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The Master Is A Card

What Is Your Master?

The Master And The Slave

When the master is a card our economic woes have only just begun. The credit card has control over who owns you now. The master(s) behind the card can boastfully call themselves a MasterCard. They know that the majority of people have forgotten their true master, God. In his place they come in to be a false master, a plastic credit card to convince us that they know better. When people claim God does not exist, they make credit card companies like MasterCard very happy.

The Master Is A Card

Who Is A Master?

Definition Of A Master

According to Google a master is 

A man who has people working for him, especially servants or slaves.

“he acceded to his master’s wishes”

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Do I Have A MasterCard?

Having A Credit Card

Yes I have a credit card, a MasterCard, only one and it has been the same one for many years. My credit card limit is low. Payments are always made on time. There is no interest accrued on my credit card. I had to get one without ever wanting one. 

The way the credit system works is that in order to buy larger items in the future, they judge how good you are at making payments on time. We are all pushed to get one which is why I have one. However, it is not frequently used.

The Credit Card System And Predicting The Future

Credit card companies inject themselves into our lives as an authority over our finances.  We are sold (souled) an idea that a plastic card is giving us free money and we can spend on whatever we want. The money is not free though. By keeping a monthly balance with interest carried month over month, credit card companies gain a lot of profit and power over us.

This is just the start as they head society into a cashless system. By our acceptance and usage of their idea of us not touching our own money, we are headed in a total controlled state of life. The credit card system is predictive programming our future by getting us use to not hold our own money. They hold our imaginary money that we have not yet used by giving us a fake credit to pay back on a future date without penalty, as long as we pay on time. 

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Living In A Plastic World

We are living in a plastic world. As the song goes, “Life is Plastic, it’s fantastic!”-Barbie Girl, Aqua.

What Is Aqua?

The Power Of Currency (Current Sea)

Aqua is water as well as a short form for the astrological sign of Aquarius. We are entering The Age Of Aquarius, the age of the water bearer. During this time period water will remain a prevalent theme. This means that currency will also remain a central theme in the times ahead.

In previous blogs I share that water is another word for “currency” in the banking system. Our currency is the current sea of the water. These play on words are not simply words, but they are the truth hidden in plain sight. It is up to us to catch on to what is being told to us and what we choose to do about it.

The Master Is A Card

Songs like Barbie Girl are catchy for a reason. These songs are chanting manifestations for our future reality of living in a plastic Barbie world. The songs are equally as powerful as the songs sung in church to God. The more we sing them, the more we embrace them into our reality. The difference is that hardly any songs sung for God are as catchy so the majority of people get caught singing songs we know are not good for our future.

It is also why songs repeat words over and over again several times to push a manifestation to come to fruition. Therefore, be careful of the songs you sing, for what they bring could possibly be to our detriment.

The release date of the song, Barbie Girl was in April 1997. Since that time until now in 2023, how plastic has our world become? This song came out around the time when credit card companies were targeting young students’ in universities across North America to enrol in one or more cards. 

That song was all part of a future agenda that we are living out today, 26 years later. Since the inception of the credit card industry, how much more in debt have we all become? A lot more. 

Entertainment and politics are two sides of the same coin with the same agendas, to keep humanity asleep and enslaved. 

The Master Is A Card

Mind On My Money And My Money On My Mind

That so called credit we receive from a credit card company is wanting our money and submission to them so badly. They need to watch everything we spend our money on while monitoring us 24/7.  Then they judge whether we are worthy of buying more based on how efficiently we are able to pay them off on time. We never asked for them. They came in our lives acting as our master they claim we cannot live without.

Be The Master Of Your Card

Whatever you buy using that card is up to you to pay off. A credit card company is not going to pay our bills for the money we spent. They offer a piece of plastic to come in between you and your money in order to create an extra expense that pays them for watching us spend our money.

The whole concept of a master card is based on an age old slave and master mentality system. It is a racist system on humanity, not one race of humans, but all of the human race. The master of our card is against the human race because they have manifested themselves into our lives, their customers, to turn us into their slaves. Many people cannot survive today without a credit card, thanks to their master, a plastic card.

No one needs a credit card to make a transaction. This is false information to set barriers from becoming masters of our own wealth. 

The Master Is A Card

Joker, Trump and The MasterCard

The truth about the Joker, Trump and the MasterCard is that they cannot be a master without our submission. The Joker is a trickster and the Trump card overpowers all other cards. The MasterCard is another form of trickery and control over our lives that is ever increasing. It plays both the Joker and the Trump card, hence its name, MasterCard. 

How much systematic control has there been over our lives after 1997 when the song “Barbie Girl” was released? Much more than ever before. As more people become dependant on things that need us in order for them to even be relevant, the worse this situation of power and control will get.

Meanwhile large corporations give themselves grandiose names like Master, Royal, Kings, Lions, etc. to make themselves seem important. They stand to represent themselves as big puffed up names that are only powerful off of us making them relevant. Without us a plastic card would never be our master or have the audacity to call itself that. Who is the true master here?

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Pay Off Credit Cards In Full

While the constant complaining without a solid resolution about the economy continues, we the human race, must become vigilant. Pay off your credit cards and free yourself from being a slave to your master, a useless plastic card. That plastic card is not God, but a mockery of what they want their customer to believe our God should be.

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Do Not Forget Your True Master

As long as we forget our true master, credit card companies will forever reign (rain, water), over our lives. They want to take the position of power over us because they have nothing without us. We are the ones who allow a plastic card to be our ruler and us be a slave to a plastic object.

How Do I Avoid Credit Card Interest?

Interested In Your Interests

Think twice, maybe three times before using your credit card again. If it cannot be paid off by the next billing cycle, do not enslave yourself by using it and then paying extra for late or partial payments afterwards. That interest is what all credit card companies are most interested in. That is why they call it interest. When you have extra money to pay them it makes life better for the credit card money collectors who feed off of the penalties of your missed payments. 

The Master Is A Card

How To Master Your Card?

Summary-Learn To Avoid Credit Card Interest

Credit card companies bullied their way into our lives claiming without them we cannot survive. They are supported by other large corporations that benefit over credit card companies watching over our spending habits. The amount of power and control these companies have is absurd. They could not care less how you feel about them claiming to be your master. As long as we are in debt on their cards, they will remain our master.

No lawyers are filing lawsuits against racist credit card companies working against the human race they view as their slaves. This is not a problem with skin colour. It is a problem with the race that we all are, humans. Which begs the question, what Alien race do credit cards come from?

For the Godless, your master is a card. However, for those who understand how deep the deception goes, God is the only master of this world. Avoid credit card interest as much as possible and only use your card if necessary. 

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I am the founder of Everything Handmade. I am helping others become self-sufficient using their own hands. This website is sharing DIY home renovations, gardening vegetables in the city, cooking our own meals and building a solid foundation in times of economic instability. 

Please purchase an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. My book is to help inspire readers to cook delicious vegetarian meals at a low cost. The second book is called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook Volume 2, available on Amazon. 

Thank you for your support. 

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