
Collecting Vegetables From The Garden

Collecting Vegetables From The Garden

We are in the fall season collecting vegetables from the garden. As we are nearing the end of the harvest this is what is left remaining. Within a few weeks the weather will be colder and everything will have withered away.

Collecting Vegetables From The Garden

Each year has been different than the last with gardening in the city. You will not receive the same results every time. This year some things went very well and others not as much. The three vegetable plants I purchased from the garden centre did not survive. These are the Brussel sprouts, yellow zucchini and cucumbers (which gave about 6-7 cucumbers). 

Collecting Vegetables From The Garden

What Food Grows Easily?

Surprisingly, the most resilient growth came from the seeds I planted. Some of the seeds, like tomatoes, were old. Nevertheless, the tomatoes grew the strongest. In return I received over 100 tomatoes and have used them for various dishes. A few recipes using them are still to come.

The strawberry slips are now well rooted into the ground. By the summer of 2023 I hope to pick strawberries from my backyard. The three mints, lemon balm, peppermint and spearmint continue to rapidly grow. They are getting picked off as they sprawl out. 

I cut chives from the garden a few times and have used them in dishes. The remaining herbs like oregano and rosemary are washed and left to dry. They are great for seasoning foods during the winter without buying them from the grocery store. More herbs will be coming in until the end of this month. 

Continue cutting them off until no more will grow and use whatever is remaining for seasoning dishes.

Is planting beans a good idea?

The kidney beans were semi successful. One pot where the seeds lay turned into a bed for squirrels. 

On several occasions I caught squirrels sleeping in the bed made for the kidney beans to grow. It must have been a very comfortable spot. The other side where they were planted in the bed grew kidney beans. However, they did not grow too high. Fortunately I received some beans in the end. 

Planting kidney beans is still a good idea.

Celery is another excellent vegetable to plant in the ground. You will have celery sticks grow. Similar to the herbs, I have pulled off celery to make delicious meals. One meal is coming up. 

Additionally green collards are thriving in the backyard as well. They grow effortlessly and are durable. These two vegetables are easy to plant and give a successful yield. 

Is it worth it to garden?

The amount of money it took to grow a garden in 2022 is under $50.00. The return on our investment is over $250.00. There are tomatoes, collards, celery and herbs still remaining in the garden as I share this message. Just recently I shared harvesting herbs for the winter to save money.

As of now I have collected two large ziploc bags of peppermint and spearmint leaves for tea. There is also one jar that is 1/4 full of dried oregano. There are pictures of the mint available in harvesting herbs for the winter to save money to see how much has been picked up. Additionally I have one jar with rosemary infused in oil.

There are green collards that have been picked from my garden and of course, plenty of tomatoes.

The harvest is not completely finished yet. The investment to grow your own garden is wise on all levels. It is good for your mind, body and wallet. Yes it it worth it to garden.

How Does Gardening Help the Collective?

By gardening you are self-sufficient, self-reliant and a service to the people around you without them having to know about it. 

Additionally, you also give those who cannot grow a garden food available for them to purchase at the grocery store. 

Even though some vegetables did not work out this year, that is still okay because you can see how much as come through.

Growing a garden in 2022 is a very rewarding experience. Continue collecting vegetables from the garden as I share all the things you can make with your harvest. 

October 6, 2022

Please visit more blogs on Gardening

Additionally, check out blogs on Home Reno’s, Recipes and 2020 and Beyond for cost effective ideas for your home, garden and the future.

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