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Truth And Reconciliation-Stop Making The Same Mistakes Part 3 

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Different Results?

Fool Me Once

Jealousy and envy are as cruel as the grave. “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me”. It is easy to say and hard to do, but we cannot make the same mistake of being around people who do not want the best for us. Jealous and envious people are dangerous and they will destroy you. When it comes to truth and reconciliation-stop making the same mistakes. Do not cater to your haters.

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What Is In It For Me?

Abusers Talk Business

Those who hurt others are not interested in love but control. They are looking out  for what is in it for them, materialistically, in terms of social status, to make them look better while making you look weak, etc. This is why you do not owe anyone anything when they could not care less about you. 

Truth and reconciliation-Stop Making The Same Mistakes Part 3 

The abuser is testing to see how far they can mess with your mind and destroy your ego. They also have a lot of minions doing their dirty work while the abuser is mocking them at the same time. The minions enjoy making you go crazy while they are prescription pills working for despicable people laughing at them.

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The Truth In Movies

Truth And Reconciliation-Stop Making The Same Mistakes Part 3

The movie “Despicable Me” is about a man who is internationally recognized as a master criminal and has all the wealth in the world. The despicable man has oodles and oodles of minions that look like prescription pills working for him. This is so funny to abusers. Minions are used because they do not think for themselves. They wait for a despicable person to tell them what to do and they do it, like popping pills that have several side effects.

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The whole movie is a commercial to promote a pill popping industry. It also promotes working for despicable people. This children’s cartoon movie is about accepting abuse while respecting despicable people in high positions of society. It is even worse, but I will leave it at that for now. 

The Education System Is Aware

The education system is watching to see how far they can go to take you out passively and dilute you without you figuring it out. We are playing a losing game of chess expecting a change while making wrong moves.

Truth and reconciliation-Stop Making The Same Mistakes Part 3 

You are brought to school to be dulled down. They made a school board to make us all bored and dulled down. Meanwhile the Architects of Control (watch this documentary, one of the best documentaries I have watched), drink tea while discussing their next chess moves for our futures. 

They do the actual thinking for us while we are distracted with fighting over black, white, brown, yellow and a million other useless things. If one were to reflect on what we are putting ourselves through, many of us would change the way we move.

Definition Of Bored

1. feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity. “she got bored with staring out of the window”

The school board is the chess board. You are bored in school because they do not want anyone to be original and exciting or to learn anything truly valuable. We are being programmed to be the same, look the same, act the same, talk the same, walk the same, eat the same, think the same and call those who do otherwise insane.

If you are good at playing their board game of chess and agree and do well in the school board system, without getting bored, you can apply for a better position. Going from a pawn to a bishop or knight metaphorically in their game of LIFE, another board/bored, game.

Waiting For You To Fall Out

Truth And Reconciliation-Stop Making The Same Mistakes Part 3

If you are getting abused, people know and some of them are waiting for your downfall. You are programmed to love, trust and respect those who are hurting you and do not even like you, but expect you to love and respect them. If that is not madness I do not know what is.

Truth and reconciliation-Stop Making The Same Mistakes Part 3 

The enemy wants you to loathe yourself and where you came from. They want you to make the choice to play their boring game of chess or take yourself off. Remember, your life is something to play with according to your enemy. You taking yourself out means they win. Do not let them win, even if you are not competitive and do not want to play.

Be There For Yourself

People have an idea what you are going through and they like it and will not help you. You have to be there for yourself. People and the system gain a lot from your downfall because they gain more power.

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The entertainment industry encourages you to release your frustration. By using the clockwork orange method, they will break you and take you down.

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The book by Anthony Burgess and the movie by Stanley Kubrick, A Clockwork Orange, is one perspective of this story. However, they show other “Clockwork Orange” perspectives that go against the victim of abuse. After abusing you they have a whole other future they want for your life. Your abuse does not end in childhood.

Come back tomorrow and read about how Hollywood flips the script of the story of “A Clockwork Orange”. They use the exact same method they used on Alex, the main character, on victims of abuse in real life. 

They use entertainment to trigger a victim of abuse watching their movies to act out violently in real life. They try to Clockwork Orange people through visualization and mind control. one against all, all against one, discussion-1744091.jpg

This will be explained further tomorrow.

In Summary- Truth and reconciliation-Stop Making The Same Mistakes Part 3 

Change Your Ways With The Enemy

Truth and reconciliation-Stop Making The Same Mistakes Part 3 

Keep living life and finding happiness within. Your inner happiness is an important key for you to move past the pain. This is why I say do not dim your light because your light is valuable. Keep moving forward no matter what.

See you then.

Purchase my Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook available on Amazon. Thank you for your support.

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I am the founder of Everything Handmade. I am helping others become self-sufficient using their own hands. This website is sharing DIY home renovations, gardening vegetables in the city, cooking our own meals and building a solid foundation in times of economic instability. 

Please purchase an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. My book is to help inspire readers cook delicious vegetarian meals at a low cost. The second book is called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook Volume 2, available on Amazon. 

Thank you for your support. 

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