
Two, Four, Six, Eight Date

What Is So Special About The Two, Four, Six, Eight Date?

Numbers Working Together

Today is June 4th, 2024. It is a two, four, six, eight date. Who do you appreciate? This is a day to focus on everything you are grateful for. Days like today are meant for manifestations to be made. I mentioned in my blogs on 2020 and beyond that this whole decade from 2020 to 2029 is a great manifestation time because of the sequence of numbers that occur in between these years. Anything is possible and nothing is out of our reach except our own limited minds. Our reality is not fixed as we are sold. It is mutable and it is changeable and we can do something about making it better…or worse. 

Two, Four, Six, Eight Date

The Date June 4, 2024

June is the 6th month [sixth], 4th is the day [the 4th day of the month] and the year 2024 is 2+0+2+4=8. Here we can see the 6, 4 and 8 numbers. The number 2 is in the year 2024. Therefore today is a two, four, six, eight date and an important one to know about.

Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction

While some think that manifesting on sequenced numbered dates is absurd, others in prominent positions in society are taking full advantage of this situation. There are some major life events that are being manifested as you read this message. These are created and projected onto the masses through the news, movies, books and media. We are living in other people’s manifestations and creations and most of us are not aware of what is going on. The elites have been planning and creating our reality long before the 2020 scenario. 

For example, at first it was just an entertaining Batman movie and T.V. show. It began with a thought that came onto the T.V. screen we watched in our homes. This initial thought started decades ago. Now our reality is living in a bat man storyline on our streets that started with a worldwide lockdown. What are the odds that Batman which was once just entertainment is now our reality? Truth is stranger than fiction. This is all manifestation.

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Turning Thoughts Into Things

The year 2020 and beyond is a result of turning thoughts into things. We are the creators of our reality. What transpired in 2020 was not an overnight manifestation, but one that was decades old in the making. 

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Why Should You Dream And Be A Creator?

It Is Part Of Our Human Life Journey

Some manifestations are deliberately made to keep humanity stuck in states of fear, loss, misery, pain, strife, stress, health problems, mental problems, financial problems, social problems, housing problems, endless suffering. You could be around those who do not wish anything good for you and your life but pretend to like you only to talk hate about you behind your back so they can feel better about themselves. 

People are manifesting dark realities because they are addicted to misery. Some are deeply in love with the low vibrations of jealousy, envy, greed, lying, cheating, scheming, plotting, gang stalking, harassing, bullying, gossiping, racism, bigotry, being a hater, a saboteur and a sadist. This is normal to low vibrational entities in human bodies. Do not stay around them or they will destroy you. No matter how good some people are doing, they cannot see you happy. They are scary people.

Two, Four, Six, Eight Date

Planetary Alignments And Celestial Events

Is it a coincidence that just yesterday on June 3rd, 2024 up to today June 4th 2024, there are planetary alignments and celestial events happening in the sky? On this uncommon sequence two, four, six, eight date, there are 6 planets in the sky that will come into one straight line on one side of the sun. Even though the planets are millions of miles away from each other, looking through a telescope on a clear night one can see the planets Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus in the sky.


Not such a common occurrence to see several planets working in unity, harmony and in alignment on a two, four, six, eight date on Earth. Each planet carries its own power and unique qualities, like you and me. We are not here to turn into each other but to stand in our individual powers and work together in harmony while still being the unique individual we are. The more clear minded you are during this time the greater your chances of manifesting something solid to come into reality are. Get deeper into your spiritual practices and pray.

Each Planet Has Specific Qualities And Roles

These planets hold qualities that can help us work on being better. Mercury deals with our communication, Mars is our action, Jupiter is wisdom and knowledge, Saturn is discipline, Uranus is innovation and transformation and Neptune is spirituality and compassion. We have the ability to tap into all these energies and level up. All the planets are powerful carrying specific characteristics that can help increase our abilities. We can all work on becoming better at communication, action, wisdom, discipline, innovation and spirituality during this time.

Two, Four, Six, Eight Date

What Is So Important About My Mind?

Think Higher And Better-Two, Four, Six, Eight Date

The mind controllers feed off of fear, division, separation and isolation. If you are bullied and ganged up on that is on purpose. If you are gossiped about and unsupported in life that is also on purpose. People around you do not want to see you level up. Those who are in positions of authority to create great storylines for the best of everyone are not due to vibrating on low energies. This is where they want you and I stuck, in a gutter.

They feed off of people’s light and turn them dark in nature since they cannot handle the light and truth. For generations this is the energy circulating around millions of people. Many are emotionally and mentally paralyzed, numbing themselves in gossip, abuse, “poli” (y) (many) “tics” (parasites) and socializing at superficial mundane parties. 

Many people are consumed in fabricated storylines about good people they want others to view as bad because they are jealous, envious and competitive. All toxic behaviour to keep humanity in a rut. This is happening at an individual level and does not need to be.

Every Religious Person And Atheist Can Do Good

Utilize a day like today for your personal benefit. Visualize a different narrative for humanity, one that is stress free and strong minded. A Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, Catholic, Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Rastafarian person can all bring heaven on earth. Atheists can bring heaven on earth. All you have to do is stop being low vibrational and full of hate. 

Stop competing when there is no competition and stop stealing, lying, cheating and hating on your own kind. Control your racist attitude and learn to love and accept people who look better than you, are naturally more gifted than you, are kinder and are more talented than you. Instead of ruining their lives appreciate their good qualities. Tap into your good qualities and embrace and celebrate them with others.

Two, Four, Six, Eight Date

Respect others in their power without undermining people because of the colour of their skin or religion. Do not be jealous that they are more beautiful out there than you. God made that person more beautiful than you for a reason.

Raise your vibration and help others because people are damaged when they have nothing better to do than to ruin your life and hide their hands. These individuals have no clue how far back they are going by harming those who did nothing to them. The rabbit hole goes deep.

If people are jealous of you get away from them. They will tear you to shreds after stealing everything from you. This is a day to get back into alignment with your speech, action, discipline, knowledge, innovation and compassion.

Two, Four, Six, Eight Date

In Summary- Two, Four, Six, Eight Date

Take this two, four, six, eight date and give thanks for everything you have and appreciate. Gratitude is a great attitude. Be happy to be alive, healthy and to be able to read this blog. You are ready to manifest love and freedom without tearing others down to get it.

Eat well think well and do not sabotage others to feel better about yourself. That is low vibrational. Wish the best, even for your haters. After all they need some good energy despite them not knowing how to handle yours with care. Do it from afar.

Manifest wisely and when negative events happen, stand back and observe. Do not get caught in fear and negative emotions because others feed off of fear. They are manifesting exactly this state of emotions for humanity. They want afraid because fear is food. Beings eat it and they get a thrill off of your misery and sadness. The system wants to coddle us so that they eat our energy and control our lives.

You are the priceless gift they need. Good luck manifesting something better than what we are sold.

June 4th, 2024

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