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For The Love Of Money

Is Frugal Self-Sufficiency A Skill?

The Art Of Preserving

Each day people are faced with financial decisions that are either benefitting or hurting themselves and the collective. The obsession for the love of money is causing a lot of chaos in our reality. With problems mounting and no proper solutions from the experts, the aliens are here

As long as we cannot manage our own problems the aliens are going nowhere. Unless we decide that we do not want a dystopian future we can change this now. Of course, the solutions mean having to face a bit of a reality check.  

Is The Love Of Money The Root Of All Evil?

Depends On How You Treat It

King James Bible: 1 Timothy 6:10:

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 

Read more about the aliens are here to understand one of the reasons why we are in the mess we are in. This blog is part 2 of the aliens are here. This is the continuation.

Can Money Speak To Us?

The Real Story

Yes, money can speak to us and is doing so everyday, but we are not listening. Once we unveil what is being said to us then we can decide whether the path we are being taken down is the right one at all.

For The Love Of Money

You decide whether you are okay to continue the same path moving forward. 

Money Talks

Our money is speaking to us. Money is connected to nature as money represents water. Another word for money is currency, which is the waters of the current sea. The water of the current sea flows down the river bank. Our banking system holds our currency like the current sea is held in the river banks. The bank’s job is to hold and secure our money as the river banks hold the current sea.

As the money is getting more and more corrupt so are our waters. To clean the money is to clean the water which is going to clean the earth. The more corrupt the money becomes, the dirtier our waters are, including us as well. Our human bodies contain approximately 70% water as adults, even more as children and babies. So when the money is not clean, the water is not clean and our bodies are not clean. What happens? People get sick. Many sicknesses have arrived since 2020, not just one.

It all goes hand in hand and we are not separate from the home we live on. Look at all the water disasters going on around this Earth. It is no coincidence that as the economy gets worse the situation with water levels and flooding keeps rising.

Why Is An Accountant So Important For The Love Of Money?

The Ability To Be Accountable

The reason why the accountant is considered one of the most vital positions in banking is because they hold people accountable. The system knows that people do not like to be held accountable for their actions so they created the role of the accountant to help keep people in check (cheque). 

If people do not pay their debts there is a dedicated collections department that will make sure you pay back. Their job is collect the money you owe them and they do not really care what you have to do to pay it back, just that you must pay what you owe.

For The Love Of Money

Your checking account in the place where you hold your money and make financial transactions. This is where you check your accounts. 

A solvency is when banks have enough money to cover potential losses when you cannot pay off your home or loans. Banks maintain a sufficient level of capital to remain solvent and avoid failure. They are well aware that people are not accountable so they created a solution for themselves. Meanwhile it is okay for the rest of the world to fail financially in life. They are banking on our failures. 

How To Get Out Of Debt For The Love Of Money?

Be Honest About Your Spending Habits

The best way to get out of debt is by no longer buying into the madness of greed. Also, stop buying the illusion that you are rich when in actual fact you owe money. Being in debt is not a normal thing but has been sold to everyone as normal. Debt has given us two heartless bloody wars, more greed and continuously repetitive bad behaviour surrounding money. Greed is but one of the seven deadly sins and the system is expecting everyone to live in it, keeping us all in sin. 

For The Love Of Money

When we take on debt it equates to us being dead because we have nothing of value to offer. A debtor does not give to society but rather owes. This is what zombies look like in this economic apocalypse. It is people in debt (dead), working tirelessly making money to pay off what we owe. 

Those of us with a mortgage will spend the duration of that age in a morgue, a place where bodies are kept, especially to be identified or claimed. 

What Is A HELOC?

A Home Equity Line Of Credit

A HELOC is a Home Equity Line Of Credit. This means money you are borrowing against the equity in your house. In this case two things happen. One is that if you face financial hardships then selling your house is the only way for you to be able to pay back that loan. Two, if the property values go down and you must sell your home, there is a possibility that you may end up selling it for less than what you need to cover for your loan. This is a highly volatile risk. Your HELOC more than likely carries a high interest rate. In  other words, when we decide to go for a HELOC mortgage we are locking ourselves in hell. It can also be that “he” is “locked”.

The stock market is live stock, human live stock. Humans are seen as no different than the cows people eat by the people we trust. There is a live stock exchange that is run by A.I. called HSE, Human Stock Exchange. It is hidden in plain sight how debtors are viewed by their lenders. This is just some of the terminology that is used to describe what the monetary system is. Unfortunately it is how they view their customers, as cattle. 

For The Love Of Money

Are You Running A Rat Race?

Getting Off The Wheel

Like a rat on a wheel we continue the rat race, a game of their making that is not in our benefit. So we cannot say that they are bad and we are in a bad position because we chose to buy into a mouse trap. We bought lies and everything that comes with it, which is more lies. The only way to reverse what is happening is to be honest about what is really going on and changing how we tackle it. 

For The Love Of Money

Can I Get A Loan?

Taking A Bigger Bite, More Than You Can Chew

When you buy a loan you are alone. You are the sole person that is supposed to pay it off. You are lucky if anyone comes and pays some of it off for you, but for the most part you are going to pay it off… alone. 

When I took a loan, only I was responsible for paying it off. It does not matter what we have to do to make it happen, when you pay off the loan you will do it alone. The play on words in our reality is telling us what is really going on here.

Perhaps this may shake some of us to take accountability and no longer keep taking heavy loans in this indebted world. 

In North America, living without a mortgage or some kind of debt is next to impossible for a large majority. Everyone wants to build their wealth and rise up financially. This requires taking a loan. However, how much are we taking and is it justified? 

These financial problems are not going anywhere, they are just going to get worse. It simply cannot keep rising like this without consequences. Our ancestors already went through the 1929 stock market crash. What happened to them after the crash was even worse.

Take the time to read in between the lines because money is speaking to us. Get out of debt or be seen as null and void in the eyes of your lenders. When you are in this position they can do whatever they want to you, like enlist you in the next big one coming.

Agreement To Pay Back Money Owed

Look at it this way, if you lend someone $20k for example and they do not pay you back, how do you feel? What do you feel like doing to the person who is not paying you what they owe? How strong is your anger towards this person who you lent money to and they never repaid? That emotion of anger from the lender who gave you 500k plus to live the lifestyle you do on their money is amplified five hundred thousand times.

If you do not pay back what you owe, expect them to be angry at an intensity of the loan you took. You made an agreement to pay back money owed and they will not move until you pay that back in full. Making hasty mistakes for the love of money is causing a negative ripple effect for the collective.

For The Love Of Money

Summary – For The Love Of Money

As mentioned in the aliens are here, so is the age of Aquarius. This is not going to be an easy age if we do not manage our money now. It is best for everyone to come to terms with what you bought. See whether it is benefiting future generations or hurting them. Change it for the better by individually taking accountability over your debts.

Please visit more blogs on Gardening. Additionally, check out Home Reno’s, Recipes and 2020 and Beyond for more.

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