money tree, bonsai, plant-5352199.jpg

Lucky Money Tree

Owning a lucky money tree is a positive boon for your household. It is a lush green plant that provides a natural element to your space uplifting the energy of the room it is in. 

As the world faces an economic downturn with a possible recession on the horizon, what we spend our money on is more important now than ever. Take a closer look at what we are buying and whether it has a long term value. 

After 2020 and beyond we want to make smart small investments for good returns. A lucky money tree in 2023 is a practical purchase for your home . Here are some reasons why.

What Is A Passive Way To Earn Money?

Passive income is making money from creative ideas that yield a financial gain. Some passive ways to earn money are investing in real estate, stock trading, sharing and selling your knowledge and expertise, renting a space in your home and many more.

Another cleaver way to passively earn income is by owning certain items in your home that are said to help energetically create wealth. One of these items is having a money tree.

Renters Struggling To Pay Rent

For renters and home owners, the cost of living is increasing exponentially each year. There are several steps we all have to take to pivot during these times ahead. As much as practical solutions are a factor to help manage our finances, so are some simple and perhaps unconventional ways to build your wealth.

Investing in a money tree may seem like a strange way to build your wealth but it does not hurt to try. The plant is a booster for your home. It is low in cost and has the potential to bring abundance into your home.

How Can Owning A Tree Change Your Wealth?

A Money Tree Can Boost Your Wealth With The Help Of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese technique that is used to help build and maintain a harmonious atmosphere. A money tree is a helpful plant to have in your space according to Feng Shui.

When you buy a plant, pay attention to any changes that occur after you have it in your home. Does anything in your life shift or does it stay the same? There is a possibility that something good may come your way.

One example is that I had been trying to sell a car for months. Within 24 hours of buying a money plant, the car was sold. The sale was effortless. A week afterwards a steady job came through for my partner. He is still there today. This is not to say it was buying a money tree that did the trick. Do not expect miracles to occur, but after buying it some things shifted for the better.

Why Should We Have A Money Tree?

Your Wealth Depends On It

The reason why it is good to have a lucky money tree is because it is said to bring good luck and wealth. Having a natural live plant in the home is important to have. To learn about the best city house plants, click on the link.  

Place the plant in the wealth corner (using a bagua), of your home. It is in this location that there is a possibility of your wealth growing.

Having a lucky money tree in 2023 might help you out during tough times. According to Feng Shui a money plant is beneficial to have in our homes, especially when our income is fluctuating.

What Is So Special About Having A Money Tree?

Aside from the fact that this tree is called a MONEY tree, there are other reasons why you should consider investing in one today.

The Leaves Of The Money Tree

Each branch of a money tree has five leaves on it. The 5 leaves represent the 5 elements of nature. These are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. These elements, when balanced, help bring beauty and peace in ones home.

In Feng Shui, the aim is to live in a harmonious and balanced space that works in congruence with the elements around it. A money plant is a wonderful plant to have as an addition in your space because it raises the vibration of your space.

Having this plant helps boost the air quality in our home and removes toxins. It also helps increase the amount of oxygen, which is better for breathing.

What Are 3 Additional Benefits Of Having A Chinese Lucky Money Tree?

1. Easy To Care For

A money planet does not require much attention to care for. Its maintenance is low and it only needs watering when the soil is dry. Watering the plant every other week is sufficient for a money plant. When the soil is about 75% dry, which takes almost two weeks, water can be given.

When dust collects on the leaves, once every other month clean the leaves off. They are easy to do. If you can do it sooner that that it is a good idea for upkeep.

2. Low In Cost

Fortunately a lucky money tree is low in cost. You should be able to find a small to medium size money plant for approximately $20.00. Even though this is not a plant that grows food it has the potential to generate wealth passively. 

You might receive some money in return just from this one simple purchase. Just take care of your plant and it can give back in return. This is a small investment for a possible large yield.

3. Beauty Of Your Home

Having a lucky money tree is beautiful for your home. It is a natural real plant that brings in the colour green in your home. Green is the colour for money.

Be mindful how large you want your money plant to grow. My aunt had a money plant that was so large that she had it hanging all over her hallway and down the stairs of her home. With sunlight coming through her skylight, this plant was thriving. If you have a small space, keep it simple and have the money plant in a small planter rather than a large one. Otherwise, it will keep on growing as long it is taken care of.

How Much Sun, Fertilizer and Coffee Grinds Do You Need For A Lucky Money Tree?

Sunlight Inside Our Home

A lucky money plant does not need direct sunlight and moderate sunlight is enough. Place it to the side, slightly away from direct sunlight so that it is not too much and not too little. If the leaves are starting to turn yellow it means that it is getting too much sunlight.

There are several different kinds of house plants that are great to have in our home, especially during the winter. The money plant is a smart choice to have because it will survive even on cloudy days. You can leave it alone for a week and it will be okay.

Should I Fertilize My Plant?

Fertilize Your Money Plant

It is a good idea to fertilize your money plant. If you want it to grow larger and stay healthy, fertilize it once every other month. For one of the two times of watering this plant a month, mix in a little miracle grow in the water and pour that in the planter. That is all it needs.

Coffee Grinds Is A Good Fertilizer For A Money Plant

Coffee grinds are useful and should not be thrown in the garbage if you have plants. Your money plant will absorb the nutrients and micronutrients like potassium, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium and other trace minerals from dried coffee grinds. When you use the coffee grinds for indoor plants, especially a money plant, it will grow better and look healthier.

Location of Your Money Tree

The best location to place your money tree is in the wealth corner of your home. For the practices of Feng Shui, use a bagua map for your home. Based on the bagua map, the far left corner of the inside of your place is often the wealth corner of the home. However, that area may be not be the right place for you.

According to Vastu Shastra, (another excellent tool used for creating a harmonious home), the South-East corner is the most prosperous place to put your money plant. It is owned by Lord Ganesh, who is the God of removing all obstacles.

The South-East corner is the direction where Venus resides and Venus is the planet of wealth. If the South-East corner of your home happens to be the far left space of the inside of your home, then place the money tree here. 

Do some research on the best placement for your money plant based on your space and home direction.

Is Owning A Money Tree A Good Investment?

Yes it is a good investment. It looks beautiful in your home and grows without much work on your part. The plant is a low maintenance and is a low cost purchase which is said to bring wealth and prosperity in your home.


Buy a money plant and hopefully your wealth will start to get better. Even though this is not a direct way of making money, the benefits of having this plant serves as an air purifier in our home as well as it beings natural beauty to our environment.

In our journey to building our wealth, pick up a money tree along the way. It is only one suggestion to help bring passive wealth your way.

Feng Shui is far more detailed and intricate than just buying a money tree. However, purchasing a plant named “Money” is a good starting point. 

Consider buying a lucky money tree in 2023 instead of a lottery ticket. You may have a greater chance of winning something. 

Good luck! 

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**Originally published on mcinthehouse.com on January 12, 2023**

**This Blog Is Updated in June 2023**

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