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Choose Your Own Adventure Home

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Am I A Creator Or Destroyer?

Setting A Foundation

In the last message about Brainwashing Us To Gene Aside, I share how humanity is in a bit of situation. This blog outlines ways to navigate through these times of brainwashing us to gene aside. Ultimately, you know what is best for your soul. In this lifetime you are here to choose your own adventure home.

Control Your Own Mind

If you do not choose your own adventure home someone else will do it for you. Most of them will make sure you never make it. Question your reality and what you choose to buy into. Everyday when you wake up someone is selling you something. It is your choice to buy it or keep on going. In the end we will all leave this plane. Each one of us is choosing a different way to get there. However, choosing your own adventure home determines how long it will take to get there.

Choose Your Own Adventure Home

How Can I Get Grounded?

Meditation Is Free Medication

In this decade, from 2020-2029 we have a great opportunity to create a new vision for our future as a collective. It is an important time to be level headed and grounded. Keep our genes, DNA, which is our genetic code imprint and our connection to the planet Earth in tact. 

The more our blood gets tainted and destroyed, the further we are from our divine purpose. It is essential for humans to raise our vibrations. Meditation helps raise the frequency of the planet. The more one meditates, the greater we increase our chances of surviving the brainwashing us to gene aside.

Get grounded by doing two things. One is going for a walk and the second one is meditation.

What Does The System Support?

Taking Over Your Mind

The system needs our mind which is why the word “Government” means mind control. The word “Govern” means Control and “Ment” is Mind (latin). Their minds are focused on managing our thoughts. As long as you and I are agreeing with whatever the government says, we are not using our own mind. You cannot allow the government to do the thinking for you and then complain they are not doing it right. Their job is not to do it right but to do it with power. Their role is power and control over your mind, that is it. Think logically and morally for yourself and others. The more of a “groupie” mentality you have, the harder it will be to think for yourself. 

Practice Silence

Meditation is natural free medication. 

**Do not get off your medications by reading this message. You are responsible for your own health**. 

Meditation does wonders on training yourself to stay centred no matter what is going on around you. Practice this and watch your demeanour change. This is not a religion, although religions do practice it and it is not a cult or a sect. It is none of that kind. You can sit where you are right now and close your eyes and ground yourself. Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jewish, Sikhs and atheists can all practice meditation, receive the benefits, help raise your vibration and help others in the process.

Choose Your Own Adventure Home

Why Are Human Beings So Lucky?

The Fortune Of Being A Human

We are very fortunate to be alive in a human form. We have the capacity to use our brain cells for higher levels of thinking. As a result of this power, we can elevate as a person, enriching our life experiences. Animals, as sweet as many of them are, do not have the ability to question what is going on or use discernment. Human beings are born lucky because we came in as a human being with a creative mind.

Advantages Of The Human Form

This gives us the advantage on how to direct the narrative of our life story. It is a gem to be a human being. The reason why so many people are having a hard time on earth is because of two reasons. The first is that we are around people who secretly hate us and cannot see us happy. They are plotting against us and hope to see us fail. The second is that the first person is us. If we are haters, jealous, envious, competitive, please seek help or pray to God to take these horrible feelings away. No one needs to compete on earth unless we are in an actual competition.

We are not here to waste our time putting others down and their destiny in life. The system we live in passive aggressively puts humanity down by pushing us to do things based on lies and fear. There is a high price to pay when you mess with others path and purpose.

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What You Invest In-Choose Your Own Adventure Home

Invest your time and energy in yourself and what is the least path of resistance while maintaining your integrity. There is no value is lowering your value to help lift the energy of others. They will likely bring you down before you can lift them up.

Choose Your Own Adventure Home

What Is Karma?

Karma Is Everywhere

God is karma and the purpose of karma is to serve justice, which is “just ice”. Karma is the results of our measuring stick based on how far we will go to get what we want. Depending on the decisions we make in life, how we treat others, how others treat us, karma plays its power when the time is right. 

Do not be surprised to find out that if you tried to hurt someone and broke them apart that person elevated. Especially if that person did nothing to hurt you in return, they got good karma. If they let it go, something in their life changed for the better. That is karma. The same applies when you choose to harm others and hide your hand. Karma saw it and is coming to deliver the results. 

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The Steps We Take

The fortune of being a human being is that we can choose our own adventure. However, with our choices come karma. Karma is a reaction from our actions. It is present in every religion, including universal spiritual laws. No one can escape karma because it is cosmic law. It has our address even if we are living out on the streets or hiding in a cave. 

In my next message I will share exactly what karma is because it is the most powerful measuring stick to follow in your life.

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Choose Your Own Adventure

Do your remember the series of books called Choose your Own Adventure? I came across these books as a young teen and was hooked.

These books were a lot of fun to read and very interesting. Creative novels like this one, for example, are a great way to help expand our mind to other possibilities. The book begins with an introductory story. After 10-20 pages of reading, the story veers off in different directions based on the choices you make. You choose which page you wish to go to from the options it provides after the introduction is complete. Depending on where you land, the story changes the fate of the adventure. Either the experience ends abruptly or it continues and gets better and possibly ends really well. 

What Is So Great About Choose Your Own Adventure?

Teaching Us How To Manifest

The series of books teach us that we came here to experience adventures in this human form. We choose what adventure we wish to embark on based on the decisions we make. We all start off with a base. Everyone comes in with a certain foundation, even if it is difficult. Then we choose what we want to do and where we want to go. Many of us face difficult decisions in our lives and these decisions have fixed results.

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There are tons of pitfalls along the way. Some of us experience the pain of wasting our energy on things that do not serve us. Our reaction determines where our next adventure will take us. We cannot control how others behave and what they do, but we can manage ourselves. By doing this alone we can shift the outcomes of what is projected at us and change the storyline.

Individual and Collective Adventures

Most of us are running around feeding a system that is not serving our higher good. When you choose your own adventure you can remove yourself from the script of how the system wants us to play our life. Venture on your own spiritual path while in alignment with the collective without harming others. 

Choose Your Own Adventure Home

Appreciate Your Uniqueness

We are all different people. When we follow a system that does not serve our higher selves then it is not elevating us individually and collectively. This is why most people in this adventure called “Life” are unhappy and lost. 

Should I follow A Crowd?

Following A Crowd Off A Cliff

Just because you do not believe or follow the narrative the system is selling you, it does not mean you are insane. It means you do not agree with what they are selling and you and that is it. Do not bully people (who have a mind of their own), to listen to leaders who cannot lead. 

Setting You Up For Failure

People who sabotage you to fail are choosing their future to be met with the same kinds of people. Anyone focused on you failing in life is an automatic failure. They did not win any game and no competition because you were their competition. Otherwise no one would be coming after you if you are such a “loser”. Your situation was not set to be fair from the start so you did not fail, but were sabotaged. 

It is not a tough choice to leave those who are falling off a cliff. They expect you to come follow them down a trap they set up for you. Let them go and say no thank you to taking yourself out in the process. Choose your own adventure home. Do not leave this earth before your time. Make the best of what you have and work with it. 

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What Adventure Is Humanity On?

On A Rollercoaster

Currently we are all on many adventures. As of today the world is undergoing a major transformation to convert us all into one being. Soon we will all speak one language. We will have a one-world currency, look one way, sit the same, eat the same foods, talk, walk, shop, work, sleep, teach, learn, pray the same, etc. 

Humanity is withdrawing from our own unique beautiful real selves. We are throwing ourselves out of our own life paths. When it is too late we will realize that all of our cultures, languages, food, clothing, style, music, entertainment is withered away into dust. This too is an adventure we are on.


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Diluting The Hue Mans In This Race

Instead of the human race embracing our cultures, religions, languages, food, skin colours, style of clothing, ways of giving our praise to God, etc., we are turning into a hot mess human. It is becoming harder for people to know who they are and what are their roots? 

When I mention a hot mess human, it does not include mixing races and bloodlines. The purpose of this natural process is to raise the love vibration of humans on earth. Brainwashing us to gene aside is the roll out in 2020 which is not natural but tampering with our DNA. 

This process of dilution is what the system is calling “coming together”. Hue mans are actually falling apart the way the system is bringing us together. This is not humans coming together but rather it is us “losing our religion” through R.E.M. sleep music. Our natural way of living with the earth and respecting nature is disconnecting. Change this around and stay connected to nature and fellow humans. Our Earth and race is changing. 

In Summary-Choose Your Own Adventure Home

Choose Your Own Adventure Home

Losing The Hues In Mans Race-Chose Your Own Adventure Home

We are undergoing the loss of our identity in this world by following a path devoid of our hue man essence. The hues in each persons skin colour is relevant for elevating the hue man race. Based on the way our world is going with brainwashing us to gene aside, if it persists, we as individuals will not be able to do what we came here for. We are here to elevate spiritually in a human form. Therefore, choose your own adventure home wisely. Disconnect from that which does not serve your higher good. 

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A metal form of us like A.I. will not help us reach God. A.I. has no heart and does not pray to God, unless programmed to, but it preys on people. Its purpose is to take over our purpose. 

Human beings can still connect to God. We are on earth because this is our planet and our land. Earth is extremely precious and has a lot of natural resources that are being abused. We are not supposed to allow foreign entities to take over our planet and set our genes aside. Learn to speak up and say no. 

As of 2020 and beyond our reality is being taken over by metals and plastics. The system we live in is injecting unidentified liquid elements in us because we keep choosing to reject each other. Instead we follow a fear based narrative that traps us from evolving and prefers us gone anyway. 

If you want to choose your own adventure home, start respecting the hue man race. All the hues of each men in the race are in this together. While working separately in our own respective lanes we help each other evolve as one race, a human race. Hue mans have the ability to raise the vibration of our planet by choosing our own adventure home. 

This can help solve a major problem of brainwashing us to gene aside.

March 19, 2024

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I am the founder of Everything Handmade. I am helping others become self-sufficient using their own hands. This website is sharing DIY home renovations, gardening vegetables in the city, cooking our own meals and building a solid foundation in times of economic instability. 

Please purchase an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. My book is to help inspire readers cook delicious vegetarian meals at a low cost. The second book is called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook Volume 2, available on Amazon. 

Thank you for your support. 

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