to elevate and not fall for the false narratives sold to us. Buying them is costing us everything. By the end Neo had Godlike abilities. We, who come from an organic seed, are capable of similar potentials to elevate to higher levels and frequencies because we have the ability to tap into God. 


Another movie that showcases how they are taking humans out is in the movie AVATAR. Hollywood director James Cameron knows what is going on and is passionate to share it to the world. His movies are connected to the takedown and downfall of the hue man race. We are watching ourselves get E Raced out of our own lane. I assume that all famous directors in Hollywood know what is going on and their intention is to make their manifestations come to life. This is what they want for humanity and they have been going after it for decades and they will NOT stop.

Avatar has 3 A’s and the word, “A Rat” in its name. We are dealing with rats infesting our minds and “womb”ens bodies. This movie was released on December 18, 2009. December is the 12th month on the 18th (6+6+6=18), day in the year 2009. This is a 6666611 date. What are the odds that the movies that are so pivotal regarding women have so many 6’s in them?

This is how Hollywood is manifesting insanity for humanity, through playing it out in stories, books, music and movies. They are playing it out through acting and we are watching their movies and mimicking their behaviour turning their stories into our reality.

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July 9, 2024.

Today is a 7,8,9 day. Hopefully this sequence of numbers helps generate people to wake up to the lies that are “souled” to us and not buy them or allow them to intercept into our reality that is being orchestrated to take us out. James Cameron also did a movie called True Lies. He exposes the true lies and how it is done. We watch it, go back to work and then gossip about real people who are glitching in The Matrix.

2 thoughts on “A Glitch In The Matrix”

  1. Wow, this is so well written and presented. Truer words have never been spoken. Thank you for this message!

    1. Hi B. Ohm,

      Thank you for the reply and nice compliment.

      Thank you for your support. Have a nice day.

      Green Thumb

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