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Brainwashing Us To Gene Aside

What Is Our Reality?

When The Curtains Fall

We are living in a Twilight Zone sci-fi horror non-fiction reality. Since 2020 the so called educated intellectuals are brainwashing us to gene aside ourselves. 

Putting Our Genes Aside

Our DNA is affected negatively from the Hollywood “Bat”man movie being played out on the masses since the start of this decade. Many people have lost their lives as a result of putting our genes aside. I lost my father from it. Where are the lawyers and doctors up in arms about this open, in our faces, mass genocide? Based on their actions, they are supporting it. This gene aside agenda is a worldwide mass legal, illegal genocide.

Brainwashing Us To Gene Aside

What Is Eugenics?

What Google Says:

It is a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population.

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What Is Agenda 2030?

Power And Control

According to the internet Agenda 2030 is a beautiful utopia where there will be no hunger and poverty. We will all live in peace and prosperity. However, no one will own anything but the controllers. They will own our land, our crops, our water, our produce, our air and alter or destroy our DNA.

Our Coded DNA Is Valuable

Our DNA is getting attacked. Your freedom is priceless and they want your freedom. Our DNA has codes that unlock our innate brain strengths and abilities, many of which are dormant. They do not mention this part. The decade starting in 2020 has been preparing us to accept living like prisoners. By 2030 we will be prisoners and forced to live in an invasive and controlled society. Is this what you want?

Brainwashing Us To Gene Aside

Racism And Brainwashing Us To Gene Aside

The only real virus that exists are the “leaders” culling the human race into extinction. We humans are being erased out of our own race. Our human race is dying even when the population is over 8 billion people. 

The Ones They Plan To Take Out First

First it was black people who were put under deep R.E.M. sleep. While sleeping the people underwent “Losing My Religion”. They had their beliefs stripped away. They are the only ones who had their religion and beliefs taken away from them. Then they were coerced to follow other religions. By normalizing this abuse eventually all of our religions will be watered down to nothing along with our DNA. 

Brainwashing Us To Gene Aside

The Way We Treat Each Other

When black people were viewed as a lowest breed of the human race, no one helped them out. No one protected them from abusive violent offenders, no one stood up for them or respected them. The world has been watching how humans treat our own race of humans. We do not help and uplift one another. 

We Do Not Protect Our Own Race

Our lack of protecting our own people is disrespectful and the downfall of our human race. If we cannot stick up for one another, what makes anyone assume that some outsider will protect you?

The tyrannical system we live in is brainwashing us to gene aside ourselves. These sadists are laughing at us while we laugh and abuse each other. It is an endless joke on us because we keep abusing each other thinking we are winning in some way. No, we are losing our race, hue man race. We are not paying attention to our own demise and need to see our reality for what it is, a mass gene aside.

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What Is So Important About 2020?

2020 And Beyond

After 2020 our human race has changed. This means that our reality has also shifted. Many people are not the same anymore. The consequences of the actions made in 2020 are evident. 

Trusting The Untrustworthy

I warned people not to jab my father and they did. Two weeks after he got the gene aside he left the earth. We are in trouble humanity. As long as you ignore what is going on with our Arms Wide Open, our Creed will change or die off. 

Chanting Songs Into Our Reality

Do you see how the leaders put the agenda in music bands and songs? Madonna sings the song, Like A Prayer, with the words,

It’s like a dream to me….

Just like a prayer, your voice can take me there (just like a prayer)
Just like a muse to me, you are a mystery (your voice can take me there)

It is through the muse of music and entertainment that they put us in a dream state of imagination that manifests into reality. That is how manifestation works. Humanity is living out the manifestations of people who want us gone.

The repeated generational abuse is being normalized to everyone. First the storyline to humanity was that all black people are the problem so they were heavily targeted. After destroying them enough, they can no longer use black people as a shield to hide their diabolical agenda against humanity. This behaviour is outdated which is why everyone is a problem now and we all must stay at home and never go out. When we do, everything is watched and monitored, like we are criminals in our own home. 

Targeting Everyone

According to our leaders, the whole human race is a problem and we are the TARGET, a North American superstore. Who will the bullies bully now that they are getting targeted as well? After 2020 bullies must realize that there are bigger bullies than them. They are not the sharpest tools in the shed after all. 

Brainwashing Us To Gene Aside

How Can I Be A Stronger Person?

Take Back Your Power And Control Yourself

The human race is transforming into a walking zombie apocalypse. Just because people stand on a platform with some certificates that back them up claiming them to be educated, it does not mean they cannot be an insane lunatic who wants to “take over the world”. After all, Pinky And The Brain wanted it and they were a mere animation.

Observe Your Surroundings

Look at the people in your own personal life who want to control you, the way you think and how you live your life. There are people around you who do not want to see some of you successful and happy. By keeping you down they feel superior and in control. 

If we want to control others and ruin others lives to get ahead and hide our hands in the process, who says the system does not want the same control over you? Yes, of course they do. This is what the agenda is all about, power and control over humanity. They want our freedoms and we are giving it away. Stop it. Learn to say NO.

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Who Is Batman And What Is He Robbing?

Batman And Robin

This 2020 rollout of “Bat”man is done by the leaders who hate humans. Or have our leaders been taken over by some other alien entity and we have no leaders? This could be a possibility but whatever the situation is, there is a takeover of our race, human race. 

This decade 2020 and beyond is a worldwide agenda to gene aside us all and start a new race. Our race is being erased. Batman is the culling who is robbing the human race from reaching our true highest potentials. 

Giving Animals The Status Of A Human

This is why everything non human and their dog is treated better than human beings. Their manifestations are not “Beauty And A Beau”, It is “Beauty and The Beast”. The program is to get us beautiful people to fall in love with beasts and normalize it.

As of today XL bully dogs are still attacking humans on the streets and The Police, who see “Every move you make, every breath you take I’ll be watching you”, are doing nothing to stop it. They need people to get a Sting because it weakens you and gives them more power and control. These sellouts like XL bully dogs more than they like human beings which is why we are living in an abusive system without protection. It is time to respect and protect yourself and each other if you want to get out of this trap. 

Protect The Hue Man Race

More than three years after “Bat”man showed up, our Gotham city planet earth remains in complete darkness and Batman still lingers on. This 2030 agenda is strategically brainwashing us to gene aside every colour in the human race. These same people who went against humanity may likely end up getting targeted if they complete their mission of getting rid of us. They too will get gene aside because of involving themselves in selling humanity out.

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How Can I Survive The Gene Aside?

Brainwashing Us To Gene Aside

This gene aside was planned out long before you and I were even born. There is a worldwide agenda to wipe out all organic based natural humans off this planet earth. A diabolical group of deranged individuals are destroying our home, planet earth as well as us. This is our planet and we want it protected and we must protect ourselves.

These deranged leaders are not only telling us what they are doing repeatedly in entertainment but have gone as far as brainwashing us to gene aside ourselves away without a fight. They are not our parents and do not have the best interests for us. We have to stop following a bunch of mentally disturbed people in power. The only way to survive this gene aside is to not accept what is being sold to you. 

Brainwashing Us To Gene Aside

The Power Of The Trump Card

The sci-fi non-fiction story of our reality is unfolding. For anyone who is pro Trump, he is the number one president for the gene aside. This is his agenda. If anything happens to Trump in his leadership good or bad, it is because it is a planned event that is part of the agenda. 

The Trump Project -Blowing The Trumpets

He is the 2030 Agenda in the making. This is why he has been in our lives for decades. That is why he is chosen to have such an open platform. He can say and do whatever he wants because we are his Casino being played like poker chips.

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He holds the Trump card, the card that over powers every card in the deck in poker. I cannot and do not know how to play Poker and have not played a poker game, but I know the Trump card is the ultimate card to break down the house of cards.

How Do Celebrities Take Part In The Gene Aside?

Going Lady Ga Ga Over Poker Face Trump

The Don (Dawn Of A New Day), is an owner of Casinos, a casino man, a Rain Man, who is reigning over our world and is known for saying, “You’re Fired”. After he left the reality T.V. show, The Apprentice, he hired The Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to fire everyone. The movie Terminator is about wiping out humanity. How many people lost their jobs after 2020 or changed their profession? This is all part of the plan. The Apprentice reality show was about “Money, money, money……MONEY!” It was the chant to the start of every episode.

Be Mindful Who You Follow And Respect

The people we trust, look up to and fan over laugh at us taking ourselves out. Now the United Nations along with Presidents who support the gene aside are controlling our world. The United Nations is taking over humanity and using everyone against each other to take ourselves out. We cannot be free if we continue to accept this culling of our human race.

In Summary- Brainwashing Us To Gene Aside

How Can We Change This Around?

Spread The Word

This blog outlined a major problem with our current situation. It is one problem of many, but by far the most pressing matter in our lives at the moment. We have less than 6 years before they go full force on us. I am not a powerful person but an average Joe living in your neighbourhood. My life is quiet and normal. 

Higher Authorities In Power

If anyone in a position of high authority reads this message and can see what I see and has the authority to do something to help humanity out of this mess, please do. Speaking the truth is the first step to freedom.

Value Yourself More Than Valuing Those Who Mock You

You and I are more valuable than we realize. This agenda is about the take down of the human race. There is a power that we have and they, our controllers, want it. Otherwise all this effort to take you and I out would not be happening. 

Brainwashing Us To Gene Aside

Soon you will receive solutions to change this storyline if you want humans to win this race. This is the story about us. We are the central and most important people in the whole story. 

Even though we cannot do anything about what has been done in the past we can change the outcome for our future, if we choose to. It is all about choice.

Prepare for your future. Purchase my books:

Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook

The Complete Meatless Vegetarian Lifestyle-Volume 2

Thank you for your support. Stay safe.

March 5, 2024

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I am the founder of Everything Handmade. I am helping others become self-sufficient using their own hands. This website is sharing DIY home renovations, gardening vegetables in the city, cooking our own meals and building a solid foundation in times of economic instability. 

Please purchase an Authentic Homemade Vegetarian Cookbook. My book is to help inspire readers cook delicious vegetarian meals at a low cost. The second book is called The Complete Meatless Lifestyle Vegetarian Cookbook Volume 2, available on Amazon. 

Thank you for your support. 

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