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Veg Edible Garden

The Reward At The End Of The Growing Season

A veg edible garden harvest is the produce we receive from the fruits of your labourThe results for our veg edible garden harvest are in. What worked this year and what did not work out? This blogs shares the results of the fruits of your labour and what our veg edible garden harvest has for us. 

The pictures are not quite accurate because throughout late summer and fall I already  began consuming some of the vegetables. These are seeds that are planted in late Spring. Some vegetables end up growing faster and more abundantly than others. For example, the tomatoes have been picked off throughout the summer as well as some green peppers from our backyard. 

The Kidney bean stalks also dried up and were plucked off. After taking them all out, I was told no more will grow. However, the kidney beans continued growing. I used a small handful of harvested kidney beans for cooking recently and they tasted great. 


The most successful part of our garden turned out to be the sweet tomatoes. They have reached up to six to seven feet tall. These bright red shiny tomatoes are very juicy and tasty.. 

Out of the tomatoes that harvested, a large majority was used to make pasta sauce. 

Some other ways easy ways to use the tomatoes is to put some slices in sandwiches. Additionally, tomatoes are an essential ingredient to make Indian gravy sauce (masala), for cooking vegetables. The masala can last in the fridge for up to two weeks. However, you can make some extra to put in the freezer that lasts up to one year. 

What we received from our garden


What we received from Gardening-potatoes

Are Potatoes Easy To Grow?

Growing Potatoes From Potatoes

Yes potatoes are very easy to grow and you can grow a lot. What is even better  is that you can grow potatoes from potatoes. I am able to grow a fair amount of white potatoes from planting a few the ground. Overall, they turned out quite well and turned out delicious. Potatoes are so versatile and can be made in so many ways. I planted only 3 potatoes, cut them in half and planted them. In return I received almost 30 potatoes. 

Planting Sweet Potatoes

Growing sweet potatoes were not as successful. As beautiful as the ground looked with large green vine-like leaves sprawling out, the results were average. I will try again next year. Instead of planting them in the ground I will place them in smaller planters. This year I able to get yield 12-14 baby sweet potatoes. 

The  effort to get them to grow in the ground is not worth the amount of produce they bring. Especially if the space you have to grow food is limited, avoid planting sweet potato slips in the ground. 

What we received from gardening-potatoes

white potatoes

Green Peppers

The green peppers grew beautifully however they were not able to all grow to their full size because the fall arrived a little too soon. As a result the green pepper plants died shortly after a cold spike in the air. Nevertheless, green bell peppers are another excellent vegetable to grow in your urban garden because it is easy to do. 


The Kale did not turn out as well as I hoped for. The location they were planted in did not help the kale grow. However if kale is put in a good place it has the potential to grow very large because it is very easy to grow kale. The great thing about these easy vegetables is that if it does not work out the first time, try again. Tomatoes, green bell peppers, potatoes and kale are resilient and will grow again. 

green peppers and tomatoes from an urban garden 


Growing Beans

As far as the kidney beans, I was able to yield three handfuls. Next year I will plant more kidney beans to receive a better yield, even though what we received form gardening this year has been satisfactory. 


Our basil plants grew beautifully. I was able to dry several of the stems and use it as part of my spice rack. Basil is an excellent herb to grow as you can use it for seasoning many foods. 

I have new stems growing from the old basil and cut them. After cutting the stem and taking off all the leaves at the bottom, I placed it in a glass with water and let it sit until roots started growing at the bottom of the stem. This took about 7-10 days. After that I replanted the basil and it is growing well.

kidney beans

Lemon Plant

The lemon plants continue to grow nicely. They will take a while to reach full size. I may not see results in a couple of years. Unfortunately we had a very cold day one night and one of the lemon plants got damaged. I am working on bringing it back to life. Meanwhile, I brought the lemon plants inside the house to grow throughout the winter.

Green Collards

What we received from gardening

The green collards in a small clay pot are large and fresh. They continued to grow throughout the summer. The unfortunate thing about these thick leafy plants is that bugs eat them so I was not able to solve that but managed picking out several leaves throughout their growth. 

I brought in the two green collard plants inside. One is growing well and the other is much slower. A little plant food for the collard plant was added to to help it grow.

What we received from Gardening



The celery in the picture above grew large and in abundance. I used celery for macaroni salad and other kinds of cold foods as well. I used other parts of the celery for making sandwiches. Additionally I added some celery as one of the ingredients in making a homemade pasta sauce. To make your own pasts sauce at home invest in purchasing an authentic homemade vegetarian cookbook
The chives in our garden grew well this year. We were able to gather several of the seeds and can sow them in the future when we need more.

Carrot Seeds

We were able to grow carrot seeds. To grow carrots I planted the ends in the soil and allow their stems to grow tall. Once the seeds from their flowers came up I was able to take the seeds and put them away. I will be planting the seeds next year before we plant them in the summer.

What we received from our garden


What we received from our garden

Leave a comment sharing your thoughts on what is growing in your garden.

Please visit more blogs on Gardening

Additionally, check out Home Reno’s, Recipes and 2020 and Beyond for cost effective ideas for your home, garden and the future.

Related Topics:

The Fruits Of Your Labour

Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook

Building A Garden On A Dime

Growing Fenugreek From The Seed

Expecting Gardening Success

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I am the founder of Everything Handmade. I am helping others become self-sufficient using their own hands. This website is sharing DIY home renovations, gardening vegetables in the city, cooking our own meals and building a solid foundation in times of economic instability. 

Please purchase an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. My book is to help inspire readers cook delicious vegetarian meals at a low cost. The second book is called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook Volume 2, available on Amazon. 

Thank you for your support. 

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