
Growing Vegetables From Seeds

Growing Vegetables From Seeds

Abundance Readily Available

The answer is yes. Get a head start by planting seeds inside your home before placing them in the backyard. This saves plenty of time for seeds to sprout, which can easily be done in your space. 

Growing Vegetables From Seeds

Growing vegetables from seeds is easier than you think. Some plants are resilient and can grow strong in a short period of time. Not all of them need as much maintenance as you might think. 

Maximizing Your Seeds

Growing vegetables from seeds can be from seeds collected from your produce. I have not yet spent any money in creating a garden this year. After collecting them you can use the seeds in the same year or the next year.

If you are looking at maximizing your seeds then it is best done by using old seeds. By doing so you will not need to go out shopping for more seeds. 

By buying a handful of vegetables from the grocery store that have seeds inside already, you are set. Collecting seeds are a great way to save your money and eat abundantly. 

There is a theory that old seeds may not grow, however this is not true. Anything can survive and thrive when it is loved. Growing vegetables from the seed is as simple as the way I am describing. It is not that elaborate. 

Why Should I Collect Seeds?

The Future Of Seeds

The reason why it is a good idea to collect seeds is because there are those in very high positions who already have some of the best seeds. Many farmers around the globe have had their farms destroyed, their crops damaged and their lands affected by large corporations. They have taken the best seeds already. We are left with the remaining, likely genetically modified seeds. Who knows if even these will be available one day. 

Start to collect them according to what you have available in your home to store them in. Place them in any clean container and they will last for a long time. Collecting them will overall deliver positive results. You will have readily available produce to grow in case everything shuts down again.

How Do You Plant Your Seeds?

One At A Time

Use a large 30 egg carton and put a little soil in each pod. 

Next, add a few seeds into the soil. Feeling a bit nervous they may not grow, I added a few more. However, you do not need to put many seeds in each small pod. Unfortunately, I put more than what should have. They need more space to grow. For this reason place only 3 seeds per pod for each one to grow stronger. 

Then cover the seeds with more soil and add water. 

In the large 30 egg carton, all these seeds are green peppers. Meanwhile in the small 12 egg carton are tomato seeds, saved from last year as well. 

Later, place your carton on top of the fridge and check on it everyday.  Water your seeds whenever it looks dry. Albeit nothing will show up for at least two weeks. 

I tried this using 2 cartons and waited for something to show up. However, nothing did. I started believing they will not grow as strong as the ones from last year because the seeds are not new and fresh. 

Nevertheless, I kept the cartons on top of the fridge and continued watering them. If you miss a day, that is okay, but try not to miss more than two days of watering your pods. Moreover give it time and keep the soil moist, but not damp.

Growing Vegetables From Seeds

How Long Does It Take For Seeds To Sprout?

Be Patient

Keep them on top of the fridge for another week, perhaps 8-9 days, before bringing them down and changing their home. Wait for many stems came out of each pod. The fewer the seeds you plant per pod, the greater the chances for it to grow stronger. I did not do this and as a result, not everything came through.

When Should You Transplant Sprouted Seeds Into A Larger Container?

Get Them Strong

Allow them to get a little bigger before changing their home. I need to plant more tomato seeds just in case these ones do not make it. Also keep the stems together, for the most part. After separating each stem, I placed them with the seeds they sprouted with hoping they flourish. Give them time to grow and get stronger before transplanting the sprouted seeds into individual containers. 

Growing Vegetables From Seeds

Get a Larger Container

There are several kinds of containers to use for transplanting without spending  money. For example, take coffee cups and collect some for future use for planting your seeds. They are a perfect size to start. Once they start to grow more and you are ready to change them, choose a larger container. 

Growing Vegetables From Seeds


kidney beans in coffee cups covered in soil

Using scissors, cut the cups in half adding soil inside each one of them. Carefully take out each seed that sprouted and place a few stems in one container. Let them sit in the living room or wherever the most sunlight enters your home. At the present time they are in the living room, growing peacefully. 

This year I will be growing green peppers, hopefully sweet potatoes, tomatoes, kidney beans, potatoes and celery. I had carrot seeds somewhere and cannot find them now. Otherwise they would have been planted a few weeks ago as well. In due time, if possible, I hope to plant carrots as well. 

I have a lemon plant growing since last year, in the winter in my house. I will take the lemon basket out for the summer along with the other plants.

Related Topics:

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Visit more blogs on Gardening. 

Additionally, check out Home Reno’s, Recipes and 2020 and Beyond for cost effective ideas for your home, garden and the future.

An Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook is now available on Amazon for sale. Thank you for your support. 

Growing Vegetables From Seeds

Your Spring Garden in 2021

house, seaside, parasol-819263.jpg         Green Thumb

I am the founder of Everything Handmade. I am helping others become self-sufficient using their own hands. This website is sharing DIY home renovations, gardening vegetables in the city, cooking our own meals and building a solid foundation in times of economic instability. 

Please purchase an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. My book is to help inspire readers cook delicious vegetarian meals at a low cost. The second book is called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook Volume 2, available on Amazon. 

Thank you for your support. 

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