
The Aliens Are Here

Why Being Financially Responsible Equals Freedom

Being financially responsible equals freedom because your decision making is no longer centred around being in debt. This brings room to create new ideas. With more mounting debts to owe these are the signs that the aliens are here. 

In 2020 and beyond reality is swiftly changing. One hundred years ago it shifted in our financial system that caused a ripple effect across the world. A similar situation could repeat this decade, leading up to a take over of our sovereignty. The way to make this possible was by getting everyone in debt. Who do we have debts to pay to? We have to pay our debts back to a lien(s). The aliens are here.

The Aliens Are Here Being financially responsible


The aliens in our case are a lien. The aliens have been here this whole time. That is the purpose of a (lien). It is to collect our debts. They have come to collect.

Debt is ruining millions of lives. We live in a strange world that teaches us that debt is normal. Then we wonder why we are so stressed. The more we normalize spending money to buy for things we cannot pay for, the more  we are living like a bird in a cage. 

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. This is just one of the ways how it is done.

What Is A Lien?

According to google dictionary a Lien is:

A right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a DEBT owed by that person is discharged. 

A lien(s) are coming to collect their debts. We the people cannot pay our debts. The way the aliens are taking over our lives is through technologies overpowering our purpose for existence. We are being rendered null and void. The only thing millions of people are all working for today is to simply survive while paying off debts. All leisure and fun is also borrowed money for some as endless spending continues.

Since we are becoming useless to those we put our trust into, they are rewarding our dependence on them with A.I., our new master.   

The Aliens Are Here-Being Financially Responsible

For victims of alien abductions, I do believe people are taken. This information is not available for anyone but is entertained in T.V. shows like The X-Files.  

All humans coming to earth are test subjects for something we know nothing about. Our memories are wiped out when we come here and our system does not teach any truth but lies. 

“Trusted” doctors know more about our blood than we do. We are studied and therefore we, the humans, are a subject. We are monitored and controlled. The protection we seek must come from us to protect one another, but that is not happening and the a lien(s) know this. A (lien)s is a protection against our failures to make payments. I will share more in next week’s post.

A Lien to Aliens

There is a connection between people that are abducted by aliens, a lien, us being in debt and the powers that be knowing about it all. Outside planet earth aliens do not deal with currency. There is no paper money floating in outer space. We are the only ones locking ourselves bound into debts. 

The Aliens Are Here-Being Financially Responsible

What Is The Real Story?

The more we immerse in the digital world, the more we lose our real world. Our real world with original human beings, nature based, emotional, creative and individually blueprinted are dying. 

True nature fades away and becomes a smoke screen like nature reality.  The world is heading down a rabbit hole as we melt our consciousness into A.I. We will not be able to distinguish the real from the fabricated. Our consciousness and our minds are fed to A.I. which is getting stronger everyday.

By the time I am old and sick my nurse might be a robot. Human beings are on the verge of being rendered useless. Therefore, get out of debt. Otherwise humanity will forever remain under control of those we owe money to. 

This Is The Dawning Of The Age Of Aquarius

Humanity is going to look very different in the near future. We are shifting into the Age of Aquarius. Everything is going to change. The first thing that happened in 2020 is that we all separated from each other. Even though we communicated, our face to face interaction was affected and keeping six feet apart was recommended. Social distancing became the new normal. Aquarians do not like to be overly touchy all the time. They like friendships though and helping out large groups of people. 

Aquarians carry the water. In the past decade more and more water events are showing up in many parts of the world.  As water levels are rising, more economic problems keep piling up. Flooding is happening now more than normal. So is our mounting debt.  

Tomorrow Is Starting Today 

We are creating a new earth, a new way of living and building the next reality. It is imperative to do it with our soul and spirit intact, within us, centred and grounded. Pay off your debts, otherwise the a lien(s) will take over. Humanity is repeating the same mistake that was made by our ancestors 100 years ago. 

Does History Teach Us About Being Financially Responsible?

A song by Sting is titled “History will teach us nothing”. The powers that be bank on this and that we simply do not change and neither will they. History does not teach people about being financially responsible. Instead it promotes endless spending for the sake of wanting something.

We are being shown our future by the very people paid big money to sell us illusions without us connecting the dots. Instead we would rather argue over skin colour and which one is superior, for example. 

As a result, the more we remain in debt, the more we can expect A.I. to control our lives, making people less valuable. Being financially responsible will increase the flexibility to make changes in your life that you would otherwise not do. 

Part 2 For The Love Of Money is now available. 

Please visit more blogs on Gardening. Additionally, check out Home Reno’s, Recipes and 2020 and Beyond for more information.

An Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook is now on sale on Amazon. Thank you for your support.

February 27, 2023

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