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It Is All About Choice

Do We Have A Choice?

In Some Cases Yes

The first part of this blog is called manifesting the power of positive thinking and this is part 2. In another post called the significance of the year 2022 I mention that number patterns unlock gifts. The year 2022 was just one important year to unlock a combination code. Fortunately this decade from 2020–2029 is full of them. With manifesting it is all about choice therefore, be careful what you choose.

In 2022 we received the combination number of 222. It was a great time to manifest our wishes into reality in the future. By 2024 we are multiplying 22 by 4 to equal 88. This year in 2024 has a double 88. Read more about this in the blog manifesting with the number 8.

It Is All About Choice


Be Still While Still Making A Difference

When we disengage from the noise outside something shifts within us. Our nature changes and we have the ability to calm down and reflect.

Our job is to learn how to control ourselves without depending on those who cannot defend us and protect us. The stream of lies makes it harder to decipher the truth from lies. It is there to keep people confused, distracted and unprogressive.

It Is All About Choice

How Do You Manifest More Positive Energy?

1. Make yourself a priority
2. Remember what is fact and what is not
3. Be kind to yourself
4. Use positive words
5. Smile more
6. Practice Gratitude
7. Work towards accomplishing a goal

Make Yourself A Priority

We can believe false narratives by the news and end up with results that have been on display since 2020. Or we can stand back, be calm and observe their angle, intention to see what is really going on. Question the motive. By us not making ourselves a priority, the system we live in also expresses the same sentiments. They see we feel the same way about ourselves and each other. We do not prioritize ourselves first. Why should they care if we do not?

If there are people closest to you who do not want the best for you they do not like you. When those closest to you do not like you but pretend like they do, what makes you think the government wants the best for you? It is all a game to them and you are to be played with.

It Is All About Choice

Remember What Is Fact And What Is Not

Repeating Patterns

In the blog The Roaring 20s Are Back, I mention that we are repeating another cycle of an economic collapse for our near future. The currency has been devaluing for decades. This news about the economy being so bad did not occur overnight. I heard about it over a decade ago.

Humanity is being set up to be re-traumatized to stop us from actualizing as a collective human race. Yes, it is a race and we are all running. Otherwise there would not be this much attention on keeping us all distracted all the time. Our greater potentials pose a threat to the powers that want control over us. It is the reason why the world is becoming a digitally based reality. We are a lot easier to monitor and control when they can track us.

The ones involved in this have access to us all because we collectively chose to remain in debt. We are raised in a culture that teaches humanity that money grows on trees and it is okay to act this way. Then spend the rest of our lives like rats on a wheel paying it off or getting our other fellow humans to pay it off for us.


The banks bank on us not taking accountability, which is why they have accountants and collections departments. They know people are greedy because they are also greedy.

As long as we are in debt we owe someone. When you cannot pay your debts your lender is in control. This is where they wanted the world to be, exactly where we were one hundred years ago. However, this time around the impact will be more intense.

Our human race is transitioning from being organic nature earth based humans to becoming metal transformers. Robots will steal our identities turning us into indebted nobodies. The way we have treated our own human race is exactly how the A.I. technology will treat us all, with no regard.

This is not a figment of my imagination. This is our new reality. Soon a robot will be telling you and me what the law is. Meanwhile we are watching other manifestations and wishing it was us, making it become real in our lives. For example the once upon a time make belief barbie world where “life is plastic, it’s fantastic”, is now our reality. How many people have accepted this lifestyle to look, act and talk like a Barbie? We are the new real unreal world.

Accept Yourself

Before all humans throw our own selves off the map, we might need to simmer down and reflect on what is going on. There is the transference of your whole essence and energy going into metals, digitals and plastics. They have no soul, no heart, no emotions, no eating, no having babies, no real human traits, just codings on how to function. How are we thinking that rejecting ourselves on every single level possible is remotely cool? We are constantly rejecting who we are and accepting that which is not us. By doing this we are automatically phasing ourselves out.

The movie FALLEN is connected to what we are going through. We are experiencing transference of all kinds and we need to protect ourselves.

The switch to digital currency has been in the making for decades. This is why credit cards came into the picture, to get us used to not using cash. Their plan all along was to get off cash and become digital. Nowadays how many people use cash, only me? I look like an oddball using cash at the counter but if we all stop we have no control of our money.

What Is Happening With Our Money?

Pushing Cashless

Today some businesses are playing the “cashless society” card. It is part of the agenda to get people not holding their own money. You cannot do business if you use cash. Why? Because you know and I know that cash is King. They want the world to believe that the Master is the card. Soon the digital bit of a coin will be the new master if the world accepts these Tales From The Crypt.

They want people to have no control over their wealth. The times we are living in is a decades long planned out agenda switching humanity into a digital world economy. This is so that “every breath you take, every move you make, I’ll be watching you” by The Police. Soon we will be working for money conjured out of thin air. If we all go digital chances are these kinds of honest messages will no longer be available.

Movies, Music, Books and Media

The entertainment industry releases events, book, movies, songs, shows on particular dates. Then we watch them and participate in it, bringing it in our reality. You can watch all of it, but you do not have to make it a reality in your world if it is not ethical, like getting into debt and turning into a future Terminator or Barbie. These are manifestations coming to life deliberately releasing music, movies etc. on dates that have numbers that are sequenced. To know more about this check out my blogs on mcinthehouse.com.

After devaluing all the world currencies they will change our money to digital, having more power and control over humanity. This one long-term goal for total control of us all and they are almost there. Probably why they gave us Tik Tok, to tell us our time is running out. Time is running out is also a popular song from the 1980’s cartoon Gem And The Holograms. How popular have holograms become today?

This is what Google says about holograms:

One of the major trends in the hologram market is the growing adoption of holographic displays in the entertainment industry. Holographic concerts and performances have gained popularity, providing an immersive experience to the audience.

It is not by coincidence. They present it as fantasy and soon it becomes a reality.


Do Not Fear

Fear is a low vibration. Being in debt is a low vibration and North American culture supports it. Are you happy when you have to owe someone, anyone, anything? No. You are probably stressed out. Your lender is okay though. That is what they need, for you to be stressed out paying off debts and they controlling your life. This debt will be generationally passed down lifetime after lifetime.

Use Positive Words

Avoid allowing their negative manifestations to come to fruition. Change the way you do things and live your life instead of letting them tell you how they expect you to live it. Debt is not normal and it never was. It is a trap, a debt/death trap.

Spend time being kind to yourself by doing what makes you feel good without getting trapped in debts. Manifestations do not happen right away. They take time, exactly the way our controllers got into the positions they are in today.

How Are We Here Today?

Our Past And Our Future

It all began with a master plan to control humanity and they figured out all the ways to do it. The choices that we were to make in our future were likely discussed many years before by them, our controllers. It was possibly done everyday during a relaxing cup of afternoon tea. Tea is so popular because of this reason.

Now we are living out their plans for us, which is not helping us out, humans. They are relaxed and people remain stressed. This needs to change. Humans need to take their power back.

Magic is used in politics and entertainment to keep us all confused. The illusions help the confusions continue. It allows their manifestations of power and control over the world to come to fruition.

The cartoon Pinky and The Brain uses the line “take over the world”. This is their plan, hidden in plain sight. You see how they manifest? Through art.

We are entertained by their manifestation stories in art, music, theatre, media, journalism etc. Our involvement in it brings it to life. They are paid big money to hypnotize us all with magic tricks to get their jobs done. We have to learn how to use the same art of imagination in our favour. We cannot do it if we are all in debt and stressed with their traps to keep us trapped.

It is our job to see past their projections in order to tap into our own strength. This is why you need to be still because it is all about choice.

Practice Gratitude

Use the 222 frequency to create a better version for your life and the future of humanity. Happiness is our birthright and a very powerful piece of energy that many people still hold. Their plan is to crush it because they cannot handle the energy of happiness. Pure joy is too bright. Debt and conflicts keep us away from happiness and joy.

It Is All About Choice

In the blog the roaring 20’s are back I mentioned the movie Back to the Future and going back in time.

The movie Back to the Future is about altering the timeline to change the future. Marty went back in time to make sure his parents fell in love in order for him to come into existence.

In the movie Back To The Future, Doc the scientist who talks about fringe concepts is portrayed as a as crazy mad man. Several years later a t.v. show comes out called Fringe. Similarly in the TV show Fringe, the genius scientist is depicted as an eccentric as two FBI agents work closely with him, taking his lead. In both the movie and t.v. show they are dealing with portals and timelines. We are living in this now from 2020–2029. The 22 in each year is 11 + 11=22. The numbers 11/11 are a portal and therefore we all manifesting in this decade. It is not about the powers having all the control but we have a say in the matter now.

These movies and shows are predictive programming what we are experiencing. We are being taken Back to The Future. By doing this the world will relive traumas and nightmares that our ancestors endured one hundred years ago.

Work Towards Accomplishing A Goal

Work towards accomplishing a goal, like being free.

There are so many shows with similar concepts about changing timelines and going through portals and more keep coming out. They know something we are not tapping into while exposing it in our face as fiction. These movies and shows are guiding us to either find the keys and unlock our gifts or get lost in the portals that they are opening for us, which feel like a nightmare.

This is a decade of big changes. With right knowledge we can make good decisions. However, I am not sure this is enough.

Tap into our higher minds and put out what we truly want. Otherwise leaders will continue to make decisions against our higher good. While we spend our energy giving our loyalty to them, they are trapping us all. It is all about choice.

In Summary-It Is All About Choice

When we accept what does not serve our higher good we go nowhere. Debt does not serve humanity and the banks and politicians know this.

Care Bears, a cartoon made for little children teaches about kindness. Generating love from your heart heals conflicts.

Politicians need a heavy dose of the Care Bear count down, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Or maybe some long-term therapy. Get out of debt and manifest without turning into a plastic, metal, human chip.

Choose peace and love, not war. After all, this too, is a choice.

**Originally published on March 7, 2022 on mcinthehouse.com**

**Recently Updated on February 14, 2024**

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