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When It Rains It Pours

The best way to tend to your garden efficiently is when it rains it pours. This is not the water from the tap but from the sky. It is the cleanest, most natural way to collect rain water for your garden. This simple act is saving you money while you are making your garden grow with ease. For anyone living in a condo, townhouse, semi-detached or detached home who plans to grow a vegetable garden, collecting rain water is the best way to nourish them.

Should I Collect Rain Water?

Rain Water Is Available

Start collecting rain water today. It is easy to do and your vegetable garden will benefit from it. It is the most practical and cost effective way to allocate your resources as it is free in cost and the water is chemical free. 

Without increasing utility bills, fill up on buckets of rain water, you can keep your taps off. Additionally you are replenishing your garden. Planting a garden in your backyard requires a decent amount of water, depending on how large your space is. This is an easy solution.

When It Rains It Pours


H20 Just Add Water

Is Collecting Rain Water Illegal?

Check Your Area

Yes it is legal to collect rain water. However, you will need to check for the regulations in your area. For Canadians it is legal as long as your are using it for non potable purposes such as for your garden or using it to flush a toilet.

When It Rains It Pours

In Colorado there is a long standing law that implies that rain water cannot be harvested. This is because residents that live downstream from the Colorado river who rely on that water source would be disadvantaged from proper water supply. 

The Colorado river runs through Utah, Arizona and Nevada. Utah has the law as a result as well. However in Arizona and Nevada it is legal to collect rain water. Do your research first to confirm this before assuming this is correct because laws are subject to changes. 

Check your states to see where it is legal because although some places are okay with it, other places allow it with restrictions. Before collecting rain water, make sure that it is within the limits of your area.

When Should I Start Collecting Rain Water?

The Best Time To Collect Rain Water

You can start by using the fresh rain water for your indoor plants before they are transplanted outside. As well as, remember to collect your last batch of water at the end of fall to use for the indoor plants. This is for the fall and winter. 

Start collecting water as early as today. If an indoor garden has begun, collect some water in a bucket and use that for your plants. For the majority of people who are not planting indoors, you do not need to collet anything until the month of May. For those of us planting indoors, start now or by early spring collecting rain water. It all depends on the weather.

Right now there is not much snow outside and the weather this past week was quite mild compared to most winters experienced around this time. It is easier to collect when the weather is mild as the water will not freeze and neither will you picking it up.

H20 Just Add Water

What Can I Collect The Water In? 

Ways To Collect Rain Water

We have not purchased a 55 gallon barrel. This is the most common style of water container that is used for landowners. The thought of buying one crossed my mind but did not end up getting one. I currently use a few smaller 5-gallon buckets for collecting the water. When the weather is hot, the bucket is poured over the vegetable garden. You can collect rain water in buckets, in a large barrel, in tin cans, in a tarp and more. Choose the most convenient one for you.

How Do I Collect Rain Water?

There are several ways to collect rain water. The most common way for householders to collect rain water is by collecting the roof runoff via the downspout. With a hack saw cut back your downspout located at the side of your house, far enough for the bucket to fit under to collect the water. When the rain fall and collects in the spout, it will fall in the bucket.

When It Rains It Pours


When It Rains It Pours

The amount of times the garden hose turns on throughout the summer is going to be a small handful.

In addition, make sure to strain the water from the downspout by using an old shirt or rag. This is if you are collecting the water from your roof going through the spout. I use an unworn work shirt, perfect to collect rain water throughout the spring-fall seasons. 

How Much Is A Water Barrel?

Investing In A Water Barrel

A water barrel is approximately $150.00-$400.00 online. I do not intend on buying one. As of now buying a water barrel is not the best solution for us. My garden is quite small.  

Plus, anything out of the ordinary that is eye catching at the front or side of our your home is not ideal. Depending on how hidden the water barrel is placed, it may be alright to have one. Whether you have one or not, it should not stop you from collecting a little rain from time to time.

What Are The Benefits Of Rain Water?

When It Rains It Pours

Collecting rain water nourishes our plants. One of the main benefits is that rain water does not have any chlorine in it. It also does not have fluoride that you get in tap water. The other benefit is that we are giving back to the earth what is being given to us. This exchange helps the life of the plants to thrive and grow strong.

It is a natural clean source that does not cost a dime and is dropping at your doorstep to be used. With all the unfortunate issues surrounding water, this one is of a positive light. Make use of it because it is an invaluable asset that is dropping around us all the time.

Visit GardeningHome Reno’s, Recipes and 2020 and Beyond for more cost effective home upgrades, gardening in the city, frugal living and changes ahead.

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** This is an updated version of a previous blog. **

An Authentic Vegetarian Cookbook is Now available on Amazon. Thank you for your support. 

February 16, 2023

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