Manifesting With The Number 8

Manifesting With The Number 8

Happy New Year Everyone. This year 2024 equals to the number 8. The number 8 represents big changes and transformations. Our minds are powerful and we can direct them in the right way in 2024 by manifesting with the number 8. This blog is a continuation of previous posts connected to manifesting in 2020 and beyond.

The people in highest positions in society know this information and use it to their advantage. The number 8 looks like an endless infinity loop symbol. Manifestations in this year and decade have the capacity of lasting lifetime after lifetime. Therefore, the best way to make things better is to quiet your mind and make that canvas blank before you start drawing our your (he)art piece.

Are There Negative Side Effects To Meditation?

Right knowledge Brings Good Manifestations

Negative side effects to meditation are that you lose interest dealing with yourself, which is likely the initial problem to begin with. It is best to tackle this at its root. I will share more about it in a future blog. When you clear your mind, room is created to manifest something. You choose the reality you want to live in.

How To Manifest In 2024?

The Power Of The Numbers 2024

This decade is a portal decade with 11+11=22 from 2020 to 2029. Each year in this decade is an important manifestation year. If people focus their energy on generating lies, deceit, unnecessary debts, criminal behaviour etc., they are setting their future up for the wild wild west.

What is happening today are glimpses of where the future is headed. If we go silent for a couple days and sit back to reflect on the world we live in we will know there is a lot going on.

With so much unfolding before us we are experiencing major changes. It is important for each person to ask what and who do you want to put your energy into? Many things want to put their energy in you only to suck you out dry.

Think It To Believe It-Manifesting With The Number 8

Our manifestations become a reality the more we believe in it. It is all in our imagination. If you have children or plan to have children, what kind of world do you want them in? An organic one that is connected to nature, trees, grass and bumble bees, or an artificially based construct? We are already in one. This is one sad manifested adventure the world is heading into by the “elites”. Are they human or did they sell us out to A(lien)s? Based on what we are going through I assume humanity has been sold out. To who? Perhaps to some kind of a(liens) on wall street?

What Is A Lien?

a right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharged.

“they shall be entitled to a lien on any lot sold”

The world is in debt and “a(liens)” are here to collect. This is why they need everyone in debt. This way they can trap everyone into control and slavery.

Centre and ground your mind. Contemplate on the world we live in and the part we play in it. Is this how we want it to be? If not, change your position in it, even if your beliefs go against the grain. The grain cannot tell one from the other anyway so none of them will help each other out. They need everyone on the same page so that no one questions anything.

“All we are is just another brick in the wall”.-Pink Floyd

Low Quality Manifestations

Lower level entities on earth want to trap people in emotions of anger, hate, loss, power and control. If people hate you, give them the freedom to do so and do not fight it. If they harm you, defend yourself. Protect your life and your destiny. Many want to steal it, depending on how big your calling is here, those who went against you will have a huge price to pay. Earth is a living library because it is alive. 

How we treat it and its inhabitants determines where we go after life. The decisions we make today determine the our future tomorrow.

From Natural To Plastic

As long as humans hurt people, a Frankenstein future is unfolding upon us. Our fight is now between natural and unnatural. It is why we are being programmed to accept ourselves as less than while accepting plastic injected into us as enhancement. We are destroying our natural organic selves to look like a plastic, lifeless barbie doll and get awarded for it.

The song “I’m a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie world, life is plastic, it’s fantastic”, is a song of a repetitive manifestation come to life. This is not art, but spell casting dark manifestations on humans. It started with a thought, turned into a song that topped the charts worldwide and is today our new reality.

Humans Losing Our Position

We are losing our race because we are brainwashed into choosing plastic and metals in our bodies as normal. They are pushing people to be inserted with metals and plastics and prance around calling ourselves “real”. This is funny to them. They can see that we do not value our own human life. Then we talk about climate change and reducing the use of plastics around the world. They are making insane look sane.

We are under hypnosis to accept unreal as real and mock real and make it unreal. Hence the song “Blurred lines”. They do not want anyone to have any sense of morality because in their reality anything goes. Do not make that your reality. Have strong boundaries to not allow useless things to enter your reality.

These are low quality manifestations. There is no law against the takeover of humanity but we are all living in it.

Few of the major manifestations coming to life right now are for the betterment of organic humans. They are more dreams being made into reality for the take over of humanity. We are living out the manifested blockbuster multi-million dollar movie: The Terminator. This was not art, but an agenda that has come to life.

New Robotic Industries

I recently went someplace where many industries are selling robots as the business franchises for organic humans to invest in. Humans are jumping buying into robots taking over humans only to soon become a nobody and then wonder how it happened. Already the world is living in an electronic fake based reality and many organic people have been fired. Is this what you want for the future? We get what we wish for.

Whose Dreams Are You Dreaming?

How Dreams Turn Into Reality

Their dreams are the storylines we watch in passionate emotional movies, t.v. shows, music, books and media. We get gripped and taken into their reality. They are collectively, like busy bumble bees, stinging us through hypnosis making their wishes come true. When we watch their movies and listen to the music, read the books we enter the state of imagination. This is where they want you, in their imagination. It is only through imagination that we can make it a reality.

Robots Are The New Family

However, their dreams are not our wishes. We are being coerced to do what is being pushed at us without our interest. I do not want Terminator robots to take over the human race but look, they are here.

I never wanted a credit card but was deliberately pushed to take one because if I do not I cannot function in this bully based reality. All this bullying because weak creatures need to have control over us. Most people work hard to sell their businesses. Credit card companies just shove it into our faces to take it or else we have no value. Always a threat from bullies.

We get abused from school about fitting in and if we do not we will be made fun of. It is a way to keep people who question our reality in check from asking any further. They need people stuck in trauma which is where most people are at. Get out of it because you are the main star! If you were not the main star this much energy would not be spent trying to destroy you.

Humans Are The Apprentice For Robots

They have already manifested that we are their Apprentice. We are fired or terminated by the Terminator, who took over the Trump card after he left The Apprentice. The Apprentice is a well known reality show. We are living out their reality show to watch us, The Truman Show. They are making manifestations against humanity. They laugh at this and we take it on like it is cool. The highest echelons of our society want humans wiped out and no one is questioning a thing but worshipping the very people who want us gone.

Organic nature based humans are being turned into metals and plastics all because someone dreams and believes one thousand percent in manifestations and we do not. They also seemed to have made negotiations with a(liens) to take over us because we are too busy paying off debts. Humans have little time to think and reflect what is going on because they are too busy running around like a rat on a wheel. This is what they want, for you to be exhausted. Get your power back.

Holding A Plaque Or The Plague

Just because someone has a plaque with their name on it does not mean they cannot be a plague. People who take advantage of organic humans are in for a harsh awakening. When you disrespect God’s children you open an invitation for other life forms to take over. We are not going to believe what is showing up for our future because of our refusal to be accountable on how we treat our own.

Nothing good comes out of those who wish bad for others. Do not waste your energy wishing bad for anyone. Stick to fruitful manifestations and live that purpose. If you want humanity to survive then promote human talents, hire humans and respect each other. This particular decade is a test on the human race, organic beings of mother nature earth to see whether we want to be taken over by robots, plastics and a(liens).

Think About Infinite Possibilities

All great things in life are possible. We are the ones ruining our possibilities. As this year starts off rocky with an earthquake in Japan and a bombing in Iran, pray for the innocent lives who are affected by them. We can change the trajectory of these manifestations on earth into a better reality for humanity.

The number 8 is an infinite loop of endless possibilities to occur for lifetimes. It is also a number of transformation. We have the ability to make positive or negative changes for ourselves that will leave long lasting effects. This is a good year to bring good vibes in your life. It is the year to dream until your dreams come true while not getting lost in others’ dream.

Manifesting With The Number 8

Spend time to wish upon a star. Otherwise the synthetic world is here to stay to be our future husbands, wives, children, family and friends. They are omitting organic humans who have a soul and emotions altogether. We are making ourselves obsolete by allowing artificial (fake) intelligence to take our jobs and our natural ways of living.

Our world will no longer have an issue with black and white, Muslim and Jewish, Russia and Ukraine. The battle is against us humans, organic based humans who are born with a soul and a connection to God. This is what is being taken away from us. The wealthiest sellouts are making robots sentient to take out all the beauty of our human essence and our intelligence. They want to turn real humans into emotionless metals and plastic. It is already happening and we keep on infighting with each other. Stop the fight because we have bigger fish to fry, figure of speech.

Power Of Emotions

Be emotionally strong. Our emotions are a superpower. We have the ability to make big shifts based on how we feel. No robot will wake up humanity like an organic human being will, unless they have been programmed to. 

Lion’s Gate 8/8 Portal

Check out the lion’s gate 8/8 portal for more information on the number 8. All throughout 2024 the number 8 will be relevant. Calculate the number for each day to know what the number is for that day.

Begin to manifest uplifting and wonderful experiences for the human race. We are the royalty who lack loyalty in each other and therefore have been infiltrated time and again. 

Change it around with your thoughts first. Love and respect your own race of humans before giving loyalty to that which feeds off you in order for it to even exist.

The Energy Of Elvis Manifestations

The day I posted this blog is Elvis Presley’s birthday, January 8, 2024. Elvis would be 89 years old today. The numbers 8+9=17 and 1+7=8. Today’s date is a 188 day, with a double number 8. Add 1+8+8=17 and 1+7=8. Today is an 8 day on an 8 year and his birthday, if he was alive, would come to 8 as well.

Twinning Around

Not only that, the 188th day of the year is July 7. July 7 is a 77. What are the odds of that? Today we have 3 twin numbers connected to Elvis’s birthday, 11/11, 8/8/ and 7/7. Elvis had a twin, but his twin died 35 minutes before Elvis was born. His twin brother’s minutes are 3+5=8. Another 8, no coincidence. Elvis allegedly died but after 2020 he came back. That is not art but a manifestation.

Their reality for humanity is an endless nightmare. Their manifestations are not for our best interests. Protect your dreams, desires, wishes and pray for better. 

In Summary Manifesting With Number 8

Make powerful positive manifestations in your life today and moving forward. The purpose of the news is to lower your vibration. It is the reason why the news comes on when you are eating your lunch and dinner. 

They want you to digest their information the same way you digest your food and feel satiated. It is energy manipulation manifested by the “most trusted news in the world”, so they say. They are creating food for thought for you. Instead of questioning what they are telling you, you watch it like it is real. It is only partially real, if even that. They are manifesting madness and feeding off it by getting people emotionally charged.

Manifest wisely because the world we live in is anything but what is blanketed for us. Veils (one of many anagrams for the word Elvis) are lifting. The best way to put it is if you do not create the reality you want there are many other people far ahead of you and I that are already there doing it. They work endlessly 24/7 and will not stop.

They have been manifesting for a long time, repeating the exact same storyline in hundreds of different ways but the manifestation is the same. This is how badly they want their dreams to come true.

Leaving A Legacy

Their legacy will continue lifetimes after lifetimes because they made them into movies that will last forever. Everyone will be able to watch The Wizard Of Oz ten thousand years from now. This story never ends and neither do the hundreds and thousands of movies that came after it. You and I are living their dreams and making them come true when we agree to their agendas being used against us. Also, many new realities are entering this decade full of portal dates.

Human D(evolution)

The organic human race is changing and what once was just a movie called Blade Runner is slowly becoming our communities, cities and countries. If we could not deal with something as basic as accepting each other for the colour of our skin, we are going to be forced to accept plastic and metal as the new real. It is kind of already here. Humans are not evolving but devolving under the guise of evolution, making ourselves look less than our fake future.

In Summary-Manifesting With The Number 8

Organic based humans are the real people of planet earth. This is happening because other beings want to reign over human beings. It is how powerful you and I are and we do not even know it because they do not want you to know this. All of this suppression, oppression, aggression and manipulation is because we are so strong but brainwashed to not know it. Is that not something?

So much is set up against us and we accept it thinking we may be lacking in something. No, we are the real McCoy and they want us. All of this is mind tricks on us to syphon our energy into their agendas. They are trying to extract everything from the earth and her natural inhabitants.

They do not care what your race is, Jewish, Asian, black or white, you and I are in this change. That is one huge manifestation going on against humans. We play a role in the outcome. Make this year as well as this decade powerful by strengthening your minds and focusing on your dreams to come true.

Manifest the best for yourself and humanity. Avoid investing in robots, plastic and metals taking over our roles in this world as they wish for us. The ones who say You’re Fired and play the lead role in the movie The Terminator see humans as a joke.

Have good wishes and positive manifestations for your world. Otherwise the plastic, robotic and metals manifestations will steal our dreams and turn them into nightmares.

Happy New Year 2024!! 

**Originally published on January 8, 2024**

**Newly published on January 15, 2024**

house, seaside, parasol-819263.jpg         Green Thumb

I am the founder of Everything Handmade. I am helping others become self-sufficient using their own hands. This website is sharing DIY home renovations, gardening vegetables in the city, cooking our own meals and building a solid foundation in times of economic instability. 

Please purchase an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. My book is to help inspire readers cook delicious vegetarian meals at a low cost. The second book is called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook Volume 2, available on Amazon. 

Thank you for your support. 

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