Plants From The Ground Up

Easy Vegetables To Grow

Growing While You Sleep

Growing plants from the ground up may not seem that easy. However, it is possible and easier than you think. My backyard looks like a mini vegetable farm in the making. We have only covered half of the ground around the pergola. The following message shares some easy vegetables to grow in your urban garden.

What Vegetables Are Your Growing In Your Backyard?

I have approximately 30 green pepper seedlings in the garden. Some are in small beds and a few are in mini pots and containers. Although they are still very small, the seeds are growing slowly and coming along well.

Easy Vegetables To Grow


Kale, celery, peppers and tomatoes (plants from the ground up)

Potato Plants

The potatoes leaves are starting to grow wide and are starting to rise higher. As a result the leaves on the potatoes have sprouted up very nicely turning the area into a beautiful lush green colour. Although potatoes are dug into the ground we cannot tell what is really going on. It is only after harvest season when it time to pull them out of the ground that we see how much grew underneath. 


I am hopeful that the potatoes will grow well all throughout summer. 

Easy Vegetables To Grow


Plants from the ground up

There are six small tomatoes plants and they are growing daily and slowly. In the meantime I tried planting a second time and out of those, about five tomatoes plants have sprouted. I only recently planted them to have them grow a little stronger before going into the soil. I will not get into the tomato story just yet. It is still in the making.

In your home garden you are able to establish a solid foundation for your plants before transplanting plants outside. 


I have one bunch of kale that is growing very nicely, as well as some celery. These two vegetables needed only roots on their ends to be planted and I am hoping they blossom. I will be starting to use the leaves of the kale within another week or so.

This is not my first attempt with growing kale. It is very easy to do and you can grow a lot of kale in your space. Just one bunch of kale at the grocery store is at $2.99. In your backyard you can eat bunches of kale for the same price. 


Easy Vegetables To Grow


Kidney Beans and peppers

Plants from the ground up


Can you see them? Hard to tell but they are tomato plants. They have potential.

One month in, what's happening?


Kale and Celery

Easy Vegetables To Grow


Chives and Peppermint

There are chives in a planter that are already long and tall. The summer has not yet begun, yet I can cut these chives and use them in cooking today. Chives only need to be planted once and these wonderful green stems will continue to return year after year. The same applies with mint. I have three kinds of mint growing. There is peppermint, spearmint and a lemon balm mint. You can use them in so many things. One day I will share, although I am sure you can already see some of it in my recipes.

Sweet Potatoes

There are sweet potato slips that have come out very nice and long. These have been placed into a small planter covered in soil and they will hopefully be able to bring some kind of yield this year.

Plants from the ground up


Sweet potato slips in a small canvas planter

We intend on creating a raised bed this year. However with the high costs of lumbar, we have held off. We purchased some before the prices went really high but now are not sure whether to use it just yet. This is why I created a raised bed in the ground with no box around it. Recently the price of lumbar has slightly dropped, but I do not think it will last long as I see the prices of everything rising.

Kidney Beans

This year I placed kidney beans in three planters and they are growing semi mediocre. One of the issues is that they were transplanted and with kidney beans, this is a no no. They do not like to be moved once they have been planted. The second thing is that the leaves are growing but their stems are long and thin, a little frail. So I added some nutrients, coffee and soil and hopefully they will revive a bit more. 

Plants from the ground up


green bell peppers 

Keep mending your garden and taking care of the vegetables you are growing.

What Should I Know Before I Grow Vegetables?

Crucial Early Stages 

These are all in their early stages of growing vegetables. The majority of the plants are very small and still looking like they are struggling to spurt. However, I am not giving up. Whatever nutrients, compost, water and coffee grinds I can give them, they will receive it. 

Despite the slow start and challenges this year, do not lose hope in the efforts you put into this. Look at all the things that are turning out right in your garden. The early stages are crucial because they will help lay a foundation for a prosperous yield in harvest season. 


spearmint growing nice and wild next to our cedar tree 

Take Advantage Of The Heat

The month of July is hopefully going to be hot and sticky. The plants will love the heat and summer rain. July is where we should see a much bigger change in our vegetables. In the meantime, continue to mend your garden and watch out for what is coming out and what is wilting. If you have extra plants, like me, you have a chance to replant some vegetables, otherwise, let it go and focus on what is working.


green/mixed pepper seeds

This is what I have so far with the plants growing from the ground up. As the season gets hotter, more will grow. Remember to use rain water to keep the plants replenished. These are just some of the many easy vegetables to grow in our urban garden. 

Please visit more of my blogs on Gardening

Additionally you can also check out blogs on Home Reno’s, Recipes and 2020 and Beyond for cost effective ideas for your home, garden and the future.

Related Topics:

Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook

Growing Kale

Transplanting Plants

The Fruits Of Your Labour

7 Steps Before Your Garden

Animals In Your Garden

house, seaside, parasol-819263.jpg         Green Thumb

I am the founder of Everything Handmade. I am helping others become self-sufficient using their own hands. This website is sharing DIY home renovations, gardening vegetables in the city, cooking our own meals and building a solid foundation in times of economic instability. 

Please purchase an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. My book is to help inspire readers cook delicious vegetarian meals at a low cost. The second book is called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook Volume 2, available on Amazon. 

Thank you for your support. 

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