home and garden potatoes growing

Transplanting Plants

Transplanting our plants outside-Kidney Beans

Is It Easy Transplanting Seedlings Outside?

The Process From Indoor Gardening To Outdoor Planting 

Here are the results of transplanting plants outside into the backyard from inside the home. The prep work is done. We have seeds that have sprouted and are now ready to go into the soil. The greatest potential for loss when transplanting seedlings outside is the change in atmosphere. Going from the comfort of our home where no elements cause damage to then go outside where there is no protection will leave us with a few seedlings standing if they are not cared for. 

The following vegetables are showing up from transplanting seedlings to the garden. It has been a month since planting seeds in our garden. Everything is slowly coming along. 

Several leaves from the potatoes are growing nicely and spreading out. A picture below shows what the potato leaves look like. 

transplanting our plants outside-potatoes

How To Efficiently Occupy Your Backyard Space To Grow Vegetables?

Sunlight In Our Backyard

There is an open space in the backyard where there once was a hot tub once. Now that it is removed and the area is empty, it time to start gardening. Normally someone will cover the space with grass or put in a fire pit. I have considered a fire pit for some time but eventually we purchased a mini fire pit that took place of creating one in the ground ourselves. Instead, since the space in this area gives  a lot of  sunlight it is a perfect spot to grow a garden. 

Sweet Potatoes

Below is a picture of sweet potato slips. All of the slips are from one sweet potato. By planting the slips, there is enough space for them to grow and sprawl out on the ground. 

transporting our plants outside sweet potatoes

Slips From One Sweet Potato

What Are The Results Of Transplanting Seedlings In Our Backyard?

This is what has sprouted up in our garden so far. Fortunately there is still a considerable time for more growth. 

From the seeds planted indoors to bringing them outside, these plants have started with a good foundation to go in the ground. 

When it rains it pours so start collect rain water to hydrate your plants. This is going to be a useful tool to use throughout the summer to nourish the plants and save energy. 

Can Kale Grow In The Shade?

Where Not To Grow Kale

Although the kale did not work out this year, it turns out that it was not placed it in the right direction. Not only were several insects and bugs eating the leaves, the location did not receive enough sunlight. Kale does not need as much sunlight as most vegetables but it cannot survive in complete shade either. So it needs a happy medium where an adequate amount of sunlight falls but is receiving a little shade as well.

Bugs On Vegetable Leaves

I sprayed the kale with some soap and water so that it could help stop the bugs from eating the leaves. It worked well, however, due to the lack of sun, the kale I planted eventually ended up wilting. 

How Important Is Companion Planting?

The Benefits Of Companion Planting

Companion planting is going to help your garden grow better. By having certain vegetables grow next to each other there is a higher chance of them growing larger and stronger. By doing so you can help the plants from being taken over by pests and insects, bugs and other critters.

Free Download: A Printable Companion Planting Chart - Food Gardening Network

tomato seeds

Planting Tomatos In Our Garden

In the picture above there are some tomato plants in the ground next to our sideways cedar tree, which did get replanted and is growing straight and strong in 2023. Having a cedar tree in a small backyard is good to have because cedar trees grow large and wide and give a little extra privacy. Plus this is the first property I have lived on where there are so many blue jays and red cardinal birds and many more to hang out. 

First Stages-Transplanting Seedlings Outside

Tomato Plants

The tomato seeds and the green and red pepper seeds are slowly beginning to blossom.

Continue to follow vegetable plants growing throughout the summer in our urban garden. Transplanting seedlings are possible. This is a good beginner guide for anyone thinking of growing vegetables in their garden. Transplanting seedlings outdoors is possible, with a little extra care. 

Leave a comment and share your thoughts on what you have growing in your space. 

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I am the founder of Everything Handmade. I am helping others become self-sufficient using their own hands. This website is sharing DIY home renovations, gardening vegetables in the city, cooking our own meals and building a solid foundation in times of economic instability. 

Please purchase an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. My book is to help inspire readers cook delicious vegetarian meals at a low cost. The second book is called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook Volume 2, available on Amazon. 

Thank you for your support. 

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