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Truth And Reconciliation-Do Not Dim Your Light Part 2

What Makes You Shine?

This Little Light Of Mine

Truth and reconciliation-Do not dim your light Part 2. The enemy will not support your dreams, desires or wishes, but destroy them. All of these things are your shine. They are not in your life to guide you in the right direction but steal your shine. Your gifts and talents will not be recognized, but mocked and disrespected. Stand still because you have natural light and do not need to fight anyone for it. They want you to feel as small as a mouse. Keep shining.

Please read Truth And Reconciliation-Keep Moving Forward No Matter what first before reading further.

truth and reconciliation-do not dim your light part 2

Shed Light On Dark

In the show The X-Files, Scully (Gillian Anderson) is Mulder’s (David Duchovny) handler. Her character’s role was to watch over him and keep him on track because she was hired to hold him back. He believed “the truth is out there”.  He is the only person on the show (aside from some help from the three Lone Gunmen who worked in secrecy), who wanted the truth. The three men are described as “ardent conspiracy theorists”. 

Aside from them, many people went against him to stop from him finding out the truth, but the so called “conspiracy theorists” helped him out. They use these terms to mock people in reality investigating their conspired theories on us.

The Truth Hurts

Every time he got closer to the truth he fell 10 steps behind. He was gaslit by Scully questioning his theory, with a tone of “this is absurd”, like she is left working alongside a nutcase conspiracy theorist. They use the words “conspiracy theory” several times in the show to suggest that whatever he says is just some made up fabrication, tin foil hat, kool-aid theory. All words to make someone look like they are a nutcase. It is a strategic chess move to stop anyone from questioning anything in life.

Scully’s support for his purpose was fake, even though the show gives the impression that she cares. This is very similar to your enemy. They are very good at pretending as if they care about you, are supporting you, but they are actually trying to destroy you. 

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Physically she was chasing after him all the time, helping him out of trouble, speaking up for him to their boss, Skinner, and much more. However, she questioned Mulder about almost everything and did not believe much until it somehow affected her life. I am speaking of their characters here and not the people who played them. Nevertheless, his character’s light was constantly getting dimmed and he was gaslit to stop from researching any further.

The Popular Loner

Mulder’s character is a loner. He is not a loner because he is a loser but because he is too busy searching for the truth. No one else around him is interested to do the same. Victims of abuse are set apart to be loners because bullies are threatened by their light. They need to isolate them and turn them into a loner because they are jealous of the victim’s light.

Without Mulder there is no X-Files. The X-Files is a popular show as a result of a popular loner character. He is investigating stories no one else is willing to work on or has little knowledge about. 

He may not have been abused as a child but does get abused and gaslit as an adult. No one helps him or wants to work with him but everyone knows about him. You getting bullied as a child means that you are set up to be a popular loner very young. 

His character is not the only example. There are several movies and shows that use the same theme but in different ways. Many movies related to being a loner are directly related to child abuse. Click on the links below for more.

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The Power Of Purity

In Season 6 Episode 11: Two Fathers, the alien-human hybrid woman mentions the word “purity”. The enemy cannot stand pure people. This episode was about changing the original human (pure human), into a half alien/ half human hybrid being. This is done by changing their DNA. The entity ends up controlling the human. It is similar to the movie Avatar, but a little different.

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Pretending To Be Like You

Avatar is a movie about violence and abuse. They went as far as going into another body to pretend they are from Pandora and wiped out all of the blue moon skinned Indigenous species.

The place where these people lived was magnificent and breathtaking. The humans came in like bullies, charging at them the same way XL Bully dogs are attacking random innocent people these days. They bulldozed the lives of the people of Pandora to the ground. It meant nothing to them. This violence and abuse is not new, it is ancient and our culture supports it with movies like this. How much profit is made from movies about abuse and violence? A lot.

Now we have violent dogs and coyotes attacking humans randomly without protection on our streets and nothing is done about it. There is no truth and reconciliation on the abuse that is ongoing. What does an apology and some money do if the act of violence is not changing? Nothing.

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Do you think the director of this movie has no idea about the effects abuse leaves on people? He knows it better than anyone, giving us a manual on how they are destroying other life forms successfully. We are watching this mind programming on how they are making humans next in line.

Money and Power

He is the same director who made millions of dollars in profits off of the Terminator franchise. What is The Terminator movie all about? Robots taking over humanity without remorse and Avatar was about destroying a whole other race completely with no apology. You will rebuttal and say I am talking about movies and this is fiction and has nothing to do with truth and reconciliation, but it does.

I am showing you the parallels of how the abuse we are watching in the movies and shows is connected to our life. These are manifestations from thought and brought into reality.

The enemy does not want humans to have emotions. They need our minds docile and complacent in order to break us all down. This is abuse.

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Both of these movies made billions of dollars in profits. No one is getting jail time, no prison for such impure thoughts and manifestations they call “art”. They are making these scenarios into our reality and normalizing it. We are brainwashed calling these atrocities against humanity a masterpiece and not a wild nightmare.

Ruin Your Character-Do Not Dim Your Light

Your enemy  will work hard to ruin your character. They do not want anyone around you. They will act like you are the problem and lie about you to others just because you are real. Your only choices are either continue getting abused until you are docile or dead, or walk away.

As the saying goes, “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” I do not agree nor prescribe this method to anyone. My suggestion is to to stay away from haters. There are not in your life to help you and be there for you.

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In Summary-Bullies Are Cowards

Abusers are bullies and cowards. I have been in the cross hairs of a few handful of them and they are nothing like their bark. Some are liars and several are jealous that you are grounded and balanced. You may even have someone casually tell you they hate you or are jealous of you and then smile and say it was a joke. I am not laughing.

Stand up for yourself with or without anyone’s help. Most of the bullies have a lot of minions and therefore expect to stand alone, even if people know you are right, they do not care.

Therefore in truth and reconciliation-do not dim your light part 2 is the second step to getting stronger. The first step is to keep moving forward no matter what.

See you tomorrow with Part 3

Purchase my Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook available on Amazon. Thank you for your support.

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I am the founder of Everything Handmade. I am helping others become self-sufficient using their own hands. This website is sharing DIY home renovations, gardening vegetables in the city, cooking our own meals and building a solid foundation in times of economic instability. 

Please purchase an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. My book is to help inspire readers cook delicious vegetarian meals at a low cost. The second book is called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook Volume 2, available on Amazon. 

Thank you for your support. 

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