Grow Herbs Indoors

Start an Herb Garden Indoors

Grow Herbs Indoors

Last week I answered the question, when should I start seeds indoors? Today I will expand on it a little. Now is the time to start to grow herbs indoors in the winter. We are already in the first week of March. The sun is slowly starting to come back for a little longer. Start an herb garden indoors, in case you have not yet started one.  

It is not the right moment to start planting vegetable seeds inside just yet. Therefore growing herbs is something we can do in the meantime. Check out when should I start seeds indoors to see the time frames to grow herb seeds vs. vegetable seeds.

In case you have not yet begun planting herbs, you can now. In order to make it happen you need a few small items. These items are: seeds, soil and small containers, as mentioned last week.

How Do I Start An Herb Garden Indoors?

You can start basic. In the past I used egg cartons but it ended up not working out. 

This year I am not going to be using egg cartons as they are too small. However it is commonly used and if it works for you, then do it. You will still grow something. A learning experience for me from last year is that seeds will grow but not expand if there is not enough space. Therefore this year I am using slighting larger containers right from the start.

Grow Herbs Indoors

Focus on planting only a seed or two per small container. Give space for your seeds to grow. The first step is to get them in soil. 

Indoor Herb Garden Starter Kit - Soil Starter Discs, Compact Herb Seed Varieties, Bamboo Labels and Detailed Instructions - DIY Kitchen Grow Kit for Growing Herb Seeds Indoors - Garden Season

Take a cup or container and place some soil inside. Fill it up halfway and then add in one seed of your desired herb. Cover it up with a little soil. After that, add a few drops of water gently in the soil to begin with. Let the water sprinkle lightly, gently pouring rain into the cup. This is so that the seeds do not drown and cannot grow or get washed out. They need only a little bit of water to start.

Growing Herbs From Seed (Indoors and Outside) - A Guide To Success

Pour it over the planted seeds and let the water come out very gently. Then take your containers and place them on top of your fridge. Let them remain in the dark up on top of the fridge, until something sprouts. Look out for them and check on them everyday.

Grow Herbs Indoors

When you see the soil is dry, sprinkle a little water over it and put it back up on the fridge. Within a week or two something should start showing up. Once they sprout, take them down from the fridge and put them out in the sunlight for a few hours a day. Herbs will eventually start to grow.

What Herbs Should I Grow As A Beginner?

As a beginner you can grow the following herbs indoors :

Basil, oregano, dill, rosemary, thyme and cilantro. These are herbs I am growing. You can also grow chives because they are perennials. 

Fortunately a large bushel of chives grows in our backyard each year. However I am still going to plant a few chive seeds indoors as well.

If you like chives, grow some because they are very easy to grow. They are abundant and grow very well each year, without having to replant them. Now is the best time to start your herb seeds. Once we reach May, we will start receiving a good yield of herbs growing indoors.

Chives | Buy Garden Seeds Online | Zappa Seeds

what is the quickest growing herb?

Dill. Grow some dill and see what comes out. 

What Time of Year Should You Plant Herbs?

You can start in early spring. By the summer time you will be using them in your cooking as well as other personal techniques. 

Do Herbs Need Full Sun?

They need up to six hours of sun exposure if you are growing them indoors. Choose a spot in your home that gives a lot of sun and let them sit there. I move mine around the house based on where the sun lands and they eventually grow well. 

Is It Better To Grow Herbs From Seeds Or Plants?

I have tried both options this year and can say that I prefer to buy the plant and then place them in the bed, rather than grow them from the seed. Since my home has half the space blocked from the sun there simply is not enough time for the plants to receive as much sun as I would like, so they did not really thrive, although some have grown a bit. I did receive some oregano and dill. 

Plus, with the heat running inside the house because it is still winter and cold outside, the plants are not going to do that amazing. It is not that it is not possible, just for some reason it did not really work out great for me this year. Nevertheless, we bought three herbs for $10.00 in the Spring when the garden centres opened up. They are already plants and need to be in beds. They will grow very nicely and are perennials, giving us herbs moving forward each year. 

Do Indoor Herbs Need Drainage?

Yes, the herbs needs a drainage system because they do not like to sit in water. Just make sure there are holes in the bottom of your pots for water to drain out.

How Long Do Indoor Herbs Take To Grow?

They take 2-4 weeks to germinate. Within 6 weeks you should have some herbs growing, as long as you have plenty of sunlight coming in. 

How Often Do I water The Herbs?

Since the herbs need a drainage system and do not like to sit in water it is okay to water them gently once a week. 


Do Herbs Need A Lot Of Space To Grow?

You do not need much space to plant herbs. If you do not have seeds, buy them on-line. It is worth it. Herb and vegetable seeds are an investment. As we continue gardening throughout the year, I will share how they are turning out and what they are being used for. 

Grow Herbs Indoors

Enjoy building your indoor herb garden. Next week I will share more about growing herbs inside our home and what I am using to grow some before the Spring. This is a friendly reminder to start growing herbs indoors today.

See you then.

March 3, 2022

Please visit more of my blogs on GardeningHome Reno’s, Recipes and 2020 and Beyond for cost effective ideas for your home, garden and the future.

Additionally you can also check out my Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook for healthy meal ideas. 

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