
Fox Mulder On The FOX Channel

How To Conspire A Theory And Make It Real?

Make It Into A TV Show

Ever since I mentioned the best way to predict the future is to invent it, I went back to watch the rest of The X-Files. Thirty years after it aired on TV I watched it from Season 3 onwards and can see how it is connected to our current days. It plays out what “the powers that be(e)” see for “hue manity ” and what the plan is for our future in their eyes. In the TV series The X-Files, the main character’s name is Fox Mulder on the FOX Channel. The FOX Channel is one of the most popular TV stations to watch shows, news, sports and entertainment. This is the place where The X-Files aired on. A coincidence perhaps?

Fox Mulder is a character in search for “The Truth Is Out There” tagline. The rest of the cast are his handlers, gaslighting his theories about the government selling humanity out to an alien race as a wild conspiracy. This quiet, hard working, curious and investigative character is intentionally given the name “Fox” by the writer(s) of the show. The writers of the show name the one and only honest guy out of all the shady characters on the show a Fox!


This is how the writer uses a word that means one thing and applies it to someone who is the opposite of that characteristic. It is a form of transference. They transfer negative characteristics of something such as a fox-like personality into a person that is honest, sincere and truthful. They name a good person a fox to pre-program us to assume that anyone questioning the narrative of our so-called reality is a fox-like “conspiracy theorist”. This stops people from questioning our reality and go back to sleep. 

Fox Mulder On The Fox Channel

Blur The Lines

Human beings are study subjects and our leaders know our weaknesses. One of them is to fit in a group to feel like we belong. This traps people to not question what is going on because if you do you will be kicked out of the group. For the most part no one will bother to question anything. The saying “ignorance is bliss” is a path a large majority of humans choose. No one admits that it also carries negative consequences, which are showing up, especially after the year 2020.

When people question the narrative on Fox News and other news channels, they only resort to name calling as a response. Can you see how our news, media and entertainment switch what is good to bad and bad to good? By reversing the definition of a Fox, they reverse their fowl nature as being good natured and name a well meaning man “Fox” to keep the viewer confused. We are experiencing blurred lines where anything goes and everything is right except for what is right. That is wrong. 


What Is The Fox? 

Definition from Google:

A carnivorous mammal of the dog family with pointed muzzle and bushy tail, proverbial for its cunning.

What Does It Mean to Be Called A Fox?

Google’s Answer:

Fox noun -(CLEVER PERSON)-someone who is smart and good at deceiving people: He’s a cunning/sly/wily old fox. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Sly & devious.

What Does The Fox Symbolize In Stories?

Stories About Foxes

The story of the “Wolf and The Fox” is probably the most famous fairytale by the Brothers Grimm. However, there are numerous other stories and fables about the fox. The fox is often viewed as cunning and deceitful. It can manipulate and prey on animals that are larger than them. The TV show The X-Files with Fox Mulder on the Fox channel is a code and a message for us.


Gaslighting You To Stop You From Progressing In Life

The show The X-Files uses play on words, gaslighting, reversal meanings, hidden codes and name calling, turning every questionable theory into a conspiracy. This is to stop any real investigator from questioning anything. It is easier to go back to sleep or check-out with shopping. It is gaslighting you to stop you from progressing in life.

The characters on the show are disconnected from God while by the same token they allegedly want to know the truth. God and truth go hand in hand. If you cannot handle and accept God then you cannot handle and accept the truth. They are one and the same. A fox animal by its nature is not honest, but cunning.

What Are The Myths Around Foxes?

Answer From Google:

In some medieval legends of saints, the devil appears in the shape of a fox. In Greek and Roman tales, as well as parables found in the Jewish Talmud and Midrashim and stories in the Indian Panchatantra, foxes are often tricksters. They defeat stronger animals through cleverness.Jun 8, 2023

Fox Mulder On The Fox Channel

What are the chances that a character with the name Fox Mulder is on the Fox Channel? There are no chances. It is intentional and gaslighting you to assume there is no connection between the main character being watched on a channel that is the same name as the character’s first name. Fox Mulder on the Fox Channel is really important on a FOX Channel to blur our fake/real reality. 

His investigations in the storyline are playing out in our so-called “reality” after 2020 and beyond. Now the Fox Channel and Fox News are talking about The X-Files kinds of stories. What does this sound like to you? A conspiracy theory or how to conspire a theory and convince us this is all real?

Distinguish Truth From Fiction

In our Matrix reality world after 2020, people are infected with a virus that requires a vaccine to save us. Also after 2020 the aliens are here. This is the gist of The X-Files storyline. Scully gets infected with a bee virus and the only way to save her is through a vaccine. Plus the show covers more agendas that are slowly playing out in our lives.

The show mentions, the best way to create the future is to invent it. This is what they are manifesting and we are living in it. Ask yourself, why? Why are these actors not on sly Fox News talking about the “conspiracy theory” eerie connections with The X-Files, and our so-called Truman Show reality? The only way to keep this narrative alive is if we are all asleep.

What Are The Days Of Our Lives?

The Days Of Our Lies Upon Lies

We are a nation being led by a bunch of sly, cunning, manipulative, calculating foxes. They all superficially look good, dress well and give you the impression they are the voice of reason. Only to find out what we are dealing with are pathological psychopathic liars. Their purpose is to be a successful liar and get away with it. Your job is to believe it and make it real. Then after throwing you under the bus and receiving a fake reality, they hold positions of power they do not deserve. 

These individuals are leaving behind loads of negative karma for themselves, their offspring and yours. We will receive karma for our ignorance in playing their fox-like games and hurting each other in the process.

Fox Mulder On The Fox Channel

Debt For The Dead

Since hue manity has disrespected universal law we are getting punished. The debt, stock market crash, government shutdown, worldwide lockdown, economic smackdown, one week alert emergency earthquake warning for Japan, it is connected to our disrespect for each other. Plus, our lack of regard for mother earth and the natural abundance she provides effortlessly is cruel. This has consequences and our leaders know it because this construct is all by their manifested design.


Pray that you do not lose your mind in the days to come. Get grounded, be sound and balanced. Look at how you treat people. As long as we have no qualms about throwing each other under the bus to get fake “ahead” in life, our hue man race will not flourish. Our disrespect for each other opened up a manifestation portal for fox-like cunning entities to take over us and to thrive off of our cruelty.

FOX News Channel

FOX News Channel is TV station that people watch news around the world they trust to be the the truth. According to Fox Mulder, “The Truth Is Out There”. So people go onto FOX news to see the truth out there. However, no one really knows whether what is being sold to us is the truth or a bunch of lies? Instead of investigating further, people succumb to numbing their brains down by watching what may not be the truth and accepting it as so.

The mind programming system is set up for people to run, run, run, run, run, run, run, like Tracy Chapman’s Talkin’ About A Revolution song, I mention in 888 Manifestions In August 2024. The system wants people running their bodies and being “skinny” rather than exercising their minds. This way people continue running around like a rat on a wheel while our hue man race gets phased out.

In Summary-Fox Mulder On The Fox Channel

Question Your Reality

Going shopping and checking out is not going to solve anyone’s irresponsible problems. The “powers that be” know what we are up to and feel no desire to help, but hurt us instead. Which is why our world economy is on the brink of a major collapse and a one world currency has been in manifestation circulation for at least fifteen years.

The new world currency will make all hue man beings nothing but slaves to a system that plans to keep everyone bound for thousands of years into the future. Remember what our ancestors went through after the great depression in the 1930s? Are you familiar with what the debt of the world is right now? It is currently at 315 trillion dollars and counting. This is exponentially larger than what they faced.

Fox Mulder On The FOX Channel

This repetition cycle 100 years later is made for people to either wake up or check back out. We live in a system that sees these people as cattle, a stock to exchange. Meanwhile people sit around at parties and gossip negatively about people who question what is going on. These are the days of our lies upon lies watching The X-Files storylines connected to Fox Mulder on The FOX channel.

August 13, 2024

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