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Central Bank Digital Currency

How Is A Central Bank Digital Currency Affecting The Economy?

A Glitch In The System

If you sense that something might not be right with our economy, you are correct. Some of us are just beginning to catch on to what is going on. Others have been blowing the horn for over a decade, unfortunately for some of us, it has been landing on deaf ears. The central bank digital currency is underway because communities trust banks over their own pockets.

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How Powerful Are Your Manifestations?

We Are Creators

Today is an important day, a powerful manifestation date that can change our future. March 22, 2023 is a 322/223 day. A central bank digital currency is in the process of bringing about major economic changes by using the pattern of numbers in dates as frequencies to unlock certain events to take place. 

I have several posts sharing the power of manifestations and today’s date is no exception. Nothing in our world is happening by chance. What is happening is intentional. Once you see the patterns in numbers and the events that surround them, you will realize that all the chaos we are living in is by design. There is no such thing as a coincidence.

Central Bank Digital Currency

How Is The Central Bank Digital Currency Connected To An Economic Collapse?

24/7 Dedication And Hard Work

The “powers that be” have been manufacturing an economic collapse for decades. This has been by design since the 1970’s when Richard Nixon took us off of the gold standard. However, by 2008 it became evident to many people that the economy is on thin ice. This is when a large majority of people started waking up.

With all the chaos conjured up surrounding money, we are programmed to believe what we are seeing and living in is real. 

The central banks need to collapse the economy to turn our fortunes into digital currency. This way it is easy to control the masses. Those who follow and stand for 322 live by “order out of chaos”.

Central Bank Digital Currency

Skeletons In The Closet

The followers of “322” believe that the only way for humanity to evolve is through chaos and suffering. Then they come in and save the day, like a God. Although we have the capacity to elevate without destroying people and our fortunes, the system we live under does not see it that way. 

In an interview with Tim Russert, he asked Senator John Kerry about the 322 and Kerry replied: “322 is such a secret I cannot tell you.” Then he changed the topic in the same sentence. The interview with Tim Russert is no longer on YouTube, but the interview did happen.

Central Bank Digital Currency

By changing our currency to digital, no man, woman and child on this planet will ever be free. Our rights will be completely gone. If we speak up like I am now, under digital money, they will close our accounts. 

You will not be allowed to help people because there will be punishment for helping others. They do not want us to help ourselves and each other.

Freedom of Speech

Without freedom of speech there is no freedom. Speaking the truth will be more challenging for future generations because their elders did not speak up. Plus, when you are in a high amount of debt and owe people, you get to have no say in what goes and what does not, your lender has that say.

We have been set up to accept everything fake as real so that when fake digital money arrives, we will think that it is no big deal. It is a huge deal. By accepting all things fake we are denying our truth while handing over our freedoms to those who already see us as their slaves.

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As of now there are little babies working for free without even knowing it. Children are on YouTube, TikTok and other platforms which their parents put them in. They are using their children to make money, turning them into a slave before the age of 16. This is legal and normalized when it is, in fact, child slavery.

Refuse Going Digital

Choose to refuse accepting digital money as currency. It is not real money because it is not tangible. You cannot hold it or touch it. You will end up owning numbers in the ethers which no earner can control. 

I cannot do this alone as I am one person out of 8 billion people on Earth. If the world accepts digital money as real money, of course, I might be left with no choice but to reluctantly follow the rest. Or may end up completely checking out of this manufactured new world order. It will not be easy for those refusing this new system of control over our finances if the majority are okay with it.

Central Bank Digital Currency

We are frogs unknowingly being boiled in hot water and are not protecting our earnings. Digital money can wipe us out in less than a  second with a click. Meanwhile that was your whole life earnings gone, with no recourse simply because you refuse to submit and be a minion. They can do it anytime and say “it was a power outage” or something else. 

Your whole existence will be working for nothing in the future because you will hold nothing, no dollars, no assets, nothing. This is the system that world is giving respect to, a bunch of bullies who want to control us because they have no shine. These are the ones who see us, the people, as their servants.

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Protect Your Wealth

Protect your wealth because the elite want everyone poor and destitute. We wasted so much energy living a fake life, overspending like we are rich, when in truth our world is drowning in debt. Avarice is a weakness, not a strength. It is also one of the seven deadly sins that is raising society to be sinners. 

To be in debt is not ethical but is normalized. The elites have created debt on purpose to break the economy and people apart.

We are witnessing the economic collapse before our very eyes while still continuing to live like we are rich. People fell for the illusion of keeping up with the “Joneses” and now the world will suffer the consequences of living way above our means. 


Cryptocurrency is digital currency. It is not real money. The word crypto comes from the word cryptic. Cryptic means obscure and unknown. It is mysterious, therefore it has no foundation to it. Cryptic is a word used in horror movies because cryptic is dark. Tales from the crypt is a horror movie series from the 1970s. 

These are the people manifesting our future because we are not creating our reality ourselves. They have been working towards this manifestation way longer than we have. We are too busy working in their corporations to pay off our debts, living in tiny homes or big homes with a million dollar mortgage, wearing designer clothes and expensive accessories.

Central Bank Digital Currency

Anyone stuck on the idea that manifestation is new age spirituality hogwash has no clue about how powerful this is. The very rich spend 24/7 manifesting all day, everyday, fabricating a grim future for you and me. They are not creating peace on earth but the opposite. It is the only way they envision humanity, in our downfall. We are creators and we are allowing master illusionists and magicians to dismantle us because we do not know how to create.


Bitcoin is a bit of a coin. It is not a real coin, not a tangible coin, but a bit of a coin. We went from pennies that used to have real copper and coins that had a little bit of real silver, to nothing. They have collected all of our pennies that had some copper in it and all our coins that had a little silver it and gave us fake change in return. 


After posting this blog I was browsing on Yahoo and came across a clip about old items and their value today. This is one of the items on their list.

65. 1943 Copper Penny

Maker: U.S. Mint 

Original Price: $0.01*

Worth Today: $60,000 – $200,000+*

Though steel pennies from 1943 are worth only a few dollars, copper pennies from that year are worth between $60,000 and $200,000, if not more. 1943 copper pennies are extremely rare. According to the U.S. mint, only forty of these coins, made of a copper alloy, exist.


Right now we are using plastic dollars and credit cards to make purchases. This method of payment allows all of our purchases to be monitored. They need to know everything about us so that they can control us. If you want a bit of a coin, you will get just that, a bit of nothing.

Power And Control

This is an age old problem about power and control. Those who have the power will control our world. We are living in challenging times, although it can shift for the better if we wake up to the truth of our position in this situation. We are greater in numbers and we have the ability to turn this around in our favour, if we have the courage to make certain changes.

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Otherwise the central bank digital currency, which is decades-long of serious manifestation will to come to fruition. 

Manifestation is not a sin, it is what we are. We are natural born creators. It is our God given birth right to create our future and we can change these projected dark realities around if we want. 

It is what we manifest that will be the results of where we are headed once we leave Earth.   

In Summary – Central Bank Digital Currency

Ask yourself who and what you are working for. What is your motivation to wake up every morning and work for an organization that treats you like a 12 digit employee number? Where is your family legacy going if you are drowning in debt? The central bank digital currency will only help their own families and their legacy of power to control over humanity. They really could not care less about you and me.

Good luck and pray for this to not happen, otherwise our freedoms are gone. They will not allow us to buy groceries if we do not fall in their line of abuse. 

Choose to not accept a fake digital world currency. Otherwise we will edge closer to being trapped in this new sci-fi digital Matrix. 

March 22, 2023


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