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8 Reasons Why Cash Is King

Going Shopping On Black Friday?

Manifesting Events To Occur On Black Friday 

As Thanksgiving is this weekend a lot of people will be spending time with family and many will go out shopping. I am going to share 8 reasons why cash is king, but before doing so here is a little side information connected to Black Friday and Thanksgiving weekend.

8 Reasons Why Cash Is King

I recently watched a horror movie called “Thanksgiving”. It is about Black Friday. Conveniently this movie came out on November 17th, 2023. It is a very gory and disturbing movie. Please be 21 years and older to watch. This movie came out only one week before the actual so called reality we live in Black Friday which has not yet happened on the day I share and post. After you, (who is over 21 years old) watch the movie, do you think Hollywood is sending humanity a message here?

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**Please Note: I am not an expert economist, but we know how well the expert economists are managing the economy. So, if you trust the economic instability as normal this message will not resonate with you. For those who choose to read on, thank you for reading forward**

What Would You Do If You Had $15 Million Dollars?

How The Rich Spend Their Wealth

The movie Thanksgiving is a prime example of how the entertainment industry sees humanity. The budget to make this movie was $15 million dollars. The movie is about their views on us. This $15 million dollars could have easily been donated to the food bank in my city to feed the hungry. Instead, it went to make a movie about what evil creatures we are. This movie is predictive programming people to go mad and violent on Black Friday.  

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Manifesting Chaos And Madness

A movie like this is manifesting madness. Be careful shopping on Black Friday because this movie is telling us what they expect to happen when you go out shopping. It does not mean that you should not go out, get great deals and save some money. Just do not hurt anyone in the process and beware of your surroundings. Make negotiations on expensive items like appliances and home furniture. Get yourself some discounts without hurting anyone.

The Master Is A Card

Black Friday is a day when the master is a card for many people. It is very easy to get lost in the sales and buy something because it is discounted. Can you actually afford it though is the question? If you cannot, watch your wallet and do not get into debt. Debt is the reason why we are all heading into a great great depression. Let us not make the situation worse than it already is.

Numbers And Manifestations And Thanksgiving

The movie Thanksgiving was released on November 17, 2023. November is the 11th month. 17 has a 1 and a 7. 2+2+3=7 (2023). This day is a 111/77. The movie is 106 minutes long. 1+6=7. 2023 has a zero and 106 has a zero.-00. This date and the minutes of the movies is a coded manifestation of 111/777/00. The visions in the movie are connected to powerful manifestations. Just because they do not announce this is what they are doing it does not mean it is not the case. They are clearly manifesting madness on Black Friday. Watching movies and television are portals into our minds. That is what this is, a portal.

8 Reasons Why Cash Is King

The Power Of Your Mind

There are several posts about the power of manifestation in my 2020 and beyond blogs. We are living in a reality that we are creating.

The reality the creators of this movie want is for us to lose our morals, behave like wild animals and take each other out. They have an obsession with making movies about treating humans like a game to be played with. This is what actors get paid good money to act out, to play out the downfall of the human race. They are showing us what they think about us. This movie is what the so called powers that be want to see humans do to one another. It is entertaining for them to watch us destroy each other.

They are investing a lot of money in mind controlling people to be aggressive and tear each other down on Black Friday. No real police officers are arresting the creators of a movie about humans murdering each other for products in a store. Where is the law? It is an illusion. The police are prepared to arrest people on Black Friday who will do exactly what the creator and actors in the movie play out. Your job is to wake up to what you are buying into. Here are 8 reasons why cash is king. Also, this movie delivers a lesson about karma, which I cannot get into in this post because this message is getting long.

What Are 8 Reasons Why Cash Is King?

The Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Before finding out 8 reasons why cash is king check out my message about the master is a card. This is another perspective, clearly becoming less popular as the controllers of our visions transfer what was once ours to what is soon theirs. The reason why these messages are so important about money is because our world is undergoing a huge economic shift. Cash is the bridge over troubled waters.

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The economic collapse is not going to look like a great depression but more like a tsunami depression if we do not address the facts. The truth is that the value of our dollar is declining because we are a nation in debt, just like we were 100 years ago, only the debt we are in is a lot worse today. There is a possibility that we can change this around if we do not want to repeat another 1930s cycle. 

Why Should I Hold Onto Cash?

Turning Cash Into Trash

Cash is the last straw the powers that be have on us before our money is gone into the ethers in an electric power grid. Then it will be a total takeover of humanity by the technological world. What we are living in is a Terminator movie dream come true for the creators of our reality, Hollywood. This means that no matter how rich you are, you do not have any power. They are turning our cash into trash and making everything artificial as the new intelligence. Hopefully one day we can all follow the yellow brick gold. For now, hold on to your cash to make purchases because there are are still 8 reasons why cash is king. 

8 Reasons Why Cash Is King

1. You Have Control Over It 

Most people I know like to have control of everything they have and other things as well as people. Meanwhile the most important thing that should be in our hands is the very thing that we are allowing being taken away from us. How have we all fallen for this kind of spell? Everyone seems to be obsessed with money, having money, talking about money, stealing other people’s money and thinking they can get away with it, boasting their money etc. Yet here we are giving it to outer space artificial intelligence technology without question.

We are living in a sci-fi Twilight Zone kind of phenomenon. If I came up to you and said, “give me $5000.00, I will hold it for you”, will you give me the money? Or will you say “Get Lost”. Yet, here we are in the 21st century of alleged wealth and opulence willing to hand it over to a cryptic digital currency. It is as if what we own is okay to not be in our own hands.

2. It Is Tangible

If you want wealth, keep it tangible and not electronic. You are a tangible person in living flesh, with a character and personality. What you own should be of the same frequency and not digital because that way you give away your power. Bit by bit we are chipping our freedoms away by always being agreeable about stripping all aspects of ourselves away into oblivion. Just because the electronic world pushes an agenda or program on us, it does not mean that it is for our good.

Cash is tangible and you can hold it in your hands. Touching it is important because you own it and can spend it whenever you like. The money in your wallet is a security blanket and it is an emotional experience to have. You are able to feel your wealth. After 2020 what is the one sensation that is frowned upon? Feelings, emotions and touch. Our mouths have been shut with masks to close our throat chakras from speaking. We are all undergoing passive aggressive ways of being controlled.

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Do not speak about what is going on. Do not touch anyone or anything because it is all contagious, we human beings are contagious, a problem. Cash money is a feeling touching money. Money in our future is pushed to us now as wealth on our computer, digital money which is untouchable. It also has no feeling to it. So this is how we are becoming, unemotional and obsolete, by our own admission.

Holding Cash Is An Emotional Experience-8 Reasons Why Cash Is King

You cannot describe what digital money feels like, only what you think it might look like, a bunch of numbers. Cash though, you can feel, touch and describe. It feels like soft, plastic or paper, thin sheets of rectangular shaped dollar bills in various increments. The more you have the heavier your wallet feels and the richer you feel as well. Our future is being designed for us to be disconnected from our emotions.

We are being trained to have no feelings at all. They do not want human emotions like our strong sense of touch and connection to our senses to get in their way. This is why our senses are getting taken away. After 2020 many people lost their sense of smell. Holding onto cash is connecting with the sense of touch. Covering our mouth is stopping us from our sense of taste. Do you see a pattern here? Everything about digital money is cold, without touch, senseless and obscure. 

8 Reasons Why Cash Is King

3. Direct Payments

What you pay up front at the cash counter is a direct payment. It is something you own and do not borrow for a moment only to have to pay back in the future. These direct payments save you from any stress or hassle to have to think about again later. Stress is stopped the moment an item is paid in cash for whatever product you purchased in full. There is nothing to worry about after that, unless there is something wrong with the product. Having cash gives you the freedom of making direct payments and not being monitored by a third party. Your payment with cash is straight forward. It is not a passive aggressive payment, where you act like you can afford it but the next monthly payment, can only make a minimum.

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4. No 21-29% Interest Late Payment Penalties

So many people have other things to worry about or spend time creating than making late payments. Having to pay interest on your credit cards is a huge waste of your hard earned money. Anyone thinking that paying an extra $100.00 of interest on their credit card is okay is incorrect. You are losing $100.00 extra dollars for nothing. That money can go towards paying off your mortgage payments, for example. The interest rates of credit cards are very high. With cash you have no 21-29% interest payment penalties. It does not exist. Is that not wonderful?

5. Monitor Your Spending-Why Cash Is King

There is no other better way to monitor your spending than by you doing it on your own. What you are buying? Well, you will know this by spending cash. No one else should be in your business about what you are buying except for yourself. Credit card companies are peeping in on our purchases and watching over us like some crazy creeps. You are the only one to know what you are buying and no one else. However, this is not the case with the digital system. Everything is watched then.

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If you buy bitcoin for $25,000.00 for example and the power grid goes off, your digital money and credit card means nothing anyway. That money is gone in the ethers and will not come back. That is $25,000.00 of hard earned human labour that is stolen from you with no recourse. With cash in your hands and the power grid off, you still have $25,000.00 and did not lose your money.  You could buy a car. Although the Matrix is turning all cars into electric vehicles as well. The goal is to get everyone watched and monitored 24/7 like rats in a mad science experiment. With no cash in our hand, we are headed to their destination.

8 Reasons Why Cash Is King

6. Better Budgeting

A lot of families are struggling with budgeting. Start with the most basic and sure fire method to get back on track. In order to start better budgeting, calculate what you have. Do not include credit cards that have a limit on them for you to spend. That is not your money. If your credit card limit is $20,000.00 that is not included as a part of what you own. That is money to pay Back To The Future. What you have is what is in your accounts and tangible cash that you can spend. By being honest with what you own life is better. Holding cash will tell you how much you can spend without going overboard on purchases that cost too much. 

7. A Perfect Gift

Cash is a perfect gift. You cannot gift anyone a credit card, only a gift card from a particular store. Gift cards from department stores are not reliable, especially if they are going bankrupt and closing down. This was the case recently with a popular long standing furniture store in Canada. The company is not giving back the money to their customers for what they could not deliver. Unfortunately, there were some people who paid cash and lost $6000.00 plus dollars. The company can give the cash back but will not. You never know what can happen in between the time you make a deposit and receive the item. Better not to give all the money upfront when you have not received the product.

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8. Tells You What You Actually Have-Why Cash Is King

There is no lying when it comes to how much money you really have when using cash. On your credit card the limit can be $10,000.00 and yet there is only $100.00 sitting in your bank account. Cash does not sugar coat how much money you actually have. What you have is what you can touch. If you have a plastic credit card, that is all you have, a plastic card. When the power grid goes down so does that credit card and everything else. However, with cash, you can still exchange, buy and sell and get by just fine. 

Summary-Thanksgiving And The 8 Reasons Why Cash Is King

As long as we can use it and have it on us, it is ours. This Thanksgiving understand the 8 reasons why cash is king. Cash is our last piece of financial freedom before it is snatched away. No one can take our cash money from us and tell us how we can spend it. Credit card companies were set up to get humans into a digitally boxed world and get us used to no longer hold our own money. As long as you are a human being keep the human connection alive because A.I. is fully plugging into every facet of our reality and is becoming the next Matrix in our construct.

8 Reasons Why Cash Is King

Spend cash when you go shopping on Black Friday. Do not disconnect yourself from your own wealth and throw it into outer space, then claim that aliens do not exist. The ones who spent $15 million dollars made a movie about us trampling over each other and tearing ourselves apart for plastic and metal products. This is how they view us and expect us to behave. Matter of fact, it is what they want. Manifest a different reality than the Black Friday that is entertained by Hollywood.

Today’s date is November 23, 2023. I am publishing this post on an 11/23/223 date. 11+23=34=7 and 2+2+3=7. Today is a 77 day. This is also a 34+43 (2+2=4 plus the number 3=7)=77. This was not a planned post but hopefully this message is a powerful manifestation to help counteract the negative intentions projected at us. The movie Thanksgiving is their manifesting gift to us all. This message is my Thanksgiving manifestation gift back without wasting $15 million dollars.

November 23, 2023.

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I am the founder of Everything Handmade. I am helping others become self-sufficient using their own hands. This website is sharing DIY home renovations, gardening vegetables in the city, cooking our own meals and building a solid foundation in times of economic instability. 

Please purchase an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. My book is to help inspire readers to cook delicious vegetarian meals at a low cost. The second book is called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook Volume 2, available on Amazon. 

Thank you for your support. 

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