
The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook

Should I Become A Vegetarian?

Looking Ahead Into The Future 2020 And Beyond

You should not become a vegetarian if it is not your cup of tea. The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook is a cookbook written by myself, pen name Green Thumb. The contents in the book offers a variety of healthy vegetarian recipes. This book is valuable when the going gets tough

After 2020 

We all know what happened in 2020 and beyond. As of yet the situation is not ended. This book is a guide to help prepare us for the future so that we can live an abundant vegetarian lifestyle at a low cost.

Two Vegetarian Cookbooks For Now And The Future

My second book is now available on Amazon. It is called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook. This book is a continuation of the first book I published called, Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. Anyone who is looking to incorporate a vegetarian lifestyle will benefit from owning both books. They provide a foundation for living a meatless lifestyle and are great investments for future generations. 

What Will Food Be Like In The Future?

Changing The Quality Of Our Food

The quality of our food is vastly changing. People who were alive in the 1940’s will easily tell you this is true. There are more and more GMO items sold in the grocery store, including fruits and vegetables sold in the produce section. Aside from growing our own garden, cooking our own meals is becoming more essential.

Benefits Of Owning My Vegetarian Cookbooks

My books provide hearty and healthy meals that are a fraction of the cost compared to buying meat. It is evident that having good quality food is not only an issue currently but a problem for the future as well. 

The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Cookbook is a practical and effective way to cut down your expenses and eat healthy meals at the same time. All the recipes are vegetarian and vegan as well. Some of the ingredients for the recipes came directly from my small backyard in the city. All the dishes are low in cost and high in value.

Why Should We Do Everything Ourselves When Technology Can Do It For Us?

Relying On Artificial Intelligence And “Elites”

We think in this modern age of A.I. and all the solutions it provides that somehow we can just leave behind our own innate human skills. By doing so we make ourselves useless. Our human vessel is not here to miss out on our own strengths, but make them better naturally.

The Minds Of The Richest Class In Society

The minds of the richest class in society are deliberately pushing us in a position of helplessness and not being self-sufficient. This way of living does not benefit humanity in any way, but it does help out a select few. The more we accept the convenience of robots, the greater our co-dependence increases on the system to provide for us. 

That is when we have no control over our own lives. This is to stop you from being free and freedom is priceless. Both of my books are a taste of freedom because you are not relying on me to spoon feed you. The information is there and you are able to do it on your own and get even better. This is power.

An Important Side Note:

Artificial intelligence does not eat, it never gets hungry and it does not need food. A robot will not get pregnant, take time off work, get sick, get emotional, say no, get paid, need to get paid, does not complain, does not think for itself and much more. You see how much A.I. is seen as more valuable than humans for corporations? When it comes to money it costs them more to hire humans than it does robots. 

These companies that push A.I. to do our jobs are telling humans to sit back, do nothing and be nothing. We are allowing ourselves to get pushed out of our own human race. If you think humanity is not getting kicked to the curb very soon I am telling you we are and you will feel it.

How Can I Eat Healthy Without Over Spending?

Prepare Now For The Future Ahead

Knowing how to be a gardener and cooking on your own vegetarian meals is valuable for you and your family for generations to come. You are not relying on me, the system, Big Brother or an organization to have to come to feed you. There will be no need to go to soup kitchens and eat processed outdated canned tomato soup. You will be able to make meals on your own and be self-sufficient and independent.

Investing In My Vegetarian Cookbooks

With the purchase of both of my original self-made cookbooks you receive a foundation on how to make cost effective, high quality, healthy and abundant delicious vegetarian meals for the rest of your life. You save a lot of money doing it on your own because the price of food is going to keep rising drastically. The most valuable investments in our times now are right knowledge and teaching our human family to gain our power back.

Purchase an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook and The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook on Amazon today. Thank you for supporting my work and building a healthier lifestyle for you.

In Summary-The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook

I hope you make delicious healthy meals from the recipes in this book and an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook and enjoy an abundant lifestyle. 

Thank you for buying my book. Blessing you and your family ten fold in return.

January 23, 2024

house, seaside, parasol-819263.jpg         Green Thumb

I am the founder of Everything Handmade. I am helping others become self-sufficient using their own hands. This website is sharing DIY home renovations, gardening vegetables in the city, cooking our own meals and building a solid foundation in times of economic instability. 

Please purchase an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. My book is to help inspire readers cook delicious vegetarian meals at a low cost. The second book is called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook Volume 2, available on Amazon. 

Thank you for your support. 

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