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Wish Upon A Star

When you wish upon a star you are manifesting. This wish upon a star blog is a continuation of my last one, dream until your dreams come true. Please read dream until your dreams come true to see how the two blogs are connected. Another reason why your dreams are so important, aside from what I share in dream until your dreams come true is because of a movie by Disney called WISH

How Powerful Are Your Wishes?

Making Dreams Come True

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The movie WISH was released on November 22, 2023. This is an 11/11/11/11/11/3 date. November is the 11th month, 22 is 11+11. The numbers 22 in 2023 are also 11+11. Last, there is the 3. This date has 5 11’s and one number 3. 5+3=8. This movie was released on an infinite No. 8 date manifestation. As we are in the New Year, I will discuss the importance of this date, coming soon.

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What Is The Power Of 11?

The Power Of The Number 11

The 11:11 portal is a gateway to another realm. Many important events in our lives are connected with the numbers 1 and 11. The Twin Towers happened on 9/11. The Japan earthquake happened on 3/11/2011-3/11/2/11. 3+2=5 and 5×11=55. 

Remembrance day is on November 11 in most countries. John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917, May is the 5/11/11/7 (9+7=16=7). Add the 7+5=12. John F. Kennedy was born on a 11/11/12 date and was assassinated on November 22, 1963. This date breaks down to 11/11/11/10/9 (10+9=19 and 1+9=10). 1+0 =1. John F. Kennedy died on 11/11/11/1 date.

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The most recent incident again is with Japan. The earthquake in Japan happened on January 1, 2024. This is a 1/1/8 date. 8×11=88. This is important because our whole year in this 2024 is a number 8 year. Be careful of the kinds of thoughts you think because our thoughts are powerful, especially at this time. If they were not, none of the dates mentioned above would be forever imbedded in the minds of millions of people. This is happening for a reason.

People remember the day John F. Kennedy died. Even though I was not alive at the time, his death impacted millions. This is not to say that other dates and numbers are not important but the number 11 in particular is of significance.

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What Does Google Say About Remembrance Day?

Do Not Forget The Past

From Google: In most countries, Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November to recall the end of First World War hostilities. Hostilities ended “at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month” of 1918, in accordance with the armistice signed by representatives of Germany and the Entente between 5:12 and 5:20 that morning.

John Lennon’s song “Imagine” was released on October 11, 1971-10/11/10/8. The number 11 is considered a spiritual gateway to the other realm for those open to receiving what is coming through. If you manifest ideas through numbers that are seen as portals you will experience those manifestations. 

The powers that be know this, which is why many events occur on double digit dates, especially pertaining to the number 11.

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Making Art Into Reality

The movie WISH conveys its message to children in an animated format to give parents the impression that it is imaginary but the message is not fake. They use drawings to convince you what you are watching is not real. We are watching a collection of drawings with actors’ voices in the background. However, the storyline is as real as our life is. It is another stark message from makers of this movie that we are the masters of our destiny and we are giving our destiny away. Watch this movie WISH to understand what is going on when you WISH upon a star.

When You Wish Upon A Star

The following lyrics are the words to the most famous Disney theme song When You Wish Upon A Star:

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When you wish upon a star

Makes no difference who you are

Anything your heart desires

Will come to you

If your heart is in your dream

No request is too extreme

When you wish upon a star

As dreamers do


Fate is kind

She brings to those who love

The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing


Like a bolt out of the blue

Fate steps in and sees you through

When you wish upon a star

Your dreams come true

Please note: The following information is from google.com. Search engine -Summary of the movie WISH as well as what this movie represents.

What Was The Movie WISH Based On?

The Story Behind The Movie

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What Is The Motivation Behind This Movie?

What It Says About This Movie 

This movie is about a man who has hold of everyone’s wishes and controls whose wish he will make come true. 

Dream Snatchers And Dream Catchers

This is the story of our lives. Our wishes and dreams are getting snatched from those honouring this 100 year legacy. We cannot get mad at them. They know how to manifest and we do not. It is pompously put in our face that the man who gets to hold everyones wishes hostage is a man called Magnifico. The ones stealing our wishes think they are magnificent. What a crazy world we live in.

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The Movie WISH-The Sorcerer Steals Your Wishes

We are all living out the Disney legacy while they are manifesting for us and having fun while at it. That is how this movie WISH came to be. This movie pays homage to their legacy of stealing our dreams. We on the other hand create over population and false gossip.

We go into their dream state thinking that it is entertainment to get ourselves away from this so-called reality. They take you in their reality, putting you under hypnosis. This makes you believe that you are separate from the storyline and it does not connect to your personal life in any way. You think you are going to the movie theatre to get away from “life” for a bit but it is just another form of hypnosis to put you under their spell. 

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The Next Day

Then go back to work the next day to your 9-5pm job and fall back asleep working under corporate giants to pay off your debts. This is exactly how manifestation works. They manifested snatching people’s dreams and to keep the world asleep working at a place they do not like. This is their legacy. Sleeping and dreaming is an important part in their legacy. Learn this from our master. Look at what they are teaching you.

What Is Our Legacy?

Currently our legacy is fulfilling their wish, to be forever stuck and making fun of one another in the process. We are not waking up to our real purpose, which is to WISH and dream until your dreams come true. This can be to wish for anything. However, do not expect results right away. They take time to make them happen, maybe even a whole lifetime.

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We are manifesters and creators. The Disney legacy is to make their dreams come true by making us lose ours.

Do You Believe In Magic?

In one movie alone the entertainment industry shares one or several other messages, programs and agendas they plan to implement for humanity. Many people are living a nightmare because they are not fulfilling their own dreams.

Manifestation is a form of magic and Disney believes in magic. Few people are using it for good. We are all under a spell by a wizard named Mickey Mouse. A supposed mouse has rulership over our minds. We took the Mickey and turned ourselves into his side piece, Minnie mouse.

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What Does Google Say About Mickey Mouse?

He is optimistic, brave, and lovable. Mickey undoubtedly stands as the global ambassador of The Walt Disney Company, and without him, Walt might not have found his success. As Walt once said, “it was all started by a mouse.”

The Evolution of Mickey Mouse | The Walt Disney Family Museum

Minnie mouse’s personality is cute, playful, musical and flirtatious. Mickey Mouse was officially born on October 1, 1928. This is a 10/1/10/10 date. His date of birth has four 1’s and four 0’s. Minnie mouse was born on November 18, 1928. This is an 11/18(666)/10/10 date. The most important figures in the Disney franchise were  created on 1’s and 0’s dates.

In Summary

I will share more about 2024 soon. This decade has the  number 22 in it which breaks down to the number 11/11, the portal. In 2020 our lives changed. I started to write about 2020 and beyond without realizing we entered an 11/11 portal in 2020. From 2020-2029, we are looking at 11/11 (11+11) manifestation portal dates on a regular basis. These are powerful times we are living in and this decade is not a walk in the park. 

Get in the habit of thinking good for yourselves and others. Pay off your debts and do not be a burden to society. Do not be jealous or envious of other people because you automatically harm yourself in the process, even if that does not show up right away.

Wishing you all to wish upon a star and to dream until your dreams comes true.

January 2, 2023

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I am the founder of Everything Handmade. I am helping others become self-sufficient using their own hands. This website is sharing DIY home renovations, gardening vegetables in the city, cooking our own meals and building a solid foundation in times of economic instability. 

Please purchase an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. My book is to help inspire readers cook delicious vegetarian meals at a low cost. The second book is called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook Volume 2, available on Amazon. 

Thank you for your support. 

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