
Money For Nothing

Working Hard While Losing Money

Having worked in the financial sector for a short part of my life, it taught me a lot about how easy it is for an economic collapse to occur. Although never discussed, the elephant in the room has been around for a while. 

We wake up in the morning and head off to work assuming that we are doing something productive. The truth is, most of us are making money for nothing. Compliments to the ones on top approving conjuring money out of thin air, our currency will continue to devalue. It is going to devalue so low that when people see the price of a small loaf of bread jump up overnight to $100.00, they might faint. 

Money For Nothing

Can You Get Out Of The Rat Race?

Walking The Straight And Narrow Path

The economy is not going in the right direction because we are lost in a lot of debt. The majority of people are working to pay off things we could not afford in the first place. This is making us stuck in a rat race. The world is facing an over 300 trillion dollar debt bubble. When the great depression hit, it was nowhere near the debt levels as it is today. Nevertheless it still took over a decade to recover. This is not a good sign. 

In the past several posts I shared my thoughts on our economy and our future. With all the control there is over humanity a central bank digital currency is the next step the banking system is advertising. Not only do we pay for bank bailouts we also get offered a losing option of turning our currency into cyberspace money.

I mention how our desire for the love of money is one of the main reasons why the aliens are here

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.  We can only change this around by considering the benefits of getting out of the rat race. All of these messages along with more blogs on 2020 and beyond express the importance of staying afloat in these times and ahead. 

What Is Quantitative Easing? Money For Nothing


Quantitative easing is a monetary policy action where a central bank purchases predetermined amounts of government bonds or other financial assets in order to stimulate economic activity. Quantitative easing is a novel form of monetary policy that came into wide application after the financial crisis of 2007-2008.

2008 Stock Market Crash

The 2008 stock market crash was the worst economic crash since the 1929 economic collapse. It took one and a half years to recover. However, not many years after we are facing stress in the economy that could feel worse that what was felt in 2008. After the 2008 crash, in 2009, there was the introduction of crypto currency. 

By the time 2008 arrived I shared with others that we are heading into an economic crash. At the time no one heard of “Quantitative Easing”. Quantitative Easing is the first step into baiting the masses into accepting cryptocurrency as real money.

Ushering The Masses Into Cryptocurrency

Even though quantitative easing is based on dollars, the federal reserve created money out of thin air and proceeded with a normal economy. It was as if nothing went wrong. 

For almost 15 years we are playing with the notion of everything is alright when it is not. The economic giants who make the most important decisions on our economy evidently made the situation worse, adding more fuel to an ongoing fire.

By doing so, expect the same scenario to play out with cryptocurrency in the future if people accept that as real money. Cryptocurrency was also manifested after the 2008 stock market crash. It is not a coincidence.

Money For Nothing

This is why there is a push for cryptocurrencies, to do more of this kind of scamming on a grander scale. 

First they need everyone in debt before they target aliens in outer space into debt! This is why the A Liens are here. They are taking everything from everyone at any cost, until we have nothing left.

Can You Be Rich Without Making Money? Money For Nothing

Monopoly Money 

According to the monetary system, you can. They describe quantitative easing as novel. The word novel means, original, out of the ordinary, unusual and strange. In order to create quantitative easing, no hours of hard labour took place for this novel idea. However, it is going to take millions of people and some decades of hard work to pay their novel idea off.  

The Walking Debt

Humanity is under a 300+ trillion dollar (and counting) global debt bubble. Divide 300 trillion dollars of debt by 8 billion (population of people on Earth), every single person would owe $37,500.00 today.

Money For Nothing

As of 2022, 42% of Americans alone had less than $1000.00 saved. Almost half of the population could not fork out $1000.00, let alone $37, 500.00. We are the walking debt. That is what the horror movie is truly about. The monetary system tells us that when we are in debt we are equivalent to the walking dead.

They find this so funny. Movies are made garnering millions of dollars in profits entertaining us about being equivalent to zombies. It is incredible. We are watching movies about ourselves and getting scared.

How Do We Protect Our Money?

Protect Your Assets and Hold On To Your Wealth

Maybe I am wrong, but I see a near future great depression on the horizon as mentioned in the Roaring 20s are back. I expected a deep recession back in 2008 but since that time the debt has skyrocketed. If it can jump up so high in a span of one decade it can happen again and is. Eventually the bubble will pop. We are in crunch time to get our house in order to ride out the coming financial waves. Pay off your bills on time and manage your debts.

In Summary

The rich see the poor as servants because we are serving ants. Everyone is running around like ants, we look like ants going nowhere. Aimlessly roaming around with the illusion that we are productive citizens when we are mere ants in this game. We do not need to endure another economic collapse. It can be diverted if we make changes.

The band Dire Straights sang “Money for Nothing” on how we handle it. The same band later on made grown men cry with their song “Brothers In Arms”. It is what happens when money for nothing is mishandled, as it is today.

They were not just singing about women, riches and our obsession with the MTV, but the cost and value that our foolish mistakes leave behind. 

Is it worth it to endure another economic collapse? Our wallets will give the answer. 


May 2, 2023

Related Topics:

The Aliens Are Here

Central Bank Digital Currency

We Pay For Bank Bailouts

For The Love Of Money

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In loving memory of my father-in-law-April 23, 2023

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I am the founder of Everything Handmade. I am on a mission to help others become self-sufficient with their hands, sharing DIY home renovations, gardening vegetables in the city, cooking our own meals and building our foundation in times of economic instability. 

I am also the author of an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook.  This book is to help inspire readers to cook delicious vegetarian meals at a low cost.

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