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Is An Economic Crash Coming In 2029?

Is An Economic Crash Coming In 2029?

History Will Teach Us Nothing-Sting

Are we all heading into an economic crash on or before 2029? Since high paid expert economists will not address the elephant in the room, I will share it for free. Yes, it is likely coming, either before this year or by 2029. The year 2029 marks the 100 year anniversary of the 1929 stock market crash. 


I am not an economist or a certified licensed and paid employee in finances. Please read this message and take what resonates and leave what does not. Thank you.

Turning Our Money Into A Bit Of A Coin

The economy should have crashed in 2008, even before that. In 2009 the world was introduced to a “bit of a coin”. Since then everyone is getting hypnotized to accept Bitcoin, “a bit of a coin”. This enforcement of using digital currency is a clear indication that we are going to say goodbye to the sovereignty of humanity, unless we change this. Once you choose to make your hard work go digital, expect to be trapped in a bee hive digital matrix and not able to get out. 

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Losing Your Money Power

By accepting bitcoin you have no power over your earnings. This kind of money is not tangible, not private and it is not yours. The digital system owns it, the system owns you. If you stand up for yourself in the future, those who run this system will just wipe out your funds. In a blink of an eye thousands of hours spent of your hard work will be gone. 

Human beings are being used as mere resources. It is why every single corporation has a human resources department. You are an extraction. All that energy of your hard work is wiped out and now you have to start again, like the board game Snakes and Ladders. Stand back and take a look at how humans are valued on planet earth. Check out 2020 and beyond and read all the blogs I have written about money. They break down how we are viewed by the banks we trust without question. 

Is An Economic Crash Coming In 2029?

Why Do Banks Normalize Debt?

Insanity Normalizing Insanity

This is an unsettling concept normalized in our culture. Instead of focusing on being a creator, teacher, mentor, an inventor, an inspiration for others, we are taught to be enslaved in debts. Now you need the money and a steady paycheque to make sure that mortgage payments and bills are made on time. This does not include all money we spend on regular activities in life and having fun. 

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How is it that the world is allegedly infested with millions of highly intellectual people with degrees but they cannot manage their money? Yet, money seems to be the most important thing and talked about subject on peoples minds. If all your education was designed so that one day you will have a secure job and earn good money, where is it? Our delusional backwards minded culture is normalizing debt. This has no positive outcome for the children of the future.

The Patterns Are Repeating-Is An Economic Crash Coming In 2029?

Our ancestors already made this mistake. It ended up putting everything into complete chaos. That is really bad energy and vibration for the earth and surrounding planets. The energy on our planet has ripple effects, like the waves from the sea. That is why money is called the “Current Sea”. We have to manage our currencies (current seas), otherwise our debts will be mounting like a tsunami. 

This is not something to fear but a lesson in history. Heavy flooding is connected to money because money is water and water is money. That is why money and water are in banks. Is An Economic Crash Coming In 2029? You decide.

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According to those who claim we cannot change, they sing songs like “Alone” and  “History will teach us nothing” by Sting. A bee Sting really hurts after 2020 and beyond. After 2020 the world is at a crossroads. The word sTing has the word sing in it. The letter “T” is the 20th letter in the alphabet. In 2020 it was the year of the “TT”. The letter “T” also looks like the cross Jesus was crucified on. This is all connected to the times we are currently living it. It is all by design and none of what we are experiencing is a coincidence.

Almost one hundred years ago people in debt did not consider the consequences of the economic mistakes until it was too late. What we are doing today is not only the same but one hundred times worse than what they experienced one hundred years ago.

Is An Economic Crash Coming In 2029?

How Do I Get You A Lone? Loan In The Housing Market? 

Song by Heart-An Anagram For Earth

The housing market in Canada is so bad that the debt is over 3 trillion dollars. 

The following Information Is From:

According to a study by better dwelling…

The 2020 Rate Cuts Helped Debt Accumulation Soar

If the nearly $3 trillion in debt sounds astronomical, that’s because it is. From March 2020 to the most recent data, households added a whopping $541 billion to their debt pile. At just under 4 years, accumulation was 50% faster than the years preceding rate cuts.  

Is An Economic Crash Coming In 2029?

Numbers Decode Another Language

The song “Alone” is sung by a band named Heart. The word “heart” is an anagram for the word “earth”. Read more about this connection and us in my blog, Gardening The Earth Is The Guard To Our Heart. This song, “Alone” came out on May 16, 1987- 5 (month) 1+6 (day)=7



3+7=10 and 1+0=1.

The Number “37” is an important number. As well as the number 1 because 3+7 equals 10. One plus zero equals number one. What is no. 1? The No. 1 is the loneliest number…another song.

The number “37”, upside down looks like the French word, “Le”, which translates to the English word “The”. This song by Heart was released on a “Le”/”The” day. Also known as the day The “Alone” song by Heart was released. Radio stations played this song for decades, likely still do at your local boxed stores.

Pay Off A Loan A lone

The song “Alone” has to do with us paying off our debts, a loan (alone), get it? Nothing in our life is a coincidence. While we carry large debts thinking we are rich trying to prove something, we are paying off a loan all alone. No one will pay your debts for you. Even if your “heart” is broken, you must pay back “A loan” alone. 

It is all about accountability. Accountability means to be held responsible for your actions. This is also connected to the word “Lone”. The “Lone” wolf, the “lone” gunman and the “lone” Texas ranger all do it alone. When debts rise and people cannot pay them back, a beast out of the current sea (currency) will emerge.

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The Debts In Canada-Money In A Honey Bee Pot

There are approximately 16.6 million households in Canada. If I am to break down 3 trillion dollars of mortgage debts divided by 16.6 million households, the total debt per household would be $180,722.892 to pay off three trillion dollars. Can you imagine if all 16.6 million householders had this burden to bare? At the end of the day people have to pay this money back because it is not our money.

We are all affected by this, even those of you who have all your debts paid off. You will feel the repercussions of the debt crisis because everything around us will crumble. Would a person want to drive a nice car in a time where half the people on your street are in debt? It is probably not the best idea.

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Can You See The Ma Tricks?

The Tricks Behind Our Treats

In Canada there have been so many car thefts that strict laws are being enforced to prevent it from getting worse. People around you are finding any way they can to make ends meet. This is not a good sign. Take the money in your honey bee pot and build it. We are like busy bumble bees producing sweet honey money for nothing.

The corporations need the bee busy because humanity is mind programmed into a Matrix bee hive mentality. We do not honour our own individuality and integrity. Sting, the Bumble bee hive honey pot singer knows this and that is why he chants, “History will teach us nothing”. It is the reason why we are getting stung by a bee after 2020 and beyond. We need to get our finances together. 

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Check Your Mate

The bankers, accountants, credit cards and fraud agencies know that humans refuse to be accountable for their actions. Their jobs are created to make sure that you are put in check. Your debt is their paycheque “checkmate” game of chess on the game of thrones move. It is the reason why you will need to get a jab by a stinging bee for your job. People will take a jab for a job. “History will teach us nothing”, they know this and bank on it.

Soul Or Eclipse The Heart

I recently wrote about the Soul Or Eclipse The Heart. Once again the connection between the solar eclipse that occurred on April 8 2024 is lining up with the debts our countries are in. Our lack of ownership is creating a form of unhealthy and abusive dependence on our banks. The Banks are banking on humans to fail and get trapped again because this has already been done before. They know how the story goes.

Is An Economic Crash Coming In 2029?

In Summary-Is An Economic Crash Coming In 2029?

Take The Warning Seriously This Time

The “powers that be(e)” Sting know that the time is ticking and the day is coming when we have to pay back our debts. It is not going to be a good experience. They are waiting for that “Brand New Day”, another song by Sting to come in change our directive enforcing more power and more control over our rights for freedom. Another song called, “A New Day Has Come” by Celine Dion is about the same thing. These songs are chanting manifestations we are currently living out.

The song “Alone” by Heart is about our heavy dependence on the banks for a loan. We can all talk about being rich with our million dollar homes and condos. However, if we are sitting on $500,000 plus of mortgage debt we are penniless and we have nothing to our name. That is a fact. If you miss even one mortgage payment, the accountants and mortgage loan officers are coming after you. You are not free, independent or rich, but stuck and trapped. To be in debt, any form of debt means that we owe money and must answer to our lender or else…pied piper is coming.

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Get your homes in order and your debts cleared away for the “storm is coming”, a common quote in several Hollywood movies, including Batman. In 2020 we were all introduced to a “Bat” situation. Again, this is not by coincidence.

For the day will come when we will face judgement once again and repeat another cycle of going Back To The Future. Then Sting will be right that “history will teach us nothing”. Read the following lyrics below by the band Heart, an anagram for the word Earth. You may think this song is about love, but it is about the heart, which can get broken by false love. However, this heart hits the earth through banking by getting people alone with a loan. This is what they want, us all alone in a bank loan. 

Lyrics Of The Song “Alone”-Heart

[Verse 1]
I hear the ticking of the clock
I’m lying here, the room’s pitch dark
I wonder where you are tonight
No answer on the telephone
And the night goes by so very slow
Oh, I hope that it won’t end though


‘Til now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone

How do I get you alone?

How do I get you alone?

[Verse 2]
You don’t know how long I have wanted
To touch your lips and hold you tight, oh
You don’t know how long I have waited
And I was gonna tell you tonight
But the secret is still my own
And my love for you is still unknown

[Chorus] ‘Til now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone? How do I get you alone?

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Take care

May 22, 2024

Today is a 5(th month)+4 (2+2 day)= 9 day

9+8(year)=17 day

1+7=8 on an 8 year. Today is an 8 day and 8 year. Read more about manifesting this decade 2020 and beyond to understand the importance of what is going on here. It is connected to what we are repeating like A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. It is mentioned in my blogs on Truth And Reconciliation, in particular, The Joker, Part 4

May your lives be filled with ample abundance. 

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