
Dust All Over Your House

We have all seen the shows and movies with large immaculate homes and thought about how nice it would be to live in one. However, cleaning our home takes work and effort. In a short period of time it is easy for there to be dust all over your house.

One may say: “Pay someone to come to clean it up.” This is true. It seems like these are the ones who do not take into consideration the setbacks that come along with it. 

A personal preference is to do it myself. Whatever method one chooses is up to them as long as the dust is removed.

7 Reasons

Go just one week without dusting and expect to see it building up all over your furniture and floors. If we want to live in a nice clean place then be sure to brush off the dust. There are 7 reasons to remove the dust all over your house.

7 Reasons To Remove Dust

1. Cleanliness
2. Upkeep
3. Get Rid of Spider Webs 
4. Air Quality
5. Allergies
6. Carpets and Pets

7. Feng Shui 

1. Cleanliness


Whether you live in a condo, semi-detached home or a detached house, the place requires regular basic cleaning. Dusting is a must to do chore in your space on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. When there is no dirt anywhere everything looks clean. It is a small chore that has a huge reward. Depending on the size of your home and how often you clean the dust off, it can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 60 minutes to do

Before you sweep the floors in your home, remove the dust off all the furniture first. Then sweep the house and collect all the dust and dirt and throw it away. This simple easy task will keep your house always looking clean. It is not about how expensive or cheap the furniture is, once the dust is removed, the space automatically looks much better.

2. Upkeep

Dusting regularly keeps your house at top standards. As dust builds up, it is possible to start letting other things go. It becomes easier for clutter to build up that falls into the dirt on the floors and so on. As you start dusting, you will naturally start to put things away and back in order. You will fold your clothes laying around and tidy the closets. Doing all of this also helps the upkeep of the place.

3. Get Rid of Spider Webs and Spiders

Spider webs do happen to show up in homes and it is hard to avoid. The best way to keep them at bay is by removing the dust all over your house. A lot of dust builds up in corners you would not normally expect. As long as you brush off the corners of the walls around your home, you will be able to ward of spiders from getting attracted. The more dust you have around the house, the greater your chances of encountering a spider or two. For the most part, spiders like dust.

4. Air Quality

For better air quality it is important to clear the air in your space. Dusting is a vital part of high air quality. Your home clears up after you clean up. Everything looks better and smells fresh. In the spring and summer open your windows. Let some natural fresh air come in and clear the space while you remove the unwanted dust from your home. By doing this you are allowing yourself to breathe better.

5. Allergies

If you or someone you know has allergies in the home, dusting is essential. For allergy sufferers keeping the air quality clean is important. With dust all over the house you are likely to sneeze a lot more and not feel good. To avoid constant sneezing from dust allergies, make sure to remove it more frequently than others. You will have a greater reaction than those around you if you have allergies.

Do You Have a Dust Allergy? Causes, Symptoms & More | ZYRTEC®

6. Carpet and Pets

If there is carpet, hardwood floors or both in your home and you have pets, there is more to clean up whatever is shedding and building up. Vacuum your home once a week or every other week, depending on how much activity and how large the space is. Remove all the accumulating dust collecting around the humans and animals in the house and throw it away.

7. Feng Shui


According to Feng Shui, the number one thing to do to your home to bring in better energy is to clean the clutter and to remove all the dust. Before venturing into changing your whole space around, start with this one chore and you have accomplished something big. Cleaning the clutter and removing the dust is a great way to remove old negative and stale energy and invite an open freshness to your place.

It is nice to have a beautiful luxurious home and enjoy a large property. However, it takes work and effort to maintain it. If your dream is to have a large home one day, start cleaning whatever space you have now and see if this is something you can see yourself doing ten fold if your home was much bigger.

Once you get into the habit of dusting on a regular basis and cleaning up your space, you may get the hang of it. On the other hand, if you cannot bother, then a smaller space to live in is perhaps a better idea.

February 25, 2022

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