Things To Make Your Happy

Things to Make You Happy

We have good days and bad days. Some days are rough and other days we are right on target achieving goals. This is life, full of ups and downs. There are several things to make you happy when you are sad, although we should not ignore that feeling sad is okay.

Getting stuck in sadness for a long period of time is unhealthy. Put energy on the things that make you happy when you feel the opposite. In the winter it more common for people to feel sad. The sun is not out as often and the cold weather gives us no mood to put on five pounds of extra clothing just to stay warm. 

Here are some suggestions to make you feel better.

5 Things Happy People DON'T Do - Amy Eliza Wong

1. Sleep

Sleep does the body wonders. It is an excellent recharger. Not only is it useful to do when we are sick, but when you are feeling down and out, go to sleep. Sadness can get tiring and it takes energy out of us. Sleep calms our body down and puts our mind in a state of rest and peace. Sleep off the sadness and feel better afterwards. It will re-energize you and give a fresh new start. Even if you feel down after waking up, you will still end up being well rested and that alone will make the body feel good.

A Good Night's Sleep | National Institute on Aging

Check out Cure Yourself From Sickness Naturally to see how sleeping can help you when you are stuck with a cold or flu. Sleep is free and it is healing when we are sick or feeling down. Of course too much of anything is not good. If you are sleeping 12 hours a day then you are missing out on life. So balance is needed.

2. Perspective

Develop perspective on what you are sad about. Look at your situation in a different angle. Do you have a roof over your head and food to eat? Do you have a bed to sleep in?

If you have all three of these things, automatically you have something to be happy about. This is a luxury many people do not have or are losing. Homes are getting damaged much more frequently these days with major floods, earthquakes, mudslides, tornadoes etc. Perspective will change your state of mind pretty quickly when you realize that compared to some you are still standing.

The level of stress some are undergoing is enough to drive them mad. You likely have a chance to lift yourself out of it if you change your perspective and your position. Look at what is going right for you and what is working for you in life. If your five senses are working, be grateful and happy that these senses are in tact and functioning. It is a wonderful gift to have.

The Power of Perspective

If you lost someone you love, there is next to nothing that is going to make you happy. The only perspective in this loss is that nothing ever lasts forever. As I write and you read, we are aging. The time I wrote this and the time you read this, we have already aged. Everything is moving and passing and nothing stays the same forever. Impermanence is a fact of life.

3. Create Something

With eight billion people on this planet why do we not have 10 million car companies? With millions of different kinds of designs, models, colours, upgrades, all styles, all kinds of cars should be on the market. Why it is not possible to have almost 40 car companies in the world? ( I estimated 40 car companies when there are only 14 car companies that dominate the world!) With the high population there can easily be 10 million car companies. Then see how far creativity, uniqueness and job opportunities can go. There are so many people, men especially, who are obsessed with cars and yet we have only a handful of car companies?

COVID shortages shake up used car sales, to sellers benefit - Los Angeles Times

 Many struggle to make anything because we are raised to serve someone else. Options we are left with come from a bunch of people who are hungry for power and control. Being a creative person is our birthright. If you enjoy doing something creative, it is likely that the thing you are good at will make you happy.

Singers love to sing, dancers love to dance and artists love to draw and paint. It makes them happy. Creating something will make you happy. It will divert your attention from being down and out to having a purpose.

Park West had an INCREDIBLE selection on the Carnival Vista. On some ships, they get a

4. Work It Out

When you are down and out and need to be uplifted, work out. Jog, walk, bike, do yoga and move your body. This is going to help you release bottled up emotions and let go of overthinking. Now you have to focus on your breathing and sweat it out. Build up a sweat and raise your heart rate.

The Effectiveness on Success: How Jogging Improves Cognitive Function - Animated Explainer Videos - Switch Video - Explainer Video Production Company Blog

Move your body by dancing and listening to music if you are not in the mood to work out. Whatever the choice of movement you make, shake it off and work it out. It will shift you from feeling down and out to a bit more uplifted.

5. Write It Out

Write out what you are going through. Express it on paper in writing to help you release it. Put out what is making you feel down. This is what a diary is for. However, with this expression of sadness, write it out and then rip it up. Let out what is bothering or upsetting or making you feel sad and put it on paper for you to read. Then tear it up and let it go.

How Writing Improves Our Thinking - Residential Systems

Then take out another paper and write out solutions to the situations you are going through. Write out what you want for things to get better and how you plan on achieving it without harming someone to get it. As much as you need to write out what the problem is, you need to express it, drop it and find solutions. Otherwise it is very easy to get stuck in a rut and stay there.

Problem-solution essays

6. Get Help

Either visit a counsellor or a psychiatrist and talk to them about what is going on. Maybe their perspective will help you feel better. Or watch YouTube videos on people who know about your situation. You will be amazed how much people know. There are so many amazing people on YouTube putting out information that is invaluable. Several doctors in various fields in the medical industry are on YouTube offering free and very helpful information.

Free Vector | Psychologist therapy counseling illustration of psychology or psychiatry.

I received help listening to people on the internet who have given a perspective that is life changing. My life has changed for the better because of learning about some things that had me in the dark for a long time. The level of information coming out continues to grow and get bigger. Oftentimes sadness is brought on by someone else who has tried to make us feel that way. Make sure not to take on someone else’s sadness as your own.

7. Boundaries

It is easier said than done. People may not like to be sad, but some cannot help but make others feel miserable. They feel happy when others are down. You are not helping yourself by hanging out with such people. If I received this same advice many years ago, my life would be different. I learned this late in life and although much time is lost, it is an invaluable piece of knowledge. You do not deserve to be treated like an option or less than. If you are, drop that person like how they treat you and see your life change for the better.

It will not hurt you because you did not receive anything from them in the first place. If you are around someone who calls you their friend but undermines you, walk away. When someone gives you back handed compliments, cut down or cut off the person from your life. They will not make you happy.

Setting Boundaries at Work: Why It's Crucial - Thoughtful Leader

People who gaslight others have no love for themselves. The happiest people are the ones not competing and just living. Those competing with you when there is nothing to compete over will exhaust you with a game you do not know you are forced to play. They will not stop competing. It is very annoying.

9 Proven Ways to Beat The Competition in Business and Create a Winning Competitive Advantage | The Kickass Entrepreneur

There are some people who are obsessed with competition and in our culture, especially in North America, cannot get enough of it. Competition is healthy when it is set to be competitive. Meanwhile relationships with loved ones are not about competition and this is where relationships are imbalanced. If people treat you like a competition in a relationship they will drive you to sadness so keep your boundaries strong.

8. Watch Inspirational Movies

Watching inspirational movies is a good distraction from the sadness you feel inside. The movies can shift your perspective which will cause you to change from sad to feeling better. Many inspirational movies move us so deeply that once we watch it, we never forget that movie again.

People tend to feel more sad in the winter than during the summer time. So get outside as much as you in while you can. 
Hopefully these eight suggestions will shift your state of feeling sad to a little bit better after trying them out.

Be happy and a peace.

A New Year's Call to Prayer for 2021 - CLGS

January 17, 2022

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