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Manifesting The Power of Positive Thinking



**The following post was written and published in 2022. The information here is reflecting on that time and some things we can do about it today. Take whatever resonates with you.**

It is time to start manifesting the power of positive thinking. We faced an event right in the midst of the powerful February 22, 2022 date which was a 222/222 date. If you read up on the significance of the year 2022, I mention that it is a big manifesting year. It is an important year not to miss out on. Do not waste time counting sheep by falling asleep. We are alive in exciting times.

What started in Russia and Ukraine is another attempt to cloak positive manifestations for us all. By focusing on conflicts and fighting no one goes nowhere.

Think about how many people have become angry and frustrated since 2020. All the restrictions and setbacks we have had to experience, plus career changes, adjustments with our finances and more. Do you think this is all by chance? Nope.

This situation is helping amplify an already manifested problem. Now it is lingering on for years, waiting for a reaction for people to fight back.

No other country needs to get involved in a conflict unless it is going to bring an honest resolution and not add fuel to the fire.

If a country is supplying money and weapons instead of coming to a peaceful resolution, they are pro war. Leaders are igniting a conflict and putting the world up to fight their narrative once again. Their storyline is getting redundant and quite frankly does nothing good for anyone.

How Do You Manifest The Power Of Positive Thinking?

There are four ways to fight this war peacefully without picking up a gun and harming another person. You cannot change anyone with what they want, but you can change what you want. Additionally, for the ones that are mistreated, unjustified, wrongfully accused, character assassinated, undermined, ridiculed and much more, this is for you. There is more power inside of you than you think. You are a targeted individual because you are powerful and those around you know it. Rather than treating you with respect and kindness, they come to attack.

There is nothing wrong with a reaction or getting angry. It is all about letting it out, channelling it properly and then moving on without holding on to it.

You can only change yourself so work on that and stay away from people who revel in conflict. Your happiness drives them crazy and they will break you down because they are broken.

How Can I Raise My Vibration?

4 Basic Ways To Raise Your Vibration

These methods do not cost a dime (perhaps №.2) and no one gets hurt in the process.

1. Power Of Prayer

A prayer is a high vibration frequency. Just pray and keep doing it. The world does not need another war. If we have another big one, humanity will have learned nothing. Without any retaliation, just stop. Do not engage in the conflict. Your enemy loves a fight.

The enemy needs engagement for battle. Let people talk and say whatever they want to about you behind your back or to your face. No one has walked a mile in your shoes. Most people have no idea the battles you endured. They do not need to understand your struggles if they do not want to. Let them remain ignorant.

Prayer is the highest vibration frequency that carries a lot of power. One may think that this first suggestion is meaningless but it is not. Some of the most powerful people know what I am saying is correct. Many of them may not use this useful tool for good things, but they know its impact.

Prayers can go both ways, but in your case, pray for the good of yourself, your family, community and country. Do not underestimate the power of your individual prayers.

Praying In Horror Movies

Hollywood horror movies show us that the only way to cast out a demon is through the power of prayer. When the demon takes possession over the body, the only way to get that entity out is through intense prayer.

They need to call in a specialized priest to visit the tortured spirit and cast out the demon(s) inside of them. The priest is to pray over them, do an exorcism and cast that demon out, which oftentimes ends up killing its host that is carrying the dark spirit. Even Hollywood knows that the only solution to handle a demon is to pray.

This is not the only kind of horror movie that brings in God and prayers as the only solution to their unresolved problems. At least 70% of Hollywood horror movies use the help of God to cast out evil spirits.  

The world we live ignites many angry thoughts in people. This energy transfers a negative impact on the children and their future. It already is. Pray for them and teach your children to pray because they will need it. 

What Is The Connection Between Debt And Conflicts?

2. Getting Out of Debt

If you do not support war, work towards getting out of debt. Debt and conflicts go hand in hand and this is why taking out huge loans is permitted. The more we owe, the greater our problems grow. The patterns we are going through now are eerily similar to 1929 and afterwards. 100 years later and we are on the same trajectory, but on a larger scale. It is all deliberate. 

Governments need the world in debt to get us into a war. The most entertaining way they enjoy people paying off debts is through conflict. The powers that be are obsessed with watching their minions as hunger games for their entertainment. This is why there are so many shows about humans fighting against one another.

You Owe The Lender

As long as people buy into the illusion of living like money is for free, we will be put in our place by our lender. That lender automatically has a hold over you.

Both prayers and getting out to debt are two very powerful ways to see any positive results in our lives. When we all become self-sufficient and do not depend on our government we no longer need their power and control over our minds and way of living. Live in such a way that you do not owe anything to anyone. Now you are free and have an opportunity to become a creator. 

Being In Debt Is Being Dead

The play on words the banking system has on its customers is hidden in plain sight. When we take on debt, the lender sees their customer as dead. That person owes them that money until it is paid off. From the time you take on that loan to the time you pay it off, your whole existence revolves around paying off something that you owe. Therefore you are not creating something, building anything, but working tirelessly until you pay someone else off for your unpaid lifestyle. 

Spending Your Life In A Morgue Age

Debt is a death trap and our world is living through the fallout of it once again through conflicts and chaos. When we are debt free and in control of our money we have the power to make the decisions. Spending your whole life paying off a morgue age is exactly what the banks wants for everyone. While the rest of the world is working to pay off their mortgage, banks keep getting richer and more controlling Do not give them power they do not deserve. Set a plan to get out of debt because when the banks fail, which they will, the ones in debt will get hurt the most.

3. Meditate-Steps To Calm The Mind Down

Sit down, close your eyes and be alone. Become aware of your breath. Observe each inhale you take and each exhale you release and make it subtle. Now observe each breath you take while breathing subtly. Acknowledge all the sounds around you. Without reacting, just observe. You are here in the now, ready to manifest. Give it time for the mind to be still before manifesting.

The Power Of Positive Thinking

When negative thoughts come in, come right back to your breath and start again. Keep practicing until your mind gets stronger and more sharp. You can focus and generate your energy on that which you want by creating a space for it to exist first.

Silence Can Stop Violence

When you are calm, people feel it. When you are aggressive, people feel it. The very first 10 day meditation course I did was in March 2003. Before the course began a Buddhist monk came into the room and asked us to fill out a survey.

There were approximately 65 questions pertaining to our health, well being, stress levels, anxiety, moods, whether we are on any medications and more. The answers were all multiple choice.

The survey asked about how happy and content we are, what our stress levels are like with work, friends, family and life in general. We filled it out and submitted our answers.

After 10 days the monk came back to give us the exact same survey and the results were drastically different. The survey showed that there was a huge change in people’s stress levels in just 10 days of silent meditation. It was significantly better. Silence is golden because it gives you the opportunity to calm down.

Mind you, the course involved 10 hours of meditation practice each day for 10 days. It is broken down into one hour sits at a time, so it is not a cup of tea, although you can enjoy one decaf tea each day while on the course.

The point is that meditation is a positive technique to help us get grounded and centred. In order to change what is going on for the better, spend some time on your own and meditate. Observe the mindless chatter without reacting to it and pushing it away. Accept that it is there and watch it arise and pass away on its own until it dissipates and your mind begins to quiet down.

Even if conflict persists and nothing is changing, you are changing and that in itself is altering your reality and your future.


Manifesting The Power Of Positive Thinking

4. What Do You Want?

Once you develop a strong meditation practice you reach a point where, when you sit your mind is clear. There are no thoughts of your past, present, future, what you are planning for the evening and so on. You are clear minded and emotionally balanced. From this point you can begin the next step.

Have you asked yourself what you want? Do you have a voice telling you or is someone speaking it for you? Once the mind is centred and you are fully present it is time to manifest what you want. This is an important factor in raising your vibration. The meditation practice is to get you to exercise and train your mind to become strong and powerful. 

Everything We Watch Is A Manifestation

Our television is programming us with what they want so that their desires can become ours. They are transferring their desires and storylines in our minds to make it real.

This is why there is so much predictive programming in entertainment. They put out what is going to happen before it happens because it is their manifestation. They made it happen because it was their mental creation. We are all living off the creations of others thoughts and not making our own. 

Tell Lie Vision Programming

By watching what is being projected at us and getting engrossed in it we begin to normalize it. We make their manifestations become ours. It is a form of energy projection and transference, similar to the movie Fallen with Denzel Washington. We need to be careful what we watch because it affects our visions and creations. Their dreams that are projected onto us end up becoming our reality, which is scary. We do not benefit from what we are watching in movies and t.v. shows.

After a hard days work, paying bills, groceries, day to day activities, people are tired and want a break. Most of us will turn on the t.v. and watch something. What we watch though has a powerful effect on our way of viewing life. 

A large majority of what we watch is dark and depressing. Many of the thing we are seeing is about gaslighting humans. In several movies we are watching ourselves as the experiments. We are the ones getting treated like dirt while the aliens take over and the animals and other humans eat us alive. Look at how the industry sees humans, like nothing. It is as if they themselves are not us, human beings, that they wish for this kind of insanity on us.

Can anyone name some futuristic movies from Hollywood that are uplifting, inspiring and positive for humanity? I made a list of inspirational movies for adults and children in the past. However, even those movies did not have happy storylines.

I recently came across the T.V. show “The Last Of Us”.

Each episode cost $10 million dollars to make. This is a show about the end of the world and humanity losing everything. Millions of dollars are spent creating these kinds of storylines. If that same $10 million dollars was donated to a local city food drive, the hungry would be happily fed for a couple of years.

Instead they are using this money on a t.v. series about the world going hungry. These are the kinds of futures we are being entertained with about the future of our world. Is it what we want to see for humanity? Always manifesting death and destruction for the human race, the lovely Hollywood.

Their future for us is dark and apocalyptic.

Start to make your own canvas and program that into your mind. Reject ideas that do not support benefitting your future and the ones who come after you. Everyone is trying to sell us something, especially an idea. Does the idea you are being sold even help you in any way?

In Summary-Manifest The Power Of Positive Thinking

These four gems that will help you manifest the power of positive thinking. Prayer, getting out of debt, meditation and conscious clear manifestation are some keys to raise your vibration higher.

Apply these suggestions to manifest the most peaceful resolution between Russia, Ukraine and other countries that want to start a fight. 

The reaction to fight back is our agreement to keep chaos and destruction going. We are responsible for how we react and the enemy is begging for a reaction. This applies to our normal daily lives as well. Just because someone wants to fight you, does not mean that you need to fight back. 

Our manifestations will not appear overnight. Remember, to make one Hollywood movie it can take up to two years. It also takes a long time to write that script as well. A lot of energy, money, time and people are involved to make their visions become a reality. You are just one person so expect your visions to be a process and not a sprint.

Humanity overall is far behind in our manifestations. However, we the people are greater in numbers and have the power to easily change the trajectory of the future by honouring our free minds and using it wisely. Your mind is a powerful tool. Do not let others use it against you.

Part 2 of this subject will be coming soon.

In the meantime, start manifesting the power of positive thinking.

Also, purchase my Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook, available on Amazon for sale. This book will help future generations eat well, live well and be happy. Thank you for your support.

Good Luck manifesting.

** This was originally posted on February 28, 2022 on mcinthehouse.com**

** This blog is newly updated on July 27, 2023**

Purchase my Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook available for sale on Amazon. Thank you for your support. 

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