
Another BRICS Nations In The Wall

One Brick At A Time

While concerns over the world’s economy are mounting in some countries, other countries are making their own personal changes. Understanding that their position in the world economic stage does not favour them, they created some new developments by coming together. One by one, another BRICS nations in the wall are helping build wealth with the oldest most surest path, to follow the yellow brick gold

**Before you read about another BRICS nations in the wall, I am not a certified, licensed, educated economist. This message is coming from a person who observes the world we live in and can connect some important dots. After 2020, perhaps our visions have changed and we can see another perspective. Read ahead if you are interested.**

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What Does BRICS Stand For?

Countries That Support A New Monetary System

The BRICS are setting the world to follow the yellow brick gold. With trust in gold that they have in common, these five BRICS nations in the wall became established. BRICS, which stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, was introduced to the world 16 years ago on June 16, 2009. Almost nine months after the 2008 stock market crash, BRICS came to life. 

Who Created BRICS?

Sachs Of Gold

BRICS was coined the term BRIC on November 30, 2001, by Goldman Sachs. While the banking system ensures no one pay attention to gold, “Saks of Gold”, a.k.a. Goldman Sachs, conveniently coins the term BRIC in 2001. Goldman Sachs is pro gold in their name.

Surprisingly, in January 2009, the first bitcoin was also introduced. Goldman Sachs did not create the word Bitcoin. These two events occurred after the 2008 stock market crash that caused a wake up call to the world economy. It prompted countries to look for a change in direction. Or was this set up long ago?

Places To Put Our Money

Since 2008 many investors and economists have been discussing other avenues on where to park their wealth. Just recently I posted a blog to follow the yellow brick gold. After that post was published something interesting happened. The BRICS came out with some more big news. Before I share that though, here is a little side information that connects with the changes we are in. These connections have been around for a long time. 

On one hand we are told that gold, silver and precious metals are not valuable, do not invest in them. On the other hand, the entertainment we watch and listen to, as well as our history tells us otherwise. This is how another BRICS nations in the wall came to be. With a little bit of song, dance and play acting.

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The BRICS became established in 2008. They choose to name themselves “BRICS”, which is connected to the music band Pink Floyd. 

“All We Are Is Just Another Brick In The Wall” – Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd came out with a song on November 30, 1979. The lyrics go, “All we are is just another brick in the wall”. The song is about our education system and what children are learning, which is to not use their own mind. 

Living In The Wizard Of Oz

Their song, “Another Brick In The Wall”, as well as Pink Floyd’s music in general, is connected to our current timeline and what is taking place. The band was not only singing about our past but where we are heading into the future. To follow the yellow brick gold is one solid way to help us protect our wealth. 

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The Wizard Of Oz And The Dark Side Of The Moon

Pink Floyd has an album called “Dark Side Of The Moon”. There is a theory that suggests when you synchronize the movie “The Wizard Of Oz” with the album “The Dark Side Of The Moon” the music matches the movies.

Turn the volume down for the movie and let the movie run while playing this album in the background and listen to the music. The lyrics of that album matches the storyline of the movie. Although the singer denies a connection, there is no denying that it is in sync with the lyrics of the music and the storyline of the movie. 

In the movie, “The Wizard Of Oz”, when Dorothy starts walking down the yellow brick road, the song “Money” by Pink Floyd comes on. It is eerily uncanny.

As mentioned in follow the yellow brick gold, Dorothy is walking on gold bricks, off to see the wizard. Another important thing is the name Dorothy. Her name is an anagram for “Thy Door”. There are no coincidences.

Connection With Movie, Music, Economy and Politics

Pink Floyd’s music is connected to the movie “The Wizard Of Oz” which is connected to gold. Another BRICS nations in the wall connects to my breakdown of the song in the movie, follow the yellow brick gold/road. It is the reason why countries are joining forces to build another BRICS nations in the wall.

The Ringing Of The Division Bell Has Begun-Pink Floyd

One more note, Pink Floyd’s album “The Division Bell” has an album cover of two metal half moons facing each other and divided. After 2020 people around the world are feeling divided. This is not by coincidence but by design and planned decades before many of us were born. Listen to the album “The Division Bell” as it too relates to the changes happening in 2020 and beyond.pink floyd, music, rock-2647618.jpg

While checking up to see when the BRIC was coined the term “BRIC”, I came across something once again, not a coincidence. It is a website of Goldman Sachs archives.

This is the name of their website: https://www.goldmansachs.com/intelligence/archive/BRICs-and-Beyond.html

The name of one of my tabs on my website is called 2020 and Beyond. Here I am talking about BRICS with a tab called 2020 and Beyond

Without ever hearing about their website, looking into their name, until now, I tapped into Goldman Sachs. This is the Saks of Gold company that coined the term BRIC in 2001. 

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Gold is a strong potential currency for our future economy. Another strange coincidence is that less than one week after writing and publishing follow a yellow brick gold, something big happened on August 24, 2023. 

Big BRICS News

The BRICS countries announced that they are adding more countries onto the BRICS nations. These countries include Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and Argentina. This is allowing another BRICS nations in the wall to become stronger, which with these added countries, it will.

Are You Looking For A Solid Foundation?

Golden Years

One by one another BRICS nations in the wall are building a solid foundation to hold gold as a form of exchange for goods, trades and services. Countries are losing their faith in the U.S. dollar and before we know it this long standing dollar will no longer be everyone’s choice to trade with. 

The Price Of Gold Then And Now

The movie “A Wizard Of Oz” is 84 years old in 2023. The price of gold 84 years ago (1939), in the U.S. was $35.00. for one oz. Today the price for one oz. of gold in the U.S. is $1935.00 and it will go higher.

Recently India purchased 1 million barrels of oil from the UAE using rupees instead of USD for the first time. This is a sign that our economy is shifting and big changes are underway. When other countries leave American dollars, something is afoot.

Is Gold The Future?

Loyalty Is Royalty

Gold is royal because gold has been loyal since the start. Goldman Sachs agrees, otherwise they would not coin the term BRIC in 2001. Plus, with a name that sounds a lot like Saks of Gold, anyone assuming this company is against precious metals is not paying attention. Goldman Sachs is the second largest investment bank in the world and is ranked 55 on the Fortune 500 Companies List for the largest corporation in North America. They are behind this BRICS movement so you bet they are all about Saks of gold.

No matter how many currencies have intercepted and tried to take over, gold continues to shine throughout time. Gold will not destroy our wealth like paper dollars have been doing and digital dollars are going to do in the future. Gold is safe, beautiful, solid, honest, tangible, long lasting, accepted everywhere and by far the best currency to have ever survived. As it shines for many lifetimes, everything else tries to take its place but they cannot compete where they cannot compare.

In Summary-Another BRICS Nations And The Great Wall Of China

The largest wall in the world is the Great Wall of China. Their wall extends 13,171 miles. Since 2020 China is the country people have been talking about. Donald Trump blames the situation that unfolded in 2020 on China, who has the greatest wall in the world. Trump wants to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. It is estimated that they have built a wall approximately 500 miles long, but it is not confirmed.

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Meanwhile the greatest wall in the world, China, joined its power with the largest country in the world, Russia, 16 years ago to work towards changing the world currency. They also came together with the most populated country in the world, India, while China is the second largest populated country. India and China both love gold, Saks of gold. Then Brazil and South Africa join in and one by one, solid BRICS in the wall are formed.

In the near future Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Argentina and Ethiopia are joining, with more countries interested. With another BRICS nations in the wall and then some more planning to come in after, this economic change is going to be the strongest wall against controlled and manipulated currencies. 

Similar to the great wall of China, another BRICS nations are becoming very strong. Hopefully they do not allow any form of crypto currency to be a part of gold, because then we are no longer dealing with honest money. 

In Summary-Honest Money

If gold becomes the new world currency, there is a greater chance for honesty and transparency on how the future of wealth is handled. Movies and songs are acting and singing about it giving us the impression that it is fiction. No, gold is highly valuable and sought after and has been for a very long time. 

An investment banking company playfully gaslights us by telling us they are all about Saks of gold while we work endlessly paycheque to paycheque for little in return. 

Another BRICS nations in the wall is not a new concept. Pink Floyd fans have been singing this song for decades and The Wizard of Oz told us to follow the yellow brick gold, but no one listened. 

It just so happens that a few of us are connecting the dots. 

September 5, 2023

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Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook

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I am the founder of Everything Handmade. I am helping others become self-sufficient using their own hands. This website is sharing DIY home renovations, gardening vegetables in the city, cooking our own meals and building a solid foundation in times of economic instability. 

Please purchase an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. My book is to help inspire readers cook delicious vegetarian meals at a low cost. The second book is called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook Volume 2, available on Amazon. 

Thank you for your support. 

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